This paper delves into crucial issues surrounding attempts to make flawless Qur’anic recitation, in Nigeria, a permanent tradition. The paper identifies major militating factors against an error-free recitation of the holy Qur’an in Nigeria as a basis for locating appropriate remedial programmes. The study discovered that factors such as acquisition of deficient typologies, language interference, complexity of the rules, lack of awareness dearth of specialists, dearth of relevant texts, underutilization of orthographic symbols and methodology used in imparting the knowledge constitute major impediments towards achieving ideal recital of the Qur’an. In proffering relevant remedial measures like the teaching of the ideal typologies of Qur’anic recitation supported by a well planned curriculum, the paper concludes that the rectification of diagnosed deficiencies in reciting the Qur’an is feasible, in the long run, provided the intervention strategies proposed are effectively implemented.
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