How to cite this article
Mongbo, V., Adadja, J., Saizonou, J., Biaou, A., Makoutode, P., Sossa-Jerome, C., & Edgard-Marius O. (2022). Associated factors with early pregnancies in school settings in the southwestern region of Benin. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 14(1), 21-28.
Chicago /
Virginie Mongbo, Judicael Adadja, Jacques Saizonou, Alphonse Biaou, Patrick Makoutode, Charles Sossa-Jerome and Edgard-Marius Ouendo. "Associated factors with early pregnancies in school settings in the southwestern region of Benin." Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 14, no. 1 (2022): 21-28.
Virginie Mongbo, et al. "Associated factors with early pregnancies in school settings in the southwestern region of Benin." Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 14.1 (2022): 21-28.