Woody plants richness in the tropical dry forest at the RAMSAR site Playa Tortuguera El Verde Camacho, Sinaloa, México
February 2025
The species richness of tropical dry forests is heterogeneous. To prevent species exploitation, a 3 km barrier was constructed within the tropical dry forest of the RAMSAR site in 1991. Theoretically, the area inside the fence should be the best preserved, with a greater number of species expected. To determine whether the fence influenced woody species richness, 20 transects (0.01 ha each) were established on both...
Molecular tools for environmental monitoring: A review of metabarcoding studies applied to a strategic Italian Peninsula, the Apulian region
January 2025
The advent of molecular tools such as Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding has significantly enhanced our ability to assess and monitor diverse ecosystems. eDNA metabarcoding, combined with High Throughput Sequencing (HTS), involves the analysis of genetic material dispersed in the environment, enabling its extensive sequencing. This technique offers a powerful and complementary...
A comparative study among different agroforestry systems and natural forests in southern Ghana
December 2024
Human disturbance in forest ecosystems poses a significant threat to biodiversity conservation. However, agroforestry systems, offer hope for biodiversity conservation and sustainable agricultural production. Despite this potential, the roles of various agroforestry systems in conserving biodiversity and maintaining ecosystem services are poorly understood. In this study, tree species diversity was investigated, and...
Evaluation of the spatio-temporal variation of the physico-chemical parameter and the level of ecological pollution in the waters of the Comoé River and its tributary Iringou
March 2024
The study was conducted from May 2022 to March 2023 on the Comoe and Iringou rivers in Comoe National Park. Its aim was to assess the physico-chemical parameters and ecological stress levels of these rivers. The results show that both rivers have fewer ecological pollution parameters, with average pH values close to neutral (6.8 to 7.3). The average dissolved oxygen recorded in these streams over the two seasons...
Stakeholder perceptions of wetlands management effectiveness in Cameroon
November 2023
Wetland ecosystems and the fisheries that depend on them are vital to the survival of million individuals in poor nations. Although this habitat is contracting because of heavy pressure brought on by the expansion of the population and the increase of human activity in Cameroon. Yet it is crucial to evaluate the management practices used to ensure its durability. In this study, we look into wetland stakeholders'...
Energy flow management to enhance cost-effective crop production in Hilly Tribal Villages - Southern Odisha, India
October 2023
The objective of this study is to assess the energy budget of crop production in the Niyamgiri hill agro-ecosystems, exploring the interdependency between agricultural systems and natural forest ecosystems. The cultivated area is categorized based on different cropping patterns, with four prevalent agriculture practices in the villages: (i) shifting cultivation (Podu) in high hill areas, (ii) mid-hill orchards below the...
Impacts of climate variables and seasonal water depth on emergent macrophyte biomass production in King’wal riverine wetland, Kenya
October 2023
The production of macrophyte biomass holds a crucial role in supporting diverse life forms within wetland ecosystems. However, this biomass production is intricately tied to hydrology of the inland wetland system, which in turn is driven by the local climate's seasonal patterns. The response of macrophyte biomass production to seasonal changes in water depth, influenced by rainfall patterns and air temperatures in...
Effects of land use on floristic composition and diversity of woody vegetation in the commune of Enampore, Senegal
July 2023
The diversity of woody vegetation is threatened by intensified land use and soil chemistry. However, the effects of land use and soil chemistry on woody vegetation are not well known. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of land use classes (upland, uncultivated lowland, cultivated lowland, and tans) on the diversity and structure of woody vegetation in the commune of Enampore. To do this, an...
Effect of IAA on spore germination and gametophyte development in Ceratopteris thalictroides (l.) brongn. from Sitamata Wild Life Sanctuary, Rajasthan
July 2023
The effect of different concentrations of Indole acetic acid (IAA) on spore germination and gametophyte development of Ceratopteris thalictroides, a leptosporangiate fern of the family Pteridaceae found at the marshy places near Sitamata sanctuary in Rajasthan, was observed. The highest spore germination percentage was recorded in the 2 to 6 ppm concentration range of IAA, with minimum in the 10 ppm concentration. The...
Diversity and composition of the epiphytic flora in an urban agglomeration: The case of city of Douala, Cameroon
July 2023
Epiphytes constitute an element of climate regulation in the tropical zone. In Cameroon, the decline in forest area of about 220,000 ha, partly due to urbanization, has been observed. The research aim was to characterize the epiphytic flora of the urban ecosystem of Douala. Four zones represented by nine neighbourhoods were chosen for the surveys. Four transects of a maximum distance of 500 m were scanned on each...
