Self care practices of menstrual hygiene among adolescents school going girls in Amassoma Community, Bayelsa State
August 2013
Self care practices as well as menstrual hygiene are basic requirements for promoting a satisfied life and personal esteem in a woman. It is therefore necessary to investigate the self care practice of menstrual hygiene among female school going adolescents who have attained menarche in Amassoma community, Bayelsa State. A survey was designed with systematic sampling which involves selection of girls...
HIV/AIDS care, coping strategies and work environmental stress among nurses in Botswana
May 2013
Since 2006 there has been universal acceptance in both developing and industrializedsocieties that HIV treatment and related services, including more effective programs, be available to all citizens. However, as a result of the worldwide recession and shifting health priorities, progress toward these goals has stalled. While the epidemic continues to grow (approximately 34 million globally, with 2.7 million...
The role of beliefs and practices in health on patients’ compliance
May 2013
The degree of influence of traditional beliefs and practices of a person as part of his or her cultural background is indeed a creative molder of a person’s behavior such as attitudes, beliefs and practices regarding health promotion and prevention of illness. This study determined the correlation between health beliefs and practices and the compliance with discharge instructions, particularly on home...
Experience of sexual harassment and coping strategies among students of the school of nursing of a tertiary hospital in Southwest Nigeria
May 2013
This descriptive cross-sectional study documented the experience of sexual harassment (SH) and coping strategies among 250 consenting students of University College Hospital, Ibadan school of nursing, using a pre-tested questionnaire.Descriptive statistics and Chi-square test were used to analyze the data at 5% level of significance. Mean age was 23.0 ± 4.1 years, 78.8% were females and 91.2%...
Decision-making for use of complementary and alternative therapies by pregnant women and nurse midwives during pregnancy: An exploratory qualitative study
May 2013
Millions of people use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies. Such therapies are used across a wide spectrum of health conditions, but the use is particularly notable during pregnancy. Despite the widespread use, little is known about the perceptions of patients and clinicians in deciding about use of varied therapies. This study describes pregnant women and obstetrical provider (nurse...
The prevalence, management and outcome of primary postpartum haemorrhage in selected health care facilities in Nigeria
April 2013
One of the millennium development goals set by the United Nations is to reduce maternal mortality by three quarters by 2015. The achievement of this goal must focus on understanding the dynamics of the causes of maternal mortality and removing such causes. Postpartum haemorrhage ranks high among the causes of maternal mortality, especially in Nigeria. This study was designed to determine the prevalence, management and...
Nursing education and workforce development: Implications for maternal health in Anambra State, Nigeria
April 2013
The relationship between nursing and maternal health presents a legitimate policy discussion. In this qualitative descriptive study, the views of nurse experts on the current status of nursing and midwifery education, and workforce development issues as they relate to maternal health in Nigeria was explored. Focus was on experts as they constitute important players in policy decisions related to nursing workforce and...
Perceived relative factors influencing nurses’ practice of health promotion for women in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
April 2013
Socio-cultural factors negate the health of women. Therefore, health promotion as a focus of nursing practice aimed at capitalizing on the inherent capacities of women to establish health priorities, goals and strategies to improve their health. A descriptive survey with the purpose of ascertaining the influence of culture, social and health policies on nurses’ practice of health promotion was undertaken. Three...
Evaluation of the rationale for assessing student nurses on urine testing by nursing council examiners
April 2013
This study aimed at evaluating the rationale for assessing student nurses on urine testing by the nursing council examiners, was carried out using questionnaire. The council examiners were located at nursing conferences and were randomly selected. The results show that most of the respondents exhibited poor knowledge of blood glucose levels and their rationale for examining the student on urine glucose were based on...
Nursing education in Africa: South Africa, Nigeria, and Ethiopia experiences
March 2013
This paper studies the development of nursing education in Africa and it is limited to three countries namely, South Africa, Nigeria and Ethiopia. Two cardinal periods are covered which are, colonial and post colonial. But Ethiopia is the only African country that has technically, never been colonised as it successfully repulsed Italy’s attempt at occupying it. The reason for this study is to assist modern...
