Full Length Research Paper
In this study, during the planning of hardwood materials, the strain against horizontal (bottom) milling machines and cutter types is investigated. With this aim, 4 different hardwood materials, including eastern beech (Fogus orientalis L.), sessile oak (Quercus borealis L.), ashen (Fraximus excelsior L.) and locust (Robinis pseudoacacia L.) are used. In experimental contrivance prepared according to 4 types of wooden materials, 3 different engine revolutions numbers and 3 different drive forwarding speed, 180 experiments are done and the resultant strain is measured with ammeter. By using the experimental data; multiple linear regression analysis is done with the aim of predicting the strain according to material types, engine revolution number and drive forwarding speed, and for the situations which are not determined with the experiments, mathematical model equations are made up to calculate the strain. As a result, in the same experimental contrivances, the most strain is seen in the sessile oak and, respectively, locust, ashen and eastern beech follows this. In the planning process by keeping low revolution engine revolution number and drive forwarding speed, it is defined that current amount is decreased and the wooden material resists less to machines and cutters. It is determined that the results which are obtained by the results of the experiment and estimate models have very high correlation (R2 = 0.92).
Key words: Wood material, planning, current, ampere (A), strain, modeling. |
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