Public administration in Zimbabwe: Challenges and Prospects
November 2024
Public sector management has become an important issue in both the developed and the developing countries. The need to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector organisations has called for a raft of measures within the sector. This however has presented debates in the administration circles as some measures are always being taken in a number of countries but with no meaningful change being...
A synergistic approach to disaster risk reduction: Integrating collaborative evaluation
July 2024
This study explores the potential of integrating the PAR-Sendai Action Framework (PSAF) with the Model for Collaborative Evaluations (MCE) to enhance organizational resilience for disaster risk reduction (DRR). PSAF provides a structured risk assessment and mitigation framework, while the MCE emphasizes stakeholder involvement in guiding collaborative evaluations. The proposed conceptual framework merges these...
The impact of leadership in organizational dynamics and change management in the mining sector: A case study of Bindura Nickel Mine, Zimbabwe
January 2024
Zimbabwe is a nation blessed with a diversity of minerals and metals that have necessitated the establishment of a large number of mining companies. However, the mining industry has constantly experienced new developments in terms of new technologies, changing employee demographics, global economic competition and economic shocks related to the instability of both domestic and global financial markets. In this...
Evolution of public-private partnerships in Zimbabwe's state universities
January 2024
Despite persuasive heuristics and pragmatic promotion for the use of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to infuse dynamism into public sector infrastructure development, little is known about their progress in Zimbabwe's state universities. This study traces the evolution and validation of PPPs as an alternative funding option for the development of educational infrastructure in Zimbabwean state universities and...
Aid-for-trade (AfT) and global justice: The European Union (EU) in Africa
March 2023
There is no doubt that Aid-for-Trade (AfT) has enhanced trade between Africa and the EU. However, although Africa has benefited, the gains to the EU appear to be much higher. Moreover, the benefits of AfT until now have also accrued disproportionately to more developed African countries. This paper critically assesses the effects of EU-AfT provision to bolster trade-related support in Africa. Second, it examines whether...
Pockets of effectiveness in Ghana’s public sector: The driver and vehicle licensing authority in perspective
October 2022
The transformation of the public sector from a moribund to a result-oriented institution has been a subject of academic discourse. This article based on empirical study contributes to this discourse by examining the pockets of effectiveness, the push factors and the challenges to the sustenance of the pockets of productivity using the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority in Ghana as a case study. The article found...
Entrepreneurship education and the professionalisation of higher education
July 2021
Considerable concern is being paid to the professionalization of education. Professionalising higher education in a way in many countries is trying to build a bridge between theory and practice. First of all, it is important to know and understand that academics cannot be professionalised. This paper aims to explore a way to professionalise higher education. Data for the study is based on books and interviews with...
Internal control systems and the financial management function in urban governance in Uganda
July 2021
In Uganda like many developing countries, financial management units are facing numerous performance challenges as a result of untold pressure, overwhelming deadlines, limited resources, political patronage and limited professional skills among the practioners. To unravel these impediments, drastic mechanisms need to be put in place to ensure a common balance among all stakeholders; financial resources must be used in a...
Basis for policy formulation: Systematic policy analysis or intuitive policy decision?
January 2021
This study aims at assessing the extent to which the Ethiopian policies are based on rational policy analysis. Explanatory analysis methods are used to analyze primary and secondary qualitative data. The finding shows that in the policy making process only one policy option was investigated and crafted; the criteria used to evaluate the proposal are not clear; sophisticated solution methods haven’t been used....
The digitally induced increase of wicked problems as a challenge for politics and public management
January 2021
This paper aims to shed light on the connection between two developments that are increasingly shaping countries all over the world, especially in the western hemisphere: The boost in wicked problems and the rapidly advancing digitization. It also deals with the challenges this poses to politics and public administration. Some fields of action, which are closely related to the current socio-technical changes, are...
Why public services matter: Linking citizen quality of life to local government services
January 2020
As public demand for greater governmental efficiency and accountability continues to grow, it is essential for public policy-makers and administrators to justify the provision of public services through various performance measures. Citizen quality of life is a common indicator of government performance within the emergent literature as the existence of numerous public entities is predicated on their ability to provide...
HIV and AIDS mainstreaming in Uganda’s higher education sector strategic direction: A case of Uganda Management Institute
January 2020
HIV and AIDS mainstreaming in the development arena has been a point of emphasis globally over the years. The higher education sector has also put emphasis on the campaign to have HIV and AIDS issues mainstreamed for in all strategies and operations. The purpose of this study is to investigate how HIV and AIDS mainstreaming has been considered in Uganda Management Institute (UMI) strategic direction. The study deployed...