The attitudes of student nurses toward clinical work
March 2013
Clinical work in nursing education is an important component of the nursing curriculum aimed at actively engaging student nurses with the necessary skills needed for the nursing profession. The attitude of nursing students toward clinical work is becoming a topic of interest for nursing researchers. The objectives of the study were to determine the perspective of practicing nurses on students’ attitude toward...
Just and sustainable global nurse-midwifery clinical education exchanges: Lessons learned
January 2013
The severe shortage of skilled maternity care providers in countries with low resources results in a staggering number of maternal and newborn deaths annually. University nursing and nurse-midwifery programs are especially well-equipped to participate in multi-lateral and bi-lateral education collaborations to address this shortage. This paper presents a perspective on how universities in well-resourced...
Analyzing the brunt trouble of information and communication technologies in the delivery of reproductive health care service in health centers of Shirvan, North Khorasan, Iran
January 2013
This study analyzed the potential impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the delivery of reproductive health care services. Twelve health establishments located in the districts under the coverage of the micro-Telco were selected. Of the twelve establishments, only ten were found open at the time of the visit. A total of 15 surveys were personally administered by the author. A questionnaire was...
Reforms in higher nursing education in High Medical School of Bitola by Bologna declaration
December 2012
Nursing education in Europe and North America was reviewed, together with European Commission directives and regulations and pertinent World Health Organization documents. The new practical models for education are preferred. The aim of our research is to analyze the effect of education of nurses with faculty degree using one actual health activity. A total of 65 students in their third year of theoretical and...
Preterm twins cardio-respiratory, thermal and maternal breast temperature responses to shared kangaroo care
December 2012
Kangaroo Care (KC) is practiced in Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) rather frequently but predominantly with mothers of single infant. Mothers of twins often expressed a desire to do KC with their twins. Simultaneously holding both twins is called Shared Kangaroo Care (SKC). Two previous case studies of SKC could be found and have encouraged the practice of SKC prior to sufficient evidence of acceptable...
Global warming: Implications for nursing
November 2012
The environment plays a significant part in human development, human health and diseases. Over the years, the environment has been progressively harsh, due to global warming (GW). The increase in the production of green house gases has resulted in enhanced greenhouse effect which has also resulted in changing epidemiological pattern of diseases. Nursing, being a responsive profession is not Immuned to the effects of...
Maternal seafood consumption in highly educated women is reduced in pregnancy: A pilot study
November 2012
Oily fish is a unique natural source to vitamin D and marine n-3 fatty acids. The aim of the present study was to investigate from where pregnant women get dietary advices and whether they eat seafood during pregnancy or not. A self-selected convenience sample (n = 43) of highly educated women responded to a self-administrated web based questionnaire. The women reduced their intake of both lean (p < 0.013) and oily...
Midwifery students’ willingness to provide manual vacuum aspiration in Ghana
May 2012
Abortion remains one of the leading causes of maternal mortality in the developing world. Midwives are more likely to provide services to more than half of the world’s population residing in rural areas than other healthcare providers. When properly trained, midwives are able to safely provide manual vacuum aspiration (MVA). As part of a larger study, final-year midwifery students took part in a computer-based...
A comparative study of mental health services in two African countries: South Africa and Nigeria
May 2012
Mental health services in South Africa and Nigeria were compared using the reports of World Health Organization Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems (WHO-AIMS) of both countries. WHO-AIMS assessment reveals the extent of implementation and provision of mental health care services. South Africa has made considerable progress with restructuring its mental health care system that provides mental health care at...
Quality assurance package for health care in Nigeria: The case of Akwa Ibom State
April 2012
Persistent poor health care quality attributable to non-responsive alien models necessitated this study to develop quality assurance package (QAP) for health care in Nigeria with focus on Akwa Ibom State. Quality assurance index (QAI) was the instrument for data collection. A multi-stage random sample of 340 respondents was drawn from 840 health managers in primary health care settings in the state. The research and...