Photophysiology, dark respiration and leaf desiccation resilience of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris L.
April 2023
Adiantum capillus-veneris is a cosmopolitan, globally distributed terrestrial fern in warm temperate to tropical regions. It is also widely cultivated in indoor and outdoor settings. The natural habitat of A. capillus-veneris includes limestone rocky places with consistent sources of water, including shady alkaline, moist cliffs and on vertical surfaces in moist forested locations, preferably with calcareous soils;...
Assessment of carbon sequestration by mangrove plantations in Casamance (Oussouye, Ziguinchor, Senegal)
December 2022
The mangrove ecosystem abounds in fish and wood resources exploited by local populations for cooking and house construction. This has resulted in a strong loss of mangrove surfaces whose causes are explained by the combined action of natural and anthropic factors. To minimize the regression of the mangrove in Casamance, the Oceanium Association has organized since 2006 reforestation campaigns of mangrove trees. To date,...
Effect of heavy metals and physicochemical parameters on diversity of plants at a gold mine tailings dam in Ghana
December 2022
This study focuses on the impact of physicochemical parameters and heavy metals concentrations in soil on abundance, richness and diversity of plants at Marlu tailings dam located near Bogoso, Ghana. The concentrations of heavy metals (mg/kg) in soil at the study area are as follows: Fe (10,528.9 - 7,873.0), Cu (224.9 - 177.4), Zn (51.6 - 42.7), Cd (3.0 - 2.6), As (2.4 - 1.7) and Mn (78.3 - 57.1). Soil nutrient levels...
Pare’s people perception influences on conservation of wild plant diversity in protected areas in Kilimanjaro Region, Northern Tanzania
October 2022
This study was designed to assess Pare people’s perception about the role of protected areas in biodiversity conservation. Viewpoints on factors causing biodiversity loss, related consequences and people’s participation in forest husbandry activities were also investigated. Data were collected from Same and Mwanga Districts using semi structured interview. Results indicated generally that majority of people...
Aquatic macro invertebrate contribution in leaf litter breakdown in tropical mining area streams (Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa)
October 2022
The aim of the study was to determine how mining operations affected the health of aquatic ecosystems. The investigation was carried out in the diamond, gold, and manganese mining areas of Tortiya, Hiré, and Lauzoua. Leaf litter bags were used to assess breakdown. To further identify macro-invertebrates in the laboratory, leaves from emerged large-mesh bags were preserved in 70% alcohol. The results showed that...
Floristic diversity and regeneration of wild edible fruit species in the Reserve of Moutourwa and its surroundings (Far-North Cameroon)
September 2022
In order to assess the diversity, regeneration and structure of wild edible fruit trees, a study was carried out in the Laf-Madjam forest reserve and its surroundings. A semi-structured interview with local residents and a floristic inventory of woody plants (8 transects of 1000 m × 20 m each) were carried out. 24 species were cited as being used by the local residents. A total of 2134 individuals subdivided into...
Water quality and ecological stress of fish in the Bandama River Estuary (Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa)
August 2022
The Bandama River contributes essentially to the well-being of the Ivorian population. Unfortunately its biodiversity is strongly threatened by human activities. In order to assess the water quality of the Bandama River and its impact on fish fauna, a scientific study was carried out from March 2019 to February 2020 in its estuarine zone. Thus, the physico-chemical variables of the water, the contents of Pb, Mn, Fe, Cd...
Morphological variation in Diospyros mespiliformis (Ebenaceae) among different habitats in Benin, West Africa
April 2022
Interesting morphological traits in tree organs are essential for selecting the best plant germplasm. Variation in morphometric traits of leaf, fruit and seed of multipurpose tree Diospyros mespiliformis were studied in two climatic zones in Benin using 735 trees from 4 major habitats (provenances) in each climatic zone. Morphological trait measurements were combined with architectural parameters and analyzed using...
Detection and predictive modeling of land use changes by CA-Markov in the northern part of the Southern rivers: From Lower Casamance to Gêba river (Guinea Bissau)
January 2022
The northern part of the Southern rivers, which is the subject of this study, lies between 18° 54' and 14° 48' north latitude and 11° 30' and 12° 54' west longitude. It is characterized by a dense hydrographic network dominated by maritime marshes and expanses of salty lands and mangrove mudflats that have developed on a vast coastal plain. The objective of this study is to analyze...
