Infusing AI for greater impact in academic libraries
January 2025
Academic libraries are the most essential parts of any educational institution. Libraries are critical to the higher education system's academic excellence. The deployment of ICT in educational institutions has recently increased dramatically. Artificial intelligence transforms academic libraries into dynamic, cutting-edge solutions, facilitates scholarly publications among research communities, and enhances search...
Information sources, methods and challenges: perspective of first year undergraduate students of University of Cape Coast, Ghana
February 2024
For the University of Cape Coast first-year students, research is an important step in determining the knowledge that best suits their needs. This study investigated the purpose of searching for information, major sources of information, information search strategies, and the challenges in information search, using the quantitative descriptive survey design. The sample size was 486, with 48.8% of the respondents aged...
Biobibliometric portrait of Dr. Dilip Mahalanabis, pioneer of oral rehydration solution (ORS), the life-saving solution
November 2023
Dr. Dilip Mahalanabis is a medical cum clinician scientist and globally celebrated pediatrician for his epoch-making discovery of ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) in diarrhea and allied research. He is recognized as the “Father of ORS or Pioneer of ORS.” This biobibliometric study is based on his 233 publications contributed during 1970 to 2022, nearly during 53 years, including service and retirement period...
The shortcomings of artificial intelligence: A comprehensive study
July 2023
Artificial intelligence is considered one of the highly disruptive innovations of the 21st century that has garnered the enormous attention of the global community. Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides unprecedented widespread opportunities for revolutionizing and upgrading the infrastructure of various industries. It is one of the faster-growing go-to technologies for global industries allowing personalized...
Status of e-PG Pathshala usage pattern among the science students with reference to Kurukshetra University
April 2023
Electronic learning (e-learning) has dramatically influenced teaching and learning activities with the rapid development of modern technology. This study investigates how science students at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, are using e-PG Pathshala. The survey method used a sample of 125 students from a renowned state university. A structured questionnaire was distributed to all students with personal interaction....
Availability and accessibility of electronic information resources in federal college of education libraries in Northern Nigeria
December 2022
The study investigates the availability and accessibility of electronic information resources in federal college of education libraries in Northern Nigeria. The research adopted mixed research methods with a concurrent triangulation research design. The population of the study is 34, 846 library users and 12 college librarians. The sampled respondents were 378 and 9 college librarians. The research used interview and...
Information a tool for social advocacy protection services for children in Gwagwalada area council, Abuja
June 2022
The challenge of social vices effects among children in Gwagwalada town is worrisome as their life destiny is been truncated. These children or teenagers no longer have interest in education or acquiring any vocational skill that will shape their lives for a better future. So this study is set out to determine available types of social protection services in Gwagwalada, how the services reach the children and the...
Creation and utilization of maker spaces in academic libraries: Bridging the gap between theory and practice
September 2021
In recent time, library mannagement creates a space in the library called Makerspace where researchers work together and share ideas in their various areas of specialization. It promotes conversation, collaboration, creativities and innovations. Indeed, this study focused on creation and utilization of makerspaces in academic libraries as well as bridging the gap between its theory and practice. This study...
ICT knowledge and utilization as determinants of job performance of Health Information Managers in health institutions in South-East Nigeria
September 2021
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have transformed healthcare delivery through various forms of e-health initiatives particularly in the areas of disease control, diagnosis, patient management, teaching, communication, storage, and retrieval of medical information. These benefits notwithstanding, health information managers are still deficient in the effective use and application of modern ICT facilities...
Assessment of users’ satisfaction of information provision among agricultural researchers in Nigeria
January 2021
In order to improve the performance of agriculture in Nigeria different agricultural research institutions were established. Realising the fact that economic and social development is based on progress in agricultural as well, these agricultural institutions have been striving to ensure food security in the country. But all these efforts have not yielded the desired result as the agricultural output in Nigeria can still...
Resource sharing among academic law libraries in Nigeria: Exploring the practicability so far
January 2021
Nigerian law libraries, despite the intervention of Council of Legal education, are still not endowed with every resource needed to satisfy information needs of diverse users. This is coupled with the fact that Nigerian universities are still struggling to manage insufficient funds normally received from government. Resource sharing as a means through which organisations interchange and share their meagre resources for...
Library and information science policy formulation and implementation: Implications for school library services in Nigeria
January 2021
This paper examined library policy formulation and implementation as well as its implications in relation to school library services in Nigeria. The paper reviewed the concept of library and information science policy and school library services in today’s society as one that is required at every step of the way, highlighting that the progress of any nation depends on information generation, dissemination and use...