Curbing maternal and child mortality: The Nigerian experience
April 2012
The paper examined the unacceptable high maternal and child mortality in Africa using Nigeria as a case study. Place and duration of study were the Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, University of Calabar, and Department of Public Health Nursing, College of Health Technology, Calabar, Nigeria, between February, 2010 and April, 2011. The opportunity created by the presence of over 300 Nurses at the 2010...
Low birth weight knowledge among postnatal mothers in a resource restricted urban setting in Zimbabwe
April 2012
This study aimed to establish the knowledge of postnatal mothers about low birth weight (LBW) in a resource restricted urban setting. A non-experimental descriptive study was conducted using a systematic sampling method to select fifty mothers aged between 15 and 41 years with babies below five years born with LBW of below 2500 grams. The women were selected as they sought health care at Mabvuku Satellite Clinic in...
Impacts of virulence factors of Streptococcus mutans isolates on the pathogenesis of acute vaginitis
March 2012
Streptococcus mutans, known to be an etiologic agent of dental caries, also causes infective endocarditis. Adherence of these bacteria results from the interaction of adhesions that form part of their structure with salivary components (or other body’s fluids), specifically those that compose the acquired pellicle. In the present study, acute vaginitis samples (vaginal swabs) were investigated from pregnant women...
Awareness on HIV/AIDS and prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS among stake holders and people living with HIV/AIDS in Dharan municipality, Sunsari, Nepal
March 2012
PMTCT (prevention of mother to child transmission) is a commonly used term for an intervention programme designed to reduce the risk of mother to child transmission of HIV. In 2008, there were more than 40 million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide out of which, 2.5 million were children under 15 years old. Mother to child transmission is the largest source of HIV infections in Nepal. Out of the estimated 900,000...
Breast self examination among female undergraduates in Enugu, Southeast, Nigeria.
January 2012
This study was a cross sectional descriptive survey that assessed the knowledge, attitude and practice of breast self examination (BSE) among university female nursing undergraduates. It also identified the factors that affected their practice of BSE. The total population of the female students (200) was used. The instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire and descriptive statistics were used to summarize...
Evaluation of the Mother-to-Infant relation and feeling scale: Interviews with first-time mothers’ for feelings and relation to their baby three days after birth
January 2012
Mothers’ perception of their relationship with their baby might affect sensitive parenting. This study aimed to explore first time mothers’ feelings for and their relation to the baby associated with how they responded to the “mother to infant relation and feelings (MIRF) scale” as a step in the validation process of the scale. Interviews with ten first-time mothers, three days after birth, were...
An appraisal of non-staff visitor involvement in bedside patient care in a specific hospital in the Midwest United States
November 2011
A descriptive study was conducted to understand the prevalence of non-staff visitor presence in acute inpatient care settings. This paper also summarizes recent studies on the issues related to promoting efficient and effective care transitions and the recent movement of embracing family and non-family visitor involvement in patient care. This descriptive study was conducted in three inpatient care units of a...
Evaluation of the fallopian tubes in infertile women by hysterosalpingography in Tikur Anbessa Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
November 2011
Infertility is a common public health problem especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Hysterosalpingography (HSG) has for many years been employed in the evaluation of infertility for assessment of tubal patency and tubal or intrauterine lesions. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the structural abnormality of the fallopian tubes in infertile women with hysterosalpingography in Tikur Anbessa Hospital (TAH)....
The relationship between thrombophilia and intrauterine growth restriction
October 2011
Approximately 0.7 to 2% of the general population have thrombophilia, but it is estimated that intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is due to thrombophilia in 35% of cases. Although the role of thrombophilia in IUGR is not completely known but its destructive effect on placental vasculature is the pathophysiologic cause of defect in transfer of oxygen for fetal growth. The aim of the present study was to...
