Full Length Research Paper
This was a cross sectional study designed to assess the level of awareness, ownership and use of insecticide treated bed nets (ITNs) by pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Anambra state, South Eastern Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was self administered to 700 volunteer pregnant women aged 17 to 45 years recruited during routine antenatal care in selected hospitals in the study area to capture information on use of ITNs. The information obtained was analyzed using simple ratios, percentages and charts. The result showed that 651 (93%) of the women were fully aware of the use of ITNs during pregnancy, 420 (60%) owned ITNs in their homes while only 308 (46%) used the nets partially or wholly, and 392 (56%) never used the nets. The level of awareness of pregnant women concerning the use of ITNs was high while actual ownership and use was low. Public health education needs to be intensified to create more awareness and increase ownership and use.
Key words: Insecticide treated nets, pregnant women, Anambra State, South Eastern Nigeria.
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