Pursuing Sustainable Development Goals in Uganda: Do anti-corruption strategies of Management Development Institutes matter?
October 2019
Sustainable development refers to using resources sparingly so that future generations may also use them for development. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global development agenda adopted in 2015 to “end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all”. The 15-year development agenda recognizes eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, as the...
China’s path of rural poverty alleviation through health care financing: The case of Taijiang County-Guizhou Province
October 2019
China has made considerable progress in economic, social, cultural and political fields since reform and opening-up started in 1978. In the last forty years the country lifted over 700 million people out of poverty by implementing large-scale, long-lasting, government-led, and very effective rural poverty alleviation and development plan. In health care financing, the country also achieved universal health insurance...
Evolution of the public private partnership (ppps) and its application in down market urban housing in Kenya
June 2019
The State Department of Housing in Kenya puts the housing demand in the country at 250,000 housing units per year, while actual supply is 50,000 units p.a. This demand for housing has accumulated to 1.85 million units as at 2018. This has led to the growing proliferation of slums and informal settlements, with the Department showing that there are over 500 such settlements. This state of affairs has been partly...
Strengthening local government through participation and leadership: Bangladesh perspective
May 2019
Active participation and effective leadership are two accepted substantial objects of a well-functioning local government, without those ingredients, governance of local government intuitions cannot be contented to its founding purpose. Bangladesh, an emerging South Asian economic tiger, has achieved some exemplary development within short time in many fields, is still struggling to establish a strong and vibrant local...
Is it more than a trade war?
April 2019
The paper examines the underlying reasons for the trade war and is mainly aimed at China. It was suggested that there is an underlying motive apart from trade imbalance or intellectual property issues as accused by the United State of America government. It examines to some extent the possible contributions of countries such as Canada, England, Australia and the European Union (EU) to isolate China strategically. As...
Value chain and local economic development in the shai-Osudoku district assembly of Ghana: The experience of the Asutuare rice farming project
November 2018
The article sought to discuss the impact of value chain development and local economic development among rice farmers in Asutuare in the Shai-Osudoku District Assembly of Ghana. The study specifically examined the actors in the rice value chain development process, their roles and how their roles shaped the final output for the consumer and the extent to which the value chain development and local economic development...
A comparative corporate governance mechanism
October 2018
This paper presents an analysis of the connection between management and governance. Management is a business function that has been entrusted with providing leadership support to organisations' resources to realise strategic goals and objectives. In contemporary management, however, another function of leadership has been realised which is governance. Experts have identified that while the two have distinctive...
The need for executive federalism in federal-provincial relations: The Canadian example
December 2017
Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s championing of a new course of federal-provincial relations in Canada away from the traditional executive federalism has drawn a lot of scholarly concerns. His open federalism doctrine has been touted by many as the future of federalism in Canada as a way of ensuring popular inclusion, participation, and grass root representation. While agreeing to the need to ensuring openness and...
Administrative impact of restructured provincial administration on selected aspects of maintenance of law and order in Kenya in 2010 to 2014: A case study of Bomet county
September 2017
The aim of this study is to investigate the administrative impact of Restructured Provincial Administration (RPA) as independent variable on maintenance of law and order as dependent variable in Bomet County, Kenya from 2010 to 2014. Based on the theory of new-institutionalism, it focused on four selected aspects of maintenance of law and order measured from 2006 to 2010 and from 2010 to 2014, namely analysis of the...
Designing innovative pro-poor healthcare financing system in sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Eritrea
September 2017
This study attempts to develop a pro-poor health care financing system for Eritrea. The study seeks to answer the following question: can the rich and healthy subsidize the poor and sick in Eritrea? This question is directly related to issues of social insurance and universal coverage. This study was conducted in 2016 in six months period from February to August. In this study, both primary and secondary data sources...
The travail of service delivery and developmental failure in post-independence Nigeria
August 2017
Given the increase in public demands for socio-economic and developmental services, along several plans and resources committed to public services by Nigerian government, poor service delivery has continued to bedevilled development in post-independence Nigeria. Extant studies have linked factors such as lack of accountability, political instability, governance constraints, corruption, bad-governance and Western...
Psychological contract fulfillment and its implication on performance of employees: The case of Asanko Gold Mine, Ghana
May 2017
This study attempts at providing knowledge and further understanding into issues of Psychological Contract Fulfilment (PCF) and its implication (s) on performance of employees at Asanko Gold Mine. The research applied a case study in design, and quantitative methodologies. The research applied the mixed method to review data, and apply a household survey. The research focused on a population of 500 employees from Asanko...