Pre-screening counseling in cervical cancer prevention: Implications for nursing
October 2011
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women worldwide, with an estimated 529,409 new cases and 274,883 deaths in 2008, about 86% of the cases occur in developing countries, representing 13% of female cancers (IARC, GLOBOCAN, 2008). All sexually active women are at risk for the development of this disease and it is one of the leading causes of death for middle-aged women in the developing...
The effect of foot and hand massage on postoperative cardiac surgery pain
October 2011
This study was conducted to determine the effects of foot and hand massage on postoperative pain and sedative drug use in cardiac surgery patients. One of the most important problems and complaint that have been experienced by patients who are influenced by surgery is the pain. Physiological responses to pain create harmful effects on the body recovery after cardiac surgery, and they routinely...
Task analysis: An evidence-based methodology for strengthening education and training of nurses and midwives in Liberia
September 2011
Liberia suffers from high maternal, infant and child mortality. In response, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare prioritized a basic package of health services in 2007. Ensuring health workers are competent to deliver these services is crucial for safe and effective health care. A task analysis survey of health workers was conducted to determine how often recently graduated health workers perform tasks...
The perceptions of visitors at acute care units in two private hospitals in Gauteng, South Africa regarding the image of nurses and nursing
September 2011
The aim of this study was to determine and describe the perception that visitors to acute care units have, regarding the image of nurses and nursing and to make appropriate recommendations to raise the profile of nurses and to encourage more respect for the profession. The public’s image of nurses is tarnished by newspaper reports on poor patient care. A questionnaire was used to collect data from...
The nuclear patient “risk or no risk†guidelines for haemodialysis
September 2011
Humans are all exposed to many different forms of radiation - radio waves, microwaves, ultraviolet, X-rays, etc. The form of radiation involved in Nuclear Medicine is called ionising radiation. This article will provide advice to haemodialysis staff that may have to carry out dialysis on patients who have received ionising radiation as part of a medical investigation. All patients who are referred to the...
Patients’ perceptions of quality nursing care in a Chinese hospital
September 2011
The purpose of this study is to explore patients’ perceptions of quality nursing care. Under the changing health care environment, more emphasis is placed on patient-cantered care. To meet patients’ needs and expectations, patients’ perceptions of quality nursing care must be given more concern 440 patients (purposive sample) in 18 inpatient nursing units in a China hospital were selected....
Women living with obstetric fistula and nurses’ role in preventive measures
September 2011
Obstetric fistula is a devastating and preventable tragedy that primarily affects young, poor women who lack the means to access quality maternal care. Women living with fistula are constantly wet from the leaking of urine and often experience genital ulceration, infections and a humiliating odor. About 20% of women with fistula also develop unilateral or bilateral foot drop that limits their day-to-day...
An appraisal of non-staff visitor involvement in bedside patient care in a specific hospital in the Midwest United States
August 2011
LA descriptive study was conducted to understand the prevalence of non-staff visitor presence in acute inpatient care settings. This paper also summarizes recent studies on the issues related to promoting efficient and effective care transitions and the recent movement of embracing family and non-family visitor involvement in patient care. This descriptive study was conducted in three inpatient care units of...
The effect of working conditions on the family, daily and social lives of the nurses employed at Çukurova University, Balcali Hospital
August 2011
This study is performed in order to specify the working conditions and the issues of the nurses working in Adana City of Turkey at Çukurova University Balcalı Hospital; and to examine the effects of these on their family, daily and social lives. This was a descriptive study applied by distributing the survey form on 15.02.2008 to 238 nurses, which was prepared by benefitting from the literature; and...
Long term effects of professional breastfeeding support - An intervention
August 2011
Professional support is important for women during pregnancy, but more research is needed to provide a better understanding of how this support affects the mother's experience of support and breast-feeding behavior the first days after birth and its relation to the duration of breastfeeding. This study aims to evaluate the effects of a professional support during pregnancy in relation to...
