Journal of
Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy

  • Abbreviation: J. Pharmacognosy Phytother.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2502
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPP
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 235


Bee propolis: Production optimization and applications in Nigeria

Okhale S. E.
  • Okhale S. E.
  • Department of Medicinal Plant Research and Traditional Medicine, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, P. M. B. 21, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Google Scholar
Nkwegu C.
  • Nkwegu C.
  • Department of Medicinal Plant Research and Traditional Medicine, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, P. M. B. 21, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Google Scholar
Ugbabe G. E.
  • Ugbabe G. E.
  • Department of Medicinal Plant Research and Traditional Medicine, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, P. M. B. 21, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Google Scholar
Ibrahim J. A.
  • Ibrahim J. A.
  • Department of Medicinal Plant Research and Traditional Medicine, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, P. M. B. 21, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Google Scholar
Egharevba H. O.
  • Egharevba H. O.
  • Department of Medicinal Plant Research and Traditional Medicine, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, P. M. B. 21, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Google Scholar
Kunle O. F.
  • Kunle O. F.
  • Department of Medicinal Plant Research and Traditional Medicine, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, P. M. B. 21, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Google Scholar
Igoli J. O.
  • Igoli J. O.
  • Department of Chemistry, College of Sciences, University of Agriculture, P. M. B. 2373, Makurdi, Nigeria.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 09 October 2019
  •  Accepted: 22 July 2020
  •  Published: 31 March 2021


Propolis is a resinous substance produced by bees with a wide range of medicinal uses. It is collected by bees from buds, leaves and bark exudates of several plants in both tropical and temperate regions. Propolis is sometimes referred to as “bee glue” as it is produced by bees for sealing and protection of their hives. Exploration and research into propolis and its biologically active constituents is increasing. Bee farming has become a popular commercial venture in several Nigerian communities and propolis which is a by-product of the bee hive is increasingly being produced and wasted as the economic benefits are completely unknown to the farmers or bee keepers. Propolis production has proven to be economically viable and sustainable. Phytochemical investigations of propolis had yielded several biologically active compounds which are potential drug candidates. This review examines local production and under-exploitation of propolis as a potential source of sustainable wealth creation in Nigeria.

Key words: Propolis, bee farming, production optimization, applications, wealth creation.