Scientific Research and Essays

  • Abbreviation: Sci. Res. Essays
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-2248
  • DOI: 10.5897/SRE
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2768

Full Length Research Paper

Human Resources Performance Analysis based on a Hybrid Method

Asadallah Najafi
Department of Engineering and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch, Zanjan, Iran.
Email: [email protected]

  •  Accepted: 09 January 2012
  •  Published: 03 October 2013


Improving human resources performance (HRP) is the most important task of the century. However, we have few measures or management interventions to make such improvement possible; although we cannot identify the pattern to be followed by human resources because systems and processes in an organization are often regarded as a kiss of death to encouraging creativity. For improving human resource performance, at first, HRP needs to be measured and then the future of HRP needs to be defined. Therefore, in this paper, we seek to present a hybrid method for measuring and predicting the HRP, which can be used in human resources development. A hybrid method is created through a two-phase algorithm for measurement and prediction of HRP as the Human resources performance console (HRPC). HRPC calculates and predicates HRP in any period, thus it has been created to help managers. Nevertheless, the Hybrid method is tested and validated in Alupan company.


Key words: Human resources performance (HRP); Time series analysis; human resources performance console (HRPC).