Helping patients in cataract peri- and post-surgery: A simple intervention addressing anxiety
July 2011
The aim of this study is to propose patients a psycho educational intervention before, during and after a stay in a hospital to undergo a cataract surgery, in order to meet their doubts and fears. The objective is to find if by lowering the anxiety state, the suffering would be reduced and the quality in the rehabilitation process would be fostered (Hesbeen, 1996). The design chosen was a RCT (Randomised...
Mobility and quality of life in elderly and geriatric patients
July 2011
Quality of life in older people is significantly influenced by their mobilization. Using the statistical comparison of observed groups we found out that the mobilization of elderlyand geriatric patients improves their quality of life. We used nonparametric Mann -Whitney test as ...
Relationship between backache and psychological and psychosocial job factors among the nurses
July 2011
Quality of life in older people is significantly influenced by their mobilization. Using the statistical comparison of observed groups we found out that the mobilization of elderlyand geriatric patients improves their quality of life. We used nonparametric Mann -Whitney test as ...
Investigating an autonomous system in nursing
June 2011
The term E-nursing has been used to refer to the incorporation of ICT into nursing. Point-to-point connections using private networks are used by hospitals and clinics that deliver services directly or contract out specialty services to independent nursing service providers at ambulatory care sites. Radiology, mental health and even intensive care services are being provided under contract using Tele-nursing...
Experiences of expert midwives in a training program aimed at decreasing perineal tears
June 2011
This descriptive study explored the roles and responsibilities of expert midwives involved in teaching staff from midwifery students to senior consultants/physicians. We have earlier conducted an intervention project, aimed at decreasing the number of anal sphincter tears. During this intervention a local core team of expert midwives was established. These experts continued the training of...
A randomized controlled trial comparing the physiological and directed pushing on the duration of the second stage of labor, the mode of delivery and Apgar score
May 2011
In recent year, there has been an increased trend to the physiological approach to labor. Physiological (spontaneous) pushing in upright position is one of the practices that promote the normal physiological process. Effect of physiological pushing versus directed pushing on the duration of the second stage of labor, mode of birth and Apgar. A randomized controlled trial was completed on 191 women who gave...
The attitudes of women toward mode delivery after childbirth
May 2011
The aim of this study was to determine the attitudes of the women toward mode of delivery during postpartum period. The descriptive study was conducted in 600 puerpera women at a private hospital in Istanbul, Turkey. We collected data with “attitudes toward mode of delivery” (ATMOD) form during face to face interview. The researchers prepared the ATMOD form according to the...
Effect of treatment for labor pain: Verbal reports versus visual analogue scale scores - A prospective randomized study
April 2011
Assessing pain in relation to childbirth is one of the midwife’s more important tasks. However, pain research shows that health care professionals often assess patients’ pain inaccurately. The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) is one of the most used instruments for assessing pain and pain relief both in research and clinical practice. On the other hand, a patient’s verbal report is considered to...
The psychometric assessment of the Nottingham health profile for menopausal women in Turkish society
April 2011
The Nottingham health profile (NHP) is a measurement of 38 items that was designed for measuring quality of life. The present study was conducted in order to determine evaluation of validity and reliability of the NHP for menopausal women. Ninety one (91) women who were menopausal were included in the sample of the study. The comparison of total scores of NHP and the (Medical Outcomes Study) MOS 36...
Maternal satisfaction with care during labour: A case study of the Mampong-Ashanti district hospital maternity unit in Ghana
March 2011
This study was conducted to assess the care and satisfaction of expectant mothers during labour, birth and lying-in period in Ghana. Purposive sampling was employed to recruit participants, based on the needs of the study and on predetermined variables. Participants were second or third time mothers, who were admitted in the first stage of labour with a cervical dilatation of not more than 5 cm. They were...
Cultural competence outcomes assessment: A strategy and model
March 2011
The nursing profession has acknowledged its responsibility to prepare all practitioners to provide culturally respectful care to diverse patient populations. A culturally competent academic and clinical teaching milieu is a strategy for shaping clinical nursing expertise. It is a vital link between theory and practice. This article presents a replicable model of the process in which one U.S. University School...
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