Bureaucratic structures and organizational performance: A comparative study of Kampala capital city authority and national planning authority
January 2017
Uganda has experienced reasonably good economic and institutional performance for over a decade which has been partly explained by the implementation of public sector reforms including the restructuring of public institutions, creating new agencies, and decentralization with the view to rationalize delivery of services (Republic of Uganda, 2010). This paper examines the relationship existing between bureaucratic...
Democracy, good governance and development in Nigeria
November 2016
Contemporary debates on democracy, good governance and development are greatly inspired by the significant political transformations that have taken place in Africa. In countries like Nigeria where the democratization process is work-in-progress, the intellectual preoccupation has been to reflect critically on how the prevailing political conditions can foster good governance and sustainable development. This paper...
The Local Health Councils (LHC) in Brazil: From non-design to a "Poor Policy Design†space
October 2016
The Local Health Councils (LHC) in Brazil is one of the most interesting policy innovations of contemporary Brazilian health reform. Formulated at a time of intense social and institutional change, the LHC can be understood as a social policy resulting from the struggles against the military dictatorship (1964 to 1985) and the battles for hegemony in conducting the re-democratization process. Part of the major health...
Networks and coalitions in the implementation of the international treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in Uganda
October 2016
Uganda acceded to the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGTFA) in the year 2003. Despite this, there are still gaps in implementation of the treaty in the country. The article provides insights into the systemic interactions and coalitions among actors in the implementation of the treaty and subsequent barriers to the implementation of the ITPGRFA. Using social network...
Governance theory paralysis: Case of Malamulele of the Thulamela Municipality in Limpopo Province
July 2016
This study investigated whether the petitioning of the Municipal Demarcation Board and protesting for own separate municipality by the Malamulele community of the Thulamela Municipality were influenced by tribalism/ethnicity and lack of service delivery in the Malamulele area. This study has found no evidence which suggests that lack of service delivery and ethnicity are behind the demand for own separate municipality...
Language pluralism through the administrative service: The use of the official languages policy in Sri Lanka
June 2016
This paper explains how Sri Lanka’s Administrative Service has contributed to the use of the Official Language Policy (OLP) in Sri Lanka. This policy supports ‘Sinhala’ and ‘Tamil’ as official languages (that is, mother tongue) and ‘English’ as the link language. However the implementation of this policy has become problematic due to critical ethno-political factors. Since 2009...
Once the bubble bursts: An overview on the comparison of the Asian economic crisis and the global financial crisis
May 2016
The Asian economic crisis and the global financial crisis had similar roots, which, in both cases, caused widespread instability. Given that recessions associated with financial crises are longer in duration and impose a higher cost on society, solutions to overcoming these two recessions are particularly important from a practical and academic standpoint. This study shows through factor analysis that there is one...
Resettlement implementation management caused by hydropower development: A case study of Nam Ngum2 hydropower project in Laos
April 2016
This paper seeks to contribute to the local context and experiences on the resettlement policy and implementation management of the hydropower development projects based on documentary and policy review. The paper shows that, since the science of resettlement and rehabilitation is a new marginal science. There is no fixed mode in solving the problem of compensation, resettlement and rehabilitation and each nation,...
Measuring the performance of the economic infrastructure and competitivenes cluster in Uganda
March 2016
Performance measurement has become a central feature to the efficiency and effectiveness of the government of Uganda especially with increasing accusations from the citizens on deficits in service delivery in the economic infrastructure cluster Energy and Mineral development, Information and communication technology, works and transport. While most government agencies receive a substantial portion of budget allocations,...
Social marketing for women's health campaigns
June 2015
The social marketing orientation seeks to potentialize public health campaigns using five principles: customer focus; focus on the benefits to customers; endeavouring to create value; involving the whole organisation in the process; being aware of customers’ difference. This article aims to identify the Social Marketing principles (and practices) in women’s health programme in the ABC Region, located in the...
The effect of employees’ motivation on organizational performance
May 2015
The study seeks to unravel the factors that affect construction workers’ motivation and the corresponding effect of the identified motivational factors on workers’ performance and overall productivity. The survey revealed that, among the top ten critical factors (teamwork, work based on contract, supervision based on leadership by example and provision of equipment) had great effect on motivation as well as...
The evolution of governance networks in a time of crisis. Evidence from the Italian tourism sector
May 2015
This paper contributes to an understanding of the development of governance networks in well-defined space-time contexts. The first aim is to highlight features of public-private networks in tourism, under the perspectives of integration and managerialization, and to deduce general principles from the case study of «sistema turistico locale Sardegna Nord-Ovest». In particular, a set of variables to measure...
