June 2014
Efficacy evaluation of new hemoglobin E screening test in community hospitals
The objective of the research was to evaluate of the efficacy of new HbE screening test (E-Sure, Mitr Medical, Thailand) compared to the modified 2,6 dichlorophenol indophenols precipitation test (KKU-DCIP) and results were confirmed by capillary electrophoresis. Blood samples were collected from patients who came for physical examinations at Kutchap Hospital and hospitals with inter-laboratory cooperation from October...
June 2014
Prevalence and clinical characteristics of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in police officers in Istanbul
This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence and clinical characteristics of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in police officers. The retrospective study was carried out by applying a questionnaire including Rome II criteria in a study population of 1750 police officers who were selected by systematic sampling method among those admitted to Istanbul Police Hospital between 2000 and 2008. We determined IBS...
June 2014
Analysis of changes in grain production on fruit and vegetable cultivation areas in Turkey through geographically weighted regression
The main purpose of this paper is to address the question of whether and how farmers have tried to increase agricultural productivity after the regulatory role of governments on the agricultural industry has been reduced due to financial crises. The relationship between agricultural sowing area shifts (grain to fruit, grain to vegetables, vegetables to fruit) were explored by using geographically weighted regression...
June 2014
Effects of an additional pharmaceutical care intervention versus usual care on clinical outcomes of Type 2 diabetes patients in Nigeria: A comparative study
The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of an additional pharmaceutical care intervention on clinical outcomes of Type 2 diabetes patients receiving care in tertiary hospitals. This study was a randomized, controlled and longitudinal study with a 12-month patient follow-up. This study was conducted in two Nigerian University Teaching Hospitals. Patients in ‘usual care’ received the...
June 2014
Analytical solution of the steady state condensation film on the inclined rotating disk by a new hybrid method
In this paper, a similarity transformation is used to reduce the three-dimensional steady state condensation film on an inclined rotating disk by a set of nonlinear boundary value problems. This problem is solved using a new hybrid technique based on differential transform method (DTM) and Iterative Newton's Method (INM). The differential equations and its boundary conditions are transformed to a set of algebraic...
June 2014
Seamless transition of domain name system (DNS) authoritative servers
The domain name system (DNS) resolution service often migrates from the one set of authoritative servers to another. The basic requirements for such transition are to ensure zero down time and minimize the transition delay. The optimum transition schemes are proposed favoring seamless and fast DNS resolution service migration. The transition of DNS authoritative servers may take place horizontally or vertically. For the...
June 2014
Haar Wavelet-Picard technique for fractional order nonlinear initial and boundary value problems
In this article, a technique called Haar wavelet-Picard technique is proposed to get the numerical solutions of nonlinear differential equations of fractional order. Picard iteration is used to linearize the nonlinear fractional order differential equations and then Haar wavelet method is applied to linearized fractional ordinary differential equations. In each iteration of Picard iteration, solution is updated by the...
June 2014
Recycling sodium dichromate in sodium chlorate crystallization mother liquor by nanofiltration membrane
In the process of sodium chlorate electrolysis production, chemical precipitation is often used to remove the sulfate radical in the crystallization mother liquor which leads to the dichromate deposit to salt sludge together with sulfate, and finally causes chromium pollution. The nanofiltration membrane and freezing crystallization integrated technology was presented to treat crystallization mother liquor. The research...
June 2014
The effects of humic acid application upon the phosphorus uptake of the tomato plant (Lycopersicum esculentum L.)
Humic acid can transform mineral nutrients into available forms for the plants. High lime content, low organic matter content, high pH, low moisture content and insufficient profile characteristics all higher plant phosphorus uptakes and consequently regress plant growth and development. The present research was conducted to investigate the effects of humic acid treatments (H.A.) (0, 60, 120 mg/kg) on phosphorus use...
June 2014
A mechanical approach of overload protection mechanism for a heavy truck wheel force transducer
The wheel force transducer (WFT), which measures the force or torque applied to the wheel, is an important instrument in vehicle testing field and has been extremely promoted by researchers. Since the high cost and technical secret of the commercial products may slow down the development of WFT to some extent, Southeast University has devoted to the WFT research with some prototypes. Essentially, the WFT is a multi-axis...