The objective of this review is to generate information about the current status of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) which is recognized as highly infectious, and devastating disease of goats for about 140 years. However, current reports indicated that sheep can be affected. CCPP is caused by Mycoplasma capricolum subspecies capripneumoniae (Mccp) which is severe and dramatic mycoplasmas, challenging to isolate and properly identify. Coughing, respiratory distress and very high morbidity and mortality are the main clinical signs that described the disease. Transmission of CCPP occurs through aerosol while animals are in nearby contact. There are a number of approaches for the rapid detection and identification of Mccp based on a PCR. In Africa, Asia and Middle East morbidity and mortality can reach about 100% which causes huge economic loss. Presence of CCPP in Ethiopia reported in 1983 and later confirmed from an outbreak in 1990 in Ogaden, Eastern Ethiopia. Since then CCPP has been considered as endemic disease in Ethiopia. Prevention and control of CCPP is undertaken through vaccination, quarantine, restriction of movement, culling of infected and exposed animals and keeping the hygiene of premises. However, it remains one of the standing problems of goat production. Therefore, more research, awareness creation about CCPP, transmission path way, prevention and control methods, in small ruminant rearing areas to reduce the impact of the disease.
Key words: CCPP, goat, Mccp, Ethiopia.
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