This study investigated the effects of aging process on the mechanical properties and machinability in AA6013 aluminum alloy. To this end, AA6013 aluminum alloy samples were maintained in heat treatment furnace at 530°C (for 8 h) and placed in hot water (at 70°C), and then subjected to aging process by storing in heat treatment furnace (at 180°C) for various times (1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 24 h). Changes in mechanical and machinability properties of samples that underwent aging process were investigated. At the end of the aging process, an increase was observed in mechanical properties of AA6013 alloy. Cutting forces increased during the machining of alloy depending on the increase in aging time. High mechanical properties were obtained at the end of the 6-h aging process of AA6013 aluminum alloy. A significant increase was observed between mechanical properties obtained at the end of the 6-h aging time and machinability properties with values obtained at the end of the 24th hour.
Key words: Machining, aging, AA6013 aluminum alloys, mechanical properties.