African Journal of
Food Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Food Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0794
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJFS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 984

Functional foods and bee products used during Covid-19 Pandemic and some post-pandemic economic impacts on the food security

January 2025 - Vol 19 Num. 1

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with the low availability of medicines and vaccines with proven efficacy, there was a growing impact on public health, followed by inconsistencies from both an economic and social perspective, due to the declaration of the "State of Emergency" and the adoption of...

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Functional foods and bee products used during Covid-19 Pandemic and some post-pandemic economic impacts on the food security

January 2025

Fernanda Geny Calheiros Silva, Arthur Luy T. F. Borges, João Victor L. de Oliveira, Emanoel Guilhermino da Silva Júnior, Erisson Lima Silva, Shyrlei Vidal Amorim, Lailson César Andrade Gomes, Isabel Cristina C. Moraes Porto, Luciano Aparecido Meireles Grillo, Jonatas Oliveira Costa, Nataly Christine Soares Gama, Kathylen Vitória F. dos Santos, Ana Paula do Nascimento Prata, Salvana Priscylla Manso Costa, Camila Braga Dornelas, Giselda Macena Lira and Ticiano Gomes do Nascimento,  

Physicochemical analysis of extracted oil from five improved groundnut varieties

November 2024

Ebrima AA Jallow, Badou Mendy, Lamin BS Dibba, Dawda Bah and Sainey Cham

Effects of different purities of calcium hydroxide on nutrient composition and reduction of aflatoxin and fumonisin in maize and maize-based food

October 2024

Charles Mannara, Lucy Gicuku Njue and George Ooko Abong

Identification of molds and the influence of physicochemical factors in attiéké from Burkina Faso

September 2024

Ibonyé DIENI, Touwendsida Serge BAGRE, François TAPSOBA, Oumarou ZONGO, and Nicolas BARRO

Quality of mined-salt by small-scale producers in Tanzania

September 2024

Winza A. Nzaga, Jamal B. Kussaga and Bendantunguka P. Tiisekwa

October 2013

Sensory evaluation of wheat-cassava-soybean composite flour (WCS) bread by the mixture experiment design

Udofia P. G., Udoudo P. J. and Eyen N. O. 

October 2013

Evaluation of fruit quality traits of traditional varieties of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) grown in Tunisia

Amira Ben Aoun, Belgacem Lechiheb, Leila Benyahya and Ali Ferchichi

November 2013

Preparation and physicochemical analysis of some Ethiopian traditional alcoholic beverages

Tadele Yohannes, Fekadu Melak and Khalid Siraj

September 2014

Beverage quality and biochemical attributes of arabusta coffee (C. arabica L. x C. canephora Pierre) and their parental genotypes

J. M. Gimase, W. M. Thagana, D. T. Kirubi, E. K. Gichuru and C. W. Kathurima

October 2013

Nutrients content and lipid characterization of seed pastes of four selected peanut (Arachis hypogaea) varieties from Ghana

Guy Eshun, Emmanuel Adu Amankwah and John Barimah

September 2007

Incorporation of peanut as a substitute for egg in a master mix of a pastry product: composition and acceptability studies

Evelyn N. Bede

15 November 2011

Mucuna sloanei, Detarium microcarpum and Brachystegia eurycoma seeds: A preliminary study of their starch-hydrocolloids system

Uzomah, A. and Odusanya, O. S.

January 2025

Functional foods and bee products used during Covid-19 Pandemic and some post-pandemic economic impacts on the food security

Fernanda Geny Calheiros Silva, Arthur Luy T. F. Borges, João Victor L. de Oliveira, Emanoel Guilhermino da Silva Júnior, Erisson Lima Silva, Shyrlei Vidal Amorim, Lailson César Andrade Gomes, Isabel Cristina C. Moraes Porto, Luciano Aparecido Meireles Grillo, Jonatas Oliveira Costa, Nataly Christine Soares Gama, Kathylen Vitória F. dos Santos, Ana Paula do Nascimento Prata, Salvana Priscylla Manso Costa, Camila Braga Dornelas, Giselda Macena Lira and Ticiano Gomes do Nascimento,  

30 October 2011

Marinating beef with South African red wine may protect against lipid peroxidation during cooking

  D. M. Blackhurst, R-D. Pietersen, F. H. O’Neill and A. D. Marais  

15 December 2011

Effect of ammonium oxalate and acetic acid at several extraction time and pH on some physicochemical properties of pectin from cocoa husks (Theobroma cacao)

Nazaruddin Ramli and Asmawati