There has been an increased report of anthropogenic activities around Oyan Lake, Nigeria because its supplies water round the year. Therefore, this study evaluated the anthropological activities of three different landing sites (Abule Titun, Ibaro and Apojola) along the coast of Oyan Lake Nigeria. Anthropogenic activity was evaluated using structured questionnaire administered to households around the three landing sites. Results showed that the major source of income of the respondents from the three study locations was artisanal fishing and farming. Hook and line, dragnet, gura trap, cast net, setting gill net and wired trap were the identified fishing gears used. Also, most of the respondents belong to the age range of 36 to 55 years old. The respondents described the population of less than 3,500 people in Abule Titun, within 3,500 to 7,000 people in Ibaro and within 7,000 to 25,000 people in Apojola. The main mode of transportation include canoe with outboard engine in Apojola and paddled canoe in Abule Titun and Ibaro. Types of toilets used include latrine and bush. Unfortunately, all the respondents from Apojola explained that they dispose their toilet, bathroom, kitchen and everyday wastes in the Lake. Similarly, all the respondents affirmed that automobile washing, urination, clothe washing, cassava washing, bathing and usage of fertilizers and herbicides in farming also contributed to the pollution of the lake. On the other hand, most of the respondents disagreed that fertilizer affects water quality in the lake.
Keywords: Pollution, human activities, water pollution, waste disposal, freshwater body