Electronic reference service delivery at the Redeemer’s University Library: Closer to the promised land
August 2020
This paper appraised the process of electronic reference service delivery (ERSD) in Redeemer’s University, Nigeria (RUN). It highlighted the operations of using modern information and communications technology (ICT) for core Reference Service Delivery such as selective dissemination of information (SDI) and current awareness services (CAS) in RUN. ERSD in RUN are aimed at meeting the growing information needs of...
The role of community libraries in the alleviation of information poverty for sustainable development
August 2020
This literature review focused on the role of rural community libraries in minimizing information poverty. The potentials of rural community libraries in promoting sustainable development are discussed in this article. The necessity of information poverty alleviation for sustainable development is also discussed. The study found that information poverty is an obstacle whereas information is a key to achieving...
Prospects of electronic publishing in Nigeria
August 2020
One of the biggest challenges facing publishing in Nigeria today is how to integrate or adopt “e-publishing” (electronic publishing). Across the world, the coming of computer has completely revolutionized the printing process from manuscript development through printing, marketing and distribution. The “destructive innovation” of e-publishing has worsened the fortunes of many news and...
Factors mitigating the utilization of information resources and services in the Nigeria French Language Village Library, Badagry
August 2020
The study focused on the factors mitigating the utilization of information resources and services in the Nigeria French Language Village (NFLV), library, Badagry. A descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population of the study is 2,258 which comprised ten (10) library staff, thirty (30) lecturers and two thousand, two hundred and eighteen (2218) undergraduates of Nigerian universities and...
Application of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) for effective user education programme in federal university libraries in south east, Nigeria
June 2020
This work is designed to examine the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for effective user education programmes in Federal University Libraries in South East Nigeria. The study was guided by seven research questions in line with the objectives of the study. The design adopted for this study is descriptive survey research design and all the librarians with at least first degree in...
Effect of literature in the school library on the development of communication and conflict resolution skills of children
June 2020
This study was done with private primary schools children in Orerokpe Educational Zone of Delta State, Nigeria in 2018. A quasi experimental design was adopted. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study was 28,172. The sample comprised 63 primary four pupils. Purposive and cluster sampling techniques were used to sample 32 pupils in the experimental group one and thirty-one...
The degree of possession of the faculty members at Princess Alia University College for the skills on the use of databases and its relation to research performance
June 2020
This study aimed to know the viewpoint of faculty members at Princess Alia University College on the degree of possession of the skills to use databases and its relationship with their research performance and to investigate the effect of gender, experience, qualification, and academic rank on the point of view of faculty members.The study sample consisted of 40 faculty members, males (17) and females (23) from Princess...
University Libraries as facilitators of academic development: A case study of Noakhali Science and Technology University Library, Bangladesh
July 2019
This study focused on the role of Noakhali Science and Technology University Library in the academic development of the university. A mixed method research design was used whereby copies of questionnaires and structured interview guide were utilized to collect data. The study was conducted among 100 library users (students, faculty and university staff), librarian and another member of academic council as two...
Assessment of information literacy competency among students of College of Nursing and Midwifery, Kafanchan, Kaduna State, Nigeria
July 2019
This study investigates the level of information literacy competency among students of College of Nursing and Midwifery School Kafanchan, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study focuses on three basic skills namely: Identification, accession and evaluating skills. A survey research method was employed for this study. The study was based on the data collected through questionnaire tagged information literacy questionnaire...
Library value through user satisfaction: The case of academic libraries in Ghana
July 2019
The study is an investigative survey of library users’ satisfaction of library services, resources, staff conduct and impact of the library on the academic achievements of users. Qualitative data was collected from College students, faculty and library staff of two academic libraries in Ghana using questionnaires and interview instruments. The survey established that library services, information resources...
Analysis of responsibilities of electronic readiness and software for museums online in national commission for museums and monuments in Nigeria
July 2019
This study was carried to identify level of electronic readiness in museums by assessing the uses of electronic readiness provision in museum services, and also to determine the factors responsible for ineffective use of electronic readiness in museums. Descriptive survey research was used for this study. Total enumeration sampling technique was adopted for the sampling procedure. This was chosen because of the small...
Exploring the postgraduate students’ perceptions, usefulness and effectiveness of information literacy skills at University of Malaya library
June 2019
The aim of this study was to find out the extent to which the postgraduate students who attended the information skills session at University of Malaya’s library perceived the session to be useful as well as effective in their attempts to locate, access and use the information needed so as to avail themselves of the library resources. In order to evaluate the perceived usefulness of information literacy skills and...
Pre-implementation failure of information systems in public universities in Kenya: A case study of Moi University, Kenya
May 2019
Moi University was established in 1984 and its first decade of growth and expansion necessitated the adoption and utilisation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to manage information generated by its operations. Through Dutch Joint Financing Programme for Cooperation in Higher Education (MHO) and other donors’ assistance, it established an ICT centre charged with, among other functions, initiation...