Silvicultural assessment of enrichment planting with commercial tree species after selective logging
January 2022
The integrity of forest stands in logging concessions depends on the logging method. Selective logging is the most commonly used method in the tropics, disturbing a considerable proportion of soil and canopy cover creating distinct sites for plant establishment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the silvicultural requirements in terms of light and moisture of seedlings of some commercial tree species used for...
The impact of community-based ecotourism program on livelihood of local community: Result of propensity score matching from Adaba- Dodola District, Ethiopia
January 2022
Ecotourism is a recently emerged concept described as an ecologically friendly, economically and socially viable form of tourism. Its aims are to conserve the environment and local culture, and to ensure the major beneficiary and participation of local communities. This research aims to analyze the determinants of community based ecotourism and its livelihood impact in local community. 213 sample households consisting...
Structural characterization of over-exploited forest species: Case of Garcinia kola Heckel (Clusiaceae) in Côte d’Ivoire
December 2021
The purpose of this study is to define the structural characteristics and spatial distribution of endangered Garcinia kola in Côte d'Ivoire, in order to ensure sustainable management of the species. The study was conducted in two natural growth zones (Affery and Biankouma) of the species and involved 94 trees with a minimum diameter of 10 cm measured at 1.30 m from the ground. The data collection method...
Attacks on humans and retaliatory killing of wild carnivores in the eastern Serengeti Ecosystem, Tanzania
September 2021
Attacks on humans by wild carnivores are a serious problem, especially where communities and carnivores share the same landscape. When people are injured or killed, community members commonly retaliate by killing the carnivores. Awareness of how to minimize the risk of attacks is important and dependent on an understanding of the circumstances surrounding previous attacks and communicating them back to society. A total...
Economic valuation of tourism of the Sundarban Mangroves, Bangladesh
September 2021
The Sundarban Reserve Forest (SRF) of Bangladesh provides tourism services to local and international visitors. Indeed, tourism is one of the major ecosystem services that this biodiversity-rich mangrove forest provides. Through a convenient sampling technique, 421 tourist respondents were interviewed to assess their willingness to pay for the tourism services of the Sundarban, using the Zonal Travel Cost Method...
Diversity and molecular systematics of orchids in Mount Cameroon
July 2021
A survey was carried out in Mount Cameroon to document the distribution and diversity of the Orchidaceae which is the most abundant plant family worldwide and the second most abundant in this study area. The study area was divided into 5 different zones made up of 4 ecotypes in the wild and some cultivated gardens. The ecotypes in the wild were further divided into different macro-habitats based on altitudinal gradients...
Floristic and structural diversity of woody vegetation in the Sudano-guinean zone of Larmanaye, Chad
July 2021
This study was carried out in the Larmanaye ecological landscape in the Sudano-guinean zone of Chad. The objective was to analyse the floristic and structural diversity of different woody-vegetation types. Floristic and dendrometric data were collected in 92 plots of 2500 m² to assess woody species with diameter greater than 5 cm, and 460 plots of 25 m² for the assessment of regeneration. The composition,...
Cocoa-based agroforestry systems and its potential for tree resource conservation around the Dja Biosphere Reserve Southeastern Cameroon
July 2021
The objective of this study was to evaluate tree species diversity, structure and conservation status of these tree species in cocoa-based agroforestry systems around the Dja Biosphere Reserve, South East of Cameroon. This reserve is divided into four clusters due to its large nature and location between two regions. A random sampling approach was adopted, whereby, 100 plots of 100 m × 20 m and 10 m × 20...
Understanding levels and motivations of rural women engaging in Forest Management Institutions: Evidence from developing countries
July 2021
Although studies emphasize that rural women are persistently being marginalized in forest governance in the Global South, some feminist scholars contend that women are still joining and engaging in forest management institutions. Drawing on the ‘Typology of Participation’ model and the ‘Gender Box’ framework, this article intends to widen our understanding of the levels and motivations of rural...
Realising the net Impacts of International trade on carbon dioxide emissions for the sustainability of the environment in African countries
May 2021
The purpose of this study is to critically assess the relationship between international trade and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to identify the key driving forces in Africa at different income levels. In examining the causal effects of net trade on CO2 emission loads from 1960 to 2012 with a number of other anthropogenic driving forces, we employed a panel dataset, an augmented STIRPATN models and techniques of...
Is Faurea rochetiana a potential candidate for Dendroclimate studies? Wood samples from semi-arid woodlands of southern Ethiopia
May 2021
Sustainable management of economically and ecologically important tree species such as Faurea rochetiana merely depend on acquiring reliable information on growth dynamics and structure in response to the changing climate. Formation of the growth ring boundaries is pre-requisite for conducting several denroclimatology studies. Hence, the objective was to verify the formation of growth ring boundaries of F. rochetiana....
