Evaluation of toxicity of copper oxide nano particles on human blood
January 2021
Copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles are of incredible interest because of its efficacious applications including electronic devices, optoelectronic devices, such as microelectromechanical frameworks, field effect transistors, electrochemical cells, gas sensors, magnetic storage media, sun-powered cells, field emitters and nanodevices (for catalysis and medical applications). Examination by Transmission Electron Microscope...
Synthesis and Characterization of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles from Wonderful Kola seed for Future Application in Microwave Tumour Ablation
January 2021
The green method of synthesizing nanoparticles is an eco-friendly, reliable and cost effective approach which has proven to be an alternative to chemical based methods over the years (Dipankar and Murugan, 2012). This research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (FeNPs), adopted a co-precipitation procedure by the interaction of ferric chloride solution...
Physical basis of the DNA double helix
January 2020
Despite the widely spread acceptance that the enthalpy of DNA duplex unfolding does not depend on temperature and is greater for the CG base pair held by three hydrogen bonds than for the AT base pair held by only two hydrogen bonds, direct calorimetric measurement has shown that the enthalpic and entropic contributions of both base pairs are temperature dependent and at all temperatures they are greater for the AT base...
Extrapolating human toxicity data with target organ dose (TOD-Wb) model: A meso-scale allometric analytical approach
September 2017
An allometric target organ dose model (TOD-Wb) with variable scaling exponent, b = br + bo(bm) - bi, is proposed for the extrapolation of animal toxicity to human. The exponent b comprises four constituent parameters representing the intake mode to entry organ (bi), route of transportation to target organ (br), mass of target organ (bo), and rate of metabolism at target organ (bm). This expression enables the a priori...
Spectroscopic approach of the interaction study of ceftriaxone and human serum albumin
February 2014
Under physiological conditions, interaction between ceftriaxone and human serum albumin was investigated by using fluorescence spectroscopy and ultra violet (UV) absorption spectrum. From spectral analysis, ceftriaxone showed a strong ability to quench the intrinsic fluorescence of human serum albumin (HSA) through a static quenching procedure. The binding constant (k) is estimated as K=1.02× 103 M-1 at 298 K....
Changes in airway resistance with cumulative numbers of cigarettes smoked
July 2013
This work was performed with smokers of Virginia tobacco cigarettes without taking into consideration brand or type of cigarettes. An experimental study was conducted for the variation of cigarettes number and the increments in airway resistance for both normal and respiratory disordered subjects using body plethysmograph for testing individuals. Seventeen (17) nonsmokers and ten smokers were studied. The investigation...
Epigenetic regulation of PGC1 α in human type 2 diabetes
July 2013
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is the most common metabolic disease in theworld, reaching epidemic proportions. PPARGC1A mRNA expression is reduced in islets from patients with diabetes 2 and it is influenced by both genetic and epigenetic factor. The epigenetic modification, results as a two fold increase in DNA methylation of the PGC1A promoter of diabetes. This two fold increase in DNA methylation is due to the DNA...
Using electrical impedance tomography in following up skin conductivity change for different sonophoresis conditions
March 2012
Sonophoresis is the using of ultrasound waves to increase the entrancement of genes and drugs surpassing the skin barrier. Many mechanisms have been described to illustrate the sonophoresis mode of action; some describe changes in skin resistance during sonophoresis. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) technique uses voltage measurement through a group of electrodes and reconstructs the data to a conductivity picture....
The use of a continuity equation of fluid mechanics to reduce the abnormality of the cardiovascular system: A control mechanics of the human heart
March 2012
The paper is aimed at presenting the differential equations for the cardiovascular system with the help of continuity equation of fluid mechanics to reduce the abnormality of the rate of blood flow and variation of blood volume in different parts of the system. The equations are used to explain the Frank-Starling mechanism, which plays an important role in the maintenance of the stability of the distribution of blood in...
pH uniquely modulates protein arginine methylation
November 2011
Protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs) function in the alkaline milieu of the nucleus and at neutral pH of the cytosol. Accordingly, several PRMTs are broadly active over a range of pHs. We investigated the effect altering pH had on protein arginine methylation using a variety of defined substrates, recombinant PRMTs and cell extracts.We demonstrate that pH-induced alterations in the extent of methylation and the...
Crystal structure of the allosteric-defective chaperonin GroELE434K mutant
November 2011
The chaperonin GroEL adopts a double-ring structure with various modes of allosteric communication. The simultaneous positive intra-ring and negative inter-ring cooperativities allow alternating functionality of the folding cavities in both protein rings. Mutation of glutamic acid 434 (located at the ring interface), to lysine alters the negative inter-ring cooperativity. The crystal structure of the mutant chaperonin...
Effect of the tannoid enriched fraction of Emblica officinalis on α-crystallin chaperone activity under hyperglycemic conditions in lens organ culture
September 2011
Chaperone-like activity (CLA) of α-crystallin is known to be compromised in diabetic conditions and associated with cataract formation. Protecting α-crystallin CLA may help in delaying and/or preventing cataracts. In this study, we employed a lens organ culture model to study the effect of hyperglycemia on the CLA of α-crystallin and investigated the protective effect the tannoids...
Modeling and proposed mechanism of two radical scavengers through docking to curtail the action of ribonucleotide reductase
September 2011
Ribonucleotide reductase (RR) is a ubiquitous cytosolic enzyme required for DNA synthesis and repair in all living cells. Therefore, the crucial role of this enzyme in cell division makes it a potential target for designing drugs that inhibit cell growth for cancer therapy. An increased interest in RR as a target for cancer therapy has been documented since the discovery that human RR is regulated by p53 enzyme and that...