Use of electronic resources by postgraduate students in University of Cape Coast
February 2019
The study investigates the use of electronic resources by postgraduate students in University of Cape Coast (UCC). It specifically targets first year postgraduate students of UCC. Awareness, usage, training, and access were explored. A survey method was employed and a structured questionnaire was utilized to solicit data. The findings revealed that, though students are aware of electronic resources, they do not fully...
Information acquisition mechanism of universities libraries: An empirical study of public university libraries in Ghana
January 2019
This paper takes a critical look at how academic libraries in Ghana acquire their information/materials. The investigation was mainly based on interviews. The interviews were conducted in four Ghanaian public university libraries from January 2014 to March 2015. In all, 38 senior members were interviewed. The findings indicated among other that the libraries under study purchase their library materials through...
Proliferation of library and information science schools in Nigeria: Issues at stake and quality control
November 2018
This paper highlighted the key issues at stake by the proliferation of Library and Information Science schools in Nigeria without due regard to the established standards. In terms of physical infrastructure, location, staffing issues, curriculum, laboratories and programme(s). The paper pointed out the use of other departmental facilities, building, over-relying on institutions’ library staff and part-time...
Provision of E-resources in Engineering College Libraries in India: A pilot study
October 2018
Libraries and information systems have been witnessing continuous transformation since the last two decades, particularly with regard to the collection of information resources and services. A spectrum of E-resources that have emerged during this time are chiefly responsible to this transformation and changed landscape of libraries in terms of collection development, storage and provisioning their access. It has created...
Student perception of electronic resources use in Rajshahi University Library: A case study
August 2018
The growing use of electronic resources in and outside the libraries has become a major issue of discussion all over the world. Information seekers, particularly students and teachers are becoming key proponents of e-resource use. Against this backdrop, this paper explores the pattern of e-resource use by undergraduate and post-graduate students of Rajshahi University – one of the oldest and largest universities...
Role of librarians in the protection of copyright in Nigeria
August 2018
The objective of the study is to examine the role of librarians in the protection of copyright in Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Questionnaire was the primary tool used for data collection. The study population consists of 63 professional librarians from the five selected universities in Ogun State. A total of 49 questionnaires were retrieved out of 63 administered and given a response...
Marketing of information products and services in public libraries in South West, Nigeria
July 2018
The study examines the marketing of information products and services in public libraries in South West, Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was adopted. The population comprises professionals and library officers. Questionnaire was used as means of data collection. The sections consist of A and B. Section A dwells on the socio-economic variables of the respondent, Section B consist on availability of...
Involvement of library users in collection development of hybrid academic libraries in Tanzania
July 2018
Collection development in any academic library is an on-going process. It is undertaken by librarians and library services staff with inputs from different stakeholders, including the academic and non-academic staff, administrators, and students. The main objective of this paper is to assess the involvement of library users in collection development of hybrid academic libraries in Tanzania. A triangulation approach for...
Indices of working condition as determinant of job performance of librarians in academic libraries in South-East, Nigeria
June 2018
Working condition being implemented in various academic libraries could disrupt or enhance effective provision of information services by the librarians. This research investigated two indices of working condition as determinant factors on job performance of librarians in academic libraries in south east geo political zone of Nigeria. A total of 261 librarians were used for this study. The t-test statistical technique...
Attitudes and roles of librarians in the modern era (an ethical and cultural approach)
May 2018
This article is a report of a study about the attitudes of librarians in the modern era. The study was conducted based on an ethical and cultural approach with librarians who attended seminars and workshops as its participants. Additionally, the study lasted from January to March 2016, and a case-study with qualitative research approach was employed. The results of the study show that: (1) the librarians carry out their...
Mobile Libraries: Defining the phenomenon
March 2018
This article presents a brief historical review of the appearance of mobile libraries and then continues to define the phenomenon on the basis of two of its distinct features: library services and mobility, which both concern institutional Mobile Libraries and non-institutional mobile libraries. In addition, special reference is made to the significant presence of non-institutional mobile libraries in the world of...
Cloud computing implementation in libraries: A synergy for library services optimization
February 2018
Cloud computing is an internet based, remote driven and service oriented technology emerged to provide infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS) among others. By implementing cloud computing, libraries will significantly reduce cost of maintaining systems, save energy, register a global outlook on the web, expose library patrons to multi-variant information resources...
A survey of the awareness of the 2030 agenda: A case of libraries and librarians in Osun State, Nigeria
February 2018
The sustainable development goals (SDGs) in this study includes those dedicated to eradicating poverty, promoting gender equality and empowering women, ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all as well as developing a global partnership for development, all of which cannot be achieved without equitable access to information and freedom of expression. This...
