The aim of this study was to examine the practicality of Alternative Assessment in Ethiopian higher education Amharic Language context. The study also endeavor to seek the barriers that hinder the implementation of Alternative Assessment. In order to achieve the goals of the present study, the researcher used Assessment preference questionnaire and in-depth interview instruments. The data collected from 35 Amharic Language instructors teaching at higher Education institutions. The data were analyzed through the qualitative and quantitative methods. The result of the study indicated that the practicality of Alternative assessment in higher education Amharic language is averagely low (M= 2.232; SD=.381; scale, 1.00-2.33=Low). surprisingly, the majority of participants are aware of Alternative assessment, but they can't define its practicality in classroom learning process. The study revealed that in spite of Amharic language instructors’ knowledge of Alternative Assessment and their agreement with Alternative Assessment implementation criterias, but they rarely apply in their Language context. The main barriers that hinder the practicality of Alternative assessment in higher Education Amharic Language instructors are, time consuming, inappropriateness to correction and not suitable for grading. Further researches should revealed that Amharic Language instructors, why not interested to implement Alternative assessment in their Language context.
Keywords: Alternative Assessment, Traditional Assessment, Amharic Language, Amharic Language Instructors, Higher Education