The salicylic acid effect on the tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) sugar, protein and proline contents under salinity stress (NaCl)
April 2011
Plants growth is impressed by biotic and abiotic stress inversely. There are many reports about proteins change level in salinity stress. Leaves fill up more soluble sugar of glucose, fructose and proline with treatment of salicylic acid. In this research, tomato seeds planted in pots containing perlite were put in a growth chamber under controlled conditions of 27 ± 2 and 23 ± 2°C temperature, 16...
Virulence prediction model (virprob) using amino acid and dipeptide composition for human pathogens
January 2011
Pathogenic bacteria that cause infectious disease are operated by various virulence mechanisms. Hence, it is important to develop a reliable system for predicting bacterial virulent proteins aiming at discovering novel drug/vaccine and for understanding virulence mechanisms in pathogens. On the basis of features like amino acid and dipeptide composition, it tried to identify the virulence potential in the given...
EGFP-FMRP forms proto-stress granules: A poor surrogate for endogenous FMRP
January 2011
Overexpressed autofluorescent-tagged versions of the Fragile mental retardation protein (FMRP) such as EGFP-FMRP have been used in protein-protein interaction studies and in studies of the composition, the formation and the localization of neuronal granules. However, the question of whether these molecules...
Comparative study of inhibition of drug potencies of c-Abl human kinase inhibitors: A computational and molecular docking study
July 2010
Structural studies suggest that the c-Abl protein kinase domain exists in two conformations; an active and an inactive form. There are many inhibitors which bind this tyrosine kinase in both forms. Many of these kinase inhibitors are in clinical trials too. The inhibition potency of these inhibitors is a common topic of discussion. In the present study we have taken a library of eight different inhibitors and docked...
Possible role of 2, 2’- (Diazinodimethylidyne) di - (o-phenylene) dibenzoate, a novel hydrazine as an anti – HIV agent
July 2010
A number of anti-HIV agents act by inhibiting specific steps in the lifecycle of HIV. Inhibition of reverse-transcriptase (RT), a multi-functional enzyme is an important option. The interaction of 2, 2´-(Diazinodimethylidyne)-di-(o-phenylene)-dibenzoate (HZ) with HIV1-RT was studied to explore its possible use in anti-HIV therapy. This novel hydrazine derivative undergoes strong interaction with a number of...
BPES analyses of a new diffusion-advection equation for fluid flow in blood vessels under different bio-physico-geometrical conditions
April 2010
In human physiological and pathological flow systems, it is not possible to rule out diffusion in all advective processes because perfusion goes hand in hand with diffusion processes. It is the perfusion throughout the capillary bed and then the diffusion of fluids throughout the tissue that is the subject of most magnetic resonance functional imaging procedures. It is observed from literature that basic theory of...
Influence of gibberellic acid and arbuscular mycorrhizae inoculation on carbon metabolism, growth, and diterpene accumulation in Taxus wallichiana Zuccarini var. mairei
March 2010
Changes in growth parameters and 14C02 and [U-14C]-sucrose incorporation into the primary metabolic pools and diterpene 10 DAB compound were investigated in leaves and stems of Taxus wallichiana Zucarnii treated with gibberellic acid (GA) and inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM). Compared to the control, GA(1000 ppm) and AM (1 kg/ha each) with AM-GA combined treatments, induced...
Elements sequestered by arbuscular mycorrhizal spores in riverine soils: A preliminary assessment
March 2010
The elemental composition of spore wall of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) was analyzed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) in a preliminary assessment. Measurements of AMF spores were made for riparian soils in both urban (rivers subjected to different human activities) and farm sites in southeastern Brazil. Spore populations belonging to four...
Ultra-low doses of melafen affect the energy of mitochondria
February 2010
Addition of the organophosphorous plant growth regulator - melafen to the mitochondria incubation medium resulted in modification of energy thereof. The modification was dose dependent one. The melafen concentrations 2 × 10-12, 2 ×10-18 and 2 × 10-21 Ðœ raised the maximum rates for oxidation of NAD+-dependent substrates, elevated the efficiency of oxidative...
Determination of instantaneous arterial blood pressure from bio-impedance signal
February 2010
The objective of this study was to determine the instantaneous arterial blood pressure by the peripheral bio-impedance. To achieve this goal, the equation of Ben Salah and Flaud, initially meant to determine the instantaneous aortic pressure according to the signal of thoracic bioimpedance, was successfully applied for the determination of the instantaneous arterial pressure according to the signal of peripheral...
A thermodynamic investigation of bovine carbonic anhydrase II interaction with cobalt ion at 300 and 310K
December 2009
A thermodynamic study on the interaction of bovine carbonic anhydrase II, CAII, with cobalt ions was studied by using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) at 27 and 37°C in tris buffer solution at pH = 7.5. The heats of Co2++CAII interaction are reported and analysed in terms of the new solvation theory. It was indicated that there are three identical and non-cooperative sites for Co2+. The binding of a...
Chlorosoma: How can it contribute to photosynthesis of green bacteria?
December 2009
Numerous kinetic data for excitation energy decay in bacteriochlorophylls as well as extremely short lifetimes of excitations in dominating chlorosoma pigment exclude the possibility of an efficient migration of this energy from chlorosoma to the main intra-membrane photosystem of some green bacteria. Author discusses the main purpose and molecular mechanism which account for this inconsistency in huge, 3D chlorosoma...
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