Full Length Research Paper
This paper aims to show that in Africa there are thought systems that can have equivalent value with the scientific practices in the Western paradigmal system though it is not itself paradigmal. The Western thought system by its nature is exclusive for other traditions of scientific practice by its claim that science is deeply rational, universal and methodological. African scientific practices actually lack this method and universality because these scientific practices are found highly embedded in the culture and religion of different Africans. But these African scientific practices in most cases are as valid as and sometimes better than the so called Western science. For this we can raise the issue of African traditional medicine and Metallurgy among many other things. A qualitative method with secondary data sources like books, journal articles, and other papers is employed. The paper will explore in its first section the nature of African thought systems, in its second section it will discuss the nexus between African culture and its thought systems, then in the third section, it will see African religion and the thought systems.
Key words: Science, thought system, paradigm, Western science.
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