Rangeland rehabilitation using micro-catchments and native species in Turkana County, Kenya
May 2021
Turkana County is prone to perturbations and famine owing to the prevailing climatic conditions. Due to degradation through natural and anthropogenic activities such as charcoal burning; over time, existing woodlands have been degraded, necessitating rehabilitation. Several drylands adapted plant species studied over the years for the response to the needs of the communities were identified and isolated through a...
Analysis of fuelwood utilisation and existing reforestation strategy on local biodiversity in Northern Plateau State, Nigeria
May 2021
Unsustainable fuel wood utilisation and poorly articulated habitat reforestation strategy could pose serious threats to the survival of animal species. However, few areas have provided the opportunity to compare the twin effects of these factors on local biodiversity which may be useful for shaping conservation strategies at local levels. Thus, this study examined utilization patterns of plant species used for fuelwood...
Regenerating plant species of a highly anthropised tropical forest in Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa
February 2021
Haut-Sassandra classified forest (FCHS) lost more than 70% of its forest cover between 2000 and 2011 due to armed conflict and cocoa cultivation. The government is concerned about the future of this forest and whether it can regenerate naturally. Observations likely to uncover plant species that are capable of regenerating the forest were collected through systematic sampling comprising 18 line transects each containing...
Ecological status of a newly impounded sub-saharan reservoir based on benthic macroinvertebrates community (Burkina Faso, West Africa)
February 2021
In West Africa, particularly in Burkina Faso, the aquatic ecosystems are under human pressures. Therefore, for long term management of these ecosystems, the managers need baseline data for regular assessment of ecological health condition. In this regard, the structure of the benthic macroinvertebrate community was investigated and the relationship between the environmental variables and biotic indices of the...
Species composition, habitat association, altitudinal variation and distribution of small mammals in Chato Protected Area, Western Ethiopia
October 2020
Species composition, habitat association and altitudinal distribution of rodents and shrews were assessed in Chato Protected Area, Ethiopia, between July, 2015 and March, 2016. The area was stratified into five habitats based on dominant vegetation types and altitudinal zonation. The habitats were Carissa spinarum - Justicia schimperiana, Maytenus gracilipes, Podocarpus falcatus - Pyschotria orophila dominated habitats,...
Assessing the spatial distribution of bamboo species using remote sensing in Cameroon
October 2020
Bamboo resource assessment has witnessed great interest in the world with very little attention in the Congo Basin forests. This study was initiated to assess bamboo species distribution in Cameroon with respect to Agroecological Zones (AEZ), using remote sensing. Forty-eight sheets of Landsat 8/Operational Land Imager (OLI) and the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) instruments’ images were mosaiced with the Envi 5.3...
Framework for assessing the level of stakeholders’ involvement and governance in mangrove management: Case of selected local communities in the south west coastal Atlantic Region, Cameroon
October 2020
Mangrove forest management is becoming increasingly difficult due to increasing pressure from burgeoning mangrove fuel wood dependent coastal population justifying the urgent need for a multi-dimensional participatory approach that brings together all stakeholders into a broad management and governance framework. This paper investigates, analyzes and puts stakeholders’ participation within the framework for...
Source predictions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) concentration in water, sediment, and biota (FISHES) from Ethiope River, Delta State, Southern Nigeria
October 2020
This study was carried out to predict the source of the sixteen priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds in water, sediment, and biota samples from River Ethiope, Delta State, Southern Nigeria. The samples were extracted using soxhlet extraction and analysed with GC/FID. Results obtained for total concentration of the sixteen priority PAHs ranges from 0.185 to 3.679 mg/kg (sediment), 0.000 to 27.353...
Quantifying poached wildlife mammal species in Center-western region of Côte d’Ivoire
August 2020
Poaching or illegal hunting of wildlife for bushmeat is common in Côte d’Ivoire and particularly in center-western regions where it is actually a major income source contrary to traditional livelihood need. In order to assess the threat and impact of illegal bushmeat off take on sustainable biodiversity and conservation of wildlife resources to fill the information gap we examined the quality and quantity of...
The role of rural women in natural resources management and utilization: A case of Delanta District, South Wollo Zone, Ethiopia
August 2020
Natural resources provide any material from the natural environment that can be used by people for support and sustenance of life on earth with its ecological value and manifold resources. The purpose of this study was to explore the role of rural women in natural resources management and utilization in Ethiopia by taking Delanta as the case. The research design was descriptive survey using stratified random sampling...
