Journal of
Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy

  • Abbreviation: J. Pharmacognosy Phytother.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2502
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPP
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 237

Table of Content: April-June 2020; 12(2)

April 2020

Phytochemical profiling, body weight effect and anti-hypercholesterolemia potentials of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius leaf extracts in male albino rat

The present study investigated the phytochemical constituents of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius leaves extracts and its anti-hypercholesterolemia potentials using standard analytical methods. Forty five male albino rats weighing (115-121 g), divided into nine groups of five rats were used.  Group I served as the control while the other groups were administered 200, 400, 600 and 800 mg/kg body weight of aqueous and...

Author(s): Chukwu, Ezinne.C., Osuocha, Kelechi U., Iwueke, Adaku V    

April 2020

Antioxidant and alpha amylase inhibitory activity of Nepalese medicinal plants from Gorkha district

The aim of this study is to evaluate the antioxidant activity, α-amylase inhibition activity, estimation of total phenolic and flavonoid content and the toxicity in ten medicinal plants Woodfordia fructicosa, Tectaria coadunate, Prunus cerasoides, Abrus precatorius, Eclipta prostrate, Poranopsis paniculata, Chenopodium album, Oroxylum indicum, Curcuma caesia, and Butea monosperma collected from Gorkha District of...

Author(s): Junita Rai, Khaga Raj Sharma and Yuba Raj Pokharel  

April 2020

Macroscopic and microscopic features of diagnostic value for Warburgia ugandensis Sprague leaf and stem-bark herbal materials

Warbugia ugandensis is among the ten most utilized medicinal plants in East Africa. Stem-bark and leaves are used as remedies for malaria, stomachache, coughs and several skin diseases. Consequently, the plant is endangered because of uncontrolled harvest from the wild and lack of domestication. There is therefore fear of poor quality commercialized products due to lack of quality control mechanisms. The objective of...

Author(s): Onyambu Meshack Ondora, Nicholas K. Gikonyo, Hudson N. Nyambaka and Grace N.Thoithi  

May 2020

Hypoglycaemic activity of preheated (roasting) Aframomum citratum (C. Pereira) K. Schum and Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumach & Thonn.) fruits beverage on Streptozotocin-induced rats

Tetrapleura tetraptera and Aframomum citratum fruits are used as spices and in the traditional pharmacopeia in Cameroon. They are mostly combined and preheated for many purposes while cooking. The effects of roasting on the phenolic content of spices, phenolic profile of a beverage made with the mix of roasted spices and its hypoglycaemic activity on diabetes complications were investigated. Aqueous extract (infusion:...

Author(s): Eyenga Manga, Takuissu N. G. R., Ziyyat A., Ngondi J. L. and Sindic M.,