Full Length Research Paper
The emergence of the Industry 4.0 has been driven by technological advances that brought the need for evolution in the educational sector. Education 4.0 proposes a restructuring of teaching methods to include the socio-emotional skills highly demanded within the current job market. Engineers traditionally have a technical-scientific-based training; they focus on the development of core competencies such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and logic, while the socio-emotional competencies are taken for granted. Among these skills, teamwork stands out, as it includes leadership, networking and multiculturalism, essential for the work performance of the 21st century engineer. The purpose of this research is to propose a training to expand and develop the teamwork soft skills. The research was developed through a systematic bibliographic review (SBR), resulting in 33 base articles. The application method used the studies of Chiavenato and Kirckpatrick as a reference. The study data were collected through a questionnaire that compared the level of this competence before and after the application of the training. The data collected were treated with Bardin's Content Analysis. The results suggest there has been an improvement in skills, and additional fourteen competencies were identified. The improvement in the development of these skills meets the desire of the engineers' job market, which needs professionals trained in soft skills to deal with the demands inherent to teamwork.
Key words: Emotional intelligence, team, engineer; Education 4.0.
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