Utilization of library resources by lecturers in university of cape coast
January 2018
This research work was designed to examine the utilization of library resources by lecturers in University of Cape Coast. The objective of the study was to find out the level of availability of library materials in the university, and determine the extent of use of the materials by lecturers. It is also to find out factors that impede lecturer’s use of the library and make recommendations for improvement. A...
Cumulative citations index, h-index and i10-index (research metrics) of an educational institute: A case study
January 2018
The graduation or ranking of higher educational institutes like colleges or universities are evaluated on the basis of different criteria. The most important criterion is research criterion. Higher educational institutes need to collect staffs and students’ research publications, and also check their citations, h-Index, i10-Index and impact factors of journals. Even the evaluation committees like National...
Awareness, access and utilization of library catalogue by undergraduate students of the College of Law, Osun State University Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria
December 2017
This study aims to investigate the awareness, access and utilization of library catalogue by undergraduate students of the College of Law of Osun State University Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. The survey research design was used in the study. The population of the study comprises of forty-five undergraduate students of the College of Law, Osun State University. A structure questionnaire was used to collect data. Simple...
The breadth of open access journals impact: An application of the journal diffusion factor
November 2017
Several studies have argued that open access (OA) journals have higher citation rate than non-OA journals (subscription-based journals). However, there are still controversial discussions regarding the OA citation advantage. Considering the difference between the diffusion factor and the journal impact factor (JIF) in measuring scientific impact and its potential for a new insight in understanding the...
Roles of libraries in ensuring political integration
October 2017
This study is a qualitative review on the roles of libraries in enhancing political integration in Nigeria. There is need to foster national integration from the political dimension through library which is a key information institution. This view is presented in terms of the library enhancing political consciousness and participation, federalism, democratic governance, and individual's response to political...
Factors affecting adoption of social media by women’s non-governmental organisations (WNGOs)
October 2017
While the adoption of social media gets prominence in the developed world, its widespread adoption has not yet occurred across many organisations in developing countries and very little empirical research focusing on Women’s Non-Governmental Organisations (henceforth, WNGOs) has been conducted to date. The aim of this study is to fill this knowledge gap by investigating the factors affecting adoption of social...
An appraisal of the impact of grant-in-aids (Tetfund) and donations in sustaining academic library services in Nigeria: The cross river state experience
September 2017
The study surveyed the impact of grant-in-aids Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) and donations/gifts as alternative sources of funding to support academic libraries in Cross River State, Nigeria. The survey design method was used to carry out the study. A modified six-point Likert-type scale questionnaire was designed to measure responses on sources of library funding and support through grant-in-aids (TETFUND)...
Research growth and citation impact of Tanzanian scholars: A 24 year’s scientometric study
September 2017
A scientometric analysis was conducted to map the research growth and citation impact of Tanzania scholars over a period of 24 years starting from 1991 to 2015. We analyzed data for research publications of all Tanzania scholars obtained from the SCOPUS database. The study analyzed the year-wise distribution of publications, subject-wise distribution of publications, the authorship pattern, degree of collaboration, and...
Scholarly communication: The value of repositories and e-portfolios at the University of Namibia (UNAM)
August 2017
The study looked at scholarly communication with great emphasis being placed on the value of institutional repositories (IR) and electronic portfolios (EP) at the University of Namibia. The methodology adopted for the study was a qualitative design which included interviews and content analysis of relevant literature. The study provides an insight into key terms such as scholarly communication, open access (OA),...
A belonging mark: Handwritten ex libris
July 2017
The kinds of ex libris were mentioned, particularly, the handwritten ex libris in antique books in three Mexican libraries which protect antique books. The importance of identifying and keeping a record of the hand written ex libris was pointed out in the cataloguing process so that it can be registered in the catalogue libraries. There is a reflection of the utility of grouping in the phrase “handwritten ex...
The extent of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure application in library and information science education in Nigeria
June 2017
The study sought to examine the extent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) application in Library and Information Science (LIS) education in Nigeria. It looked at what formed the stumbling block to this ICT application. But first it x-rayed LIS courses in the undergraduate curricula of Library Schools that require ICT infrastructural application. Descriptive survey design was employed. Questionnaire was...
The use of e-journals by academic staff of Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria
June 2017
The study surveyed the use of e-journals by academic staff of Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria. Questionnaire was designed to gather information on the use of e-journals by the academic staff. Data gathered from the respondents were analyzed through the use of frequency table and percentage. From the analysis, it was discovered that all the academic staff use e-journals and it is used for different...
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