Full Length Research Paper
The intercity passenger market has been expanding rapidly. Nowadays, it is easily observed that many people stand on the bus stations in order to get their desired bus, but sometimes it takes too much time for them to, due to many remarkable reasons. In this research, a new intelligent model for multi ID buses movement monitoring and station reporting system based on GPS and succession of RF Transceivers is presented. With this trend, wireless sensor networks for position tracking of a particular vehicle have been considered new parts for the proposed intelligent transportation systems deployed into buses station networks in order to enhance further the monitoring plan. In addition to some fundamental functions such as real-time monitoring, some featured functions are tightly combined to make the system compatible with the daily operations of any public transport scheme. The proposed method will surely improve the linear transmission to the bus stations which led people to take decision either to wait for the bus or not.
Key words: Global positioning system (GPS), buses monitoring system, Xstreme transceiver, embedded system design.
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