Analysis of growth rings to determine age and mean radial growth of selected Baikiaea-Guibourtia-Pterocarpus species from regrowth stands after pole/ firewood harvesting and abandoned crop fields, north-western Zimbabwe
August 2020
Anthropogenic disturbances (cultivation, harvesting of poles and firewood and protection) play a pivotal role in the recovery and growth of Baikiaea-Guibourtia-Pterocarpus woodland species. The aim of this study is to determine the reliability of tree growth rings in age determination and average radial growth of re-growing woodland stands. The relationship between stem diameter, number of growth rings, and age of...
Wildlife harvesting and bushmeat trade in Rivers State, Nigeria: The resilience of the African civet, Civettictis civetta (Carnivora: Viverridae) and records of rare species
August 2020
The first step in making exploitation of wildlife more sustainable is to determine the sustainability of current levels of harvest, which has two components: determining the offtake from an area and appraising the effect that this offtake has on species. The exploitation of wildlife from the catchment area of a major bushmeat market at Omagwa, in the eastern Niger Delta was initiated in 2005. Analyses of 2019 results...
Heavy metal soil contamination in cocoa plantations in South West Region, Cameroon
August 2020
The status of heavy metal contamination of surface soils in two cocoa plantations of approximately 30 years in Cameroon was evaluated. The bioavailable fractions of Fe, Cu, Zn, Cd and Cr were used to assess the extent of heavy metal contamination using a selection of contamination indices. In addition, other physicochemical properties including organic matter, particle size, CEC and pH were assessed. One of the farms...
Diurnal activity pattern and social behavior of Swayne’s Hartebeest in Maze National Park, Southern Ethiopia
May 2020
Swayne’s Hartebeest (SHB) is an endangered endemic animal to Ethiopia. However, its activity pattern and social behavior are not well documented. Hence, we investigated the diurnal activity pattern and social behavior of SHB in the Maze National Park. Data were collected by direct observation of focal-animal from October 2018 to April 2019 and analyzed using descriptive statistics and X2-test. A total of 1004...
Tree’s spatial pattern, diversity and distribution in sub humid mountains ecosystems in south-west Togo
May 2020
West African Guinean forests are among the most diverse and threatened ecosystems in the world. The study aims to provide new insights about tree species patterns, abundance, and diversity for better management in Togo. Species diversity and density of trees were assessed in 170 plots randomly selected in the study area. Each tree with DBH >10 cm was identified and measured. Stem density, basal area, and diversity...
Customs and traditional management practices of coastal marine natural resources in Lower Casamance: Perspectives of valorisation of endogenous knowledge
May 2020
In southern Senegal, specifically in Lower Casamance, many marine and coastal resources are of significant sociological importance for Jola populations. They are essential both for worship and for sustenance. Thus, through different customs and practices, the Jola helps to preserve their natural environment, even if their primary motivations were hardly conservation. Perceptions, beliefs, and avoidance practices with...
Contribution of spring and summer hydrodynamic conditions in the eutrophication process at Lake Taihu, China
May 2020
Contribution of different hydrodynamic conditions caused nutrients released and algal blooms growth and deteriorates water quality. Important factors related to climate variation, such as water temperature, precipitation, wind, solar radiation, and human activities can influence trophic conditions in the water column. A field survey was conducted at Meiliang Bay during spring and summer seasons and in diverse...
An assessment and local perception of sand deposits induced desertification in Sokoto State, Nigeria
March 2020
Sokoto State is one of the states in Nigeria that are prone to desertification. This study attempts to identify and delimit areas affected by desertification in the three northernmost Local Government Areas of Sokoto State, namely: Illela, Gada and Tangaza. Field study was carried out to verify the incident and occurrence of desertification and the menace of sand deposition. A simple random sampling method with...
The role of logged timber stump sprouting in natural forest regeneration in the Akak forest area of Cameroon
March 2020
Natural forest regeneration is the renewal of a forest crop by self-sown seed or by sprouting of stumps. However, there have been few studies on sprouting in the Cameroon tropical rainforest. The main objectives of this study were to examine the influence of stump sprouting of timber species in natural forest regeneration in the Akak forest area in Cameroon. In this study, stumps were located in forest compartments...
Minerology, geochemical composition and geotechnical properties of termite mound soil
March 2020
Termitarian, the epigeal biogenic structure constructed by termites are widespread in the forest and derived savannah regions of Nigeria. Soil modification, with particular focus on the mineralogy, variation in geochemical composition and geotechnical properties of termite mound soil samples collected from nine location in the Ika area, Delta State of Nigeria are the objectives of this report. The major elements...
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