How to cite this article
Awel, A. A., Lema, T. B., & Hebo, H. J. (2016). Nutritional status and associated factors among primary school adolescents of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities, Mieso Woreda, Somali Region, Ethiopia: A comparative cross-sectional study. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 8(11), 297-310.
Chicago /
Abdulkadir Abdella Awel, Tefera Belachew Lema and Habtemu Jarso Hebo. "Nutritional status and associated factors among primary school adolescents of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities, Mieso Woreda, Somali Region, Ethiopia: A comparative cross-sectional study." Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 8, no. 11 (2016): 297-310.
Abdulkadir Abdella Awel, Tefera Belachew Lema and Habtemu Jarso Hebo. "Nutritional status and associated factors among primary school adolescents of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities, Mieso Woreda, Somali Region, Ethiopia: A comparative cross-sectional study." Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 8.11 (2016): 297-310.