Public health management in India: Concerns and options
April 2015
Promoting and protecting health is essential to human welfare and sustained economic and social development. While there are many ways to promote and sustain health, not all of them are within the confines of the health sector. The circumstances in which people grow, live, work, and age” strongly influence how people live and die. Besides, status of a country with respect to education, housing, food and employment...
Capital budgeting practices: A comparative study between a port company in Brazil and in Spain
April 2015
This study aims to analyze the capital budgeting practices used in port company in Brazil and another in Spain from a comparative perspective. To meet this objective an empirical research was conducted to study these two ports and a questionnaire was administered to collect data. The results showed that the Brazilian port uses only the internal rate of return for capital budgeting analysis combined with the random rate...
The Nigerian State, oil multinationals and the environment: A case study of Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC)
March 2015
The paper evaluates the environmental performance of SPDC and the Nigerian State in ensuring improved environmental quality. It x-rays the company’s efforts and the role of the state in safeguarding the environment. Using descriptive method of data gathering, the paper reveals the negative consequences of oil exploration – agricultural land degradation, air and water pollution. The environmental policies of...
The role of local self-government institution for deepening democracy at the grass-root level in Bangladesh
March 2015
The structure and function of local government of Bangladesh underwent changes during the British and Pakistani rules as well as there had been several changes made to the structure of the local government bodies in the name of decentralization after independence. The institution of local government can help to establish and deepen democratic process and practice as well as ensure participatory development. This paper...
The politics of language and representative bureaucracy in Ethiopia: the case of Federal Government
January 2015
Building an inclusively representative and equitable bureaucracies in a multiethnic, multilingual and multicultural polity is a challenging phenomenon. Being one of such polities, Ethiopia embarked upon multinational federal nation-building policy exactly two decades ago through a constitutional reform. Accordingly, nine regional states and two chartered cities bureaucracies were established besides the federal...
Manpower development, capacity building and service delivery in Ife-East Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria
January 2015
The essence of government and administration at local levels is to ensure effective service delivery to the people at the grassroots. By constitutional designs and norms, governance at this level draws more closely to the needs of the people. Effective dispensation of this responsibility depends largely on the capability, knowledge and expertise of the existing institutional actors and structures. Nevertheless, service...
Reinventing developmental state in Nigerian Southwest: Agenda and caution for the agents of change
December 2014
Either due to good leadership or autocracy, one thing stands out, ‘developmental state’ was a success in most of Asian countries, while its discredit is loud in Africa. As a case of all-round failure, virtually all strata of the society have had their blames in the historical trivialization of political participation, governance and development in Nigeria. While some politico-economic paradigms, contingent...
Rule of law in Africa and Asia: Solving the principal-agent problem
December 2014
One may look upon the now unfolding events in Burkina Faso from the point of view of rule of law, interpreted with the so-called principal-agent model in the social sciences. Why, then, do many countries in Africa and Asia score low on rule of law, not resolving the principal-agent problem successfully? Is this a legacy from Western colonialism or oriental despotism and tribal forms of power? The principal-agent problem...
The Broad Creek Renaissance Plan: A case analysis
December 2014
Mixed-income developments are becoming a common mechanism to transform public housing in urban communities. Housing authorities use this new form of housing to change the demographic profile of deteriorating inner city neighborhoods. The purpose of this study was to examine the conversion of public housing to mixed-income/mixed-use communities through a case analysis of the Broad Creek Renaissance Plan in Norfolk,...
Policy analysis of tourism development in Bangladesh compared with the Bhutanese policy
December 2014
This research is an analysis of tourism policy of Bangladesh which aims at finding out the real problem of the policy and whether its goals and objectives are achievable or not. This study utilizes the multi-goal technique of policy analysis (mixed of both qualitative and quantitative approach) since it encompasses three goals such as environmental impact, efficiency and equity and some corresponding objectives. Keeping...
A survey of community based water storage structures and their management in Gujarat, India.
November 2014
Factors governing hydrological and institutional factors define policy intervention in the management of community based water storage structures (CBWS). Institutional factors have a direct bearing on the functioning of CBWS and also interact with physical and technical factors to influence their sustainability. The present study attempts to examine sustainability of CBWS to draw policy implications in Indian context....
Identity, political efficacy and expected political participation among nursing students after 25th January revolution
October 2014
University students' political participation is of great significance to their own growth and it facilitates a country's democratization process. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship of personal and social identity, political efficacy and expected political participation among nursing students after 25th January 2011 Revolution of Egypt. The study was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing,...
E-governance: An imperative for sustainable grass root development in Nigeria
October 2014
This paper aims to put forward the importance of e-governance in achieving sustainable grassroots development in Nigeria. The emergence of information communication technology has provided opportunity for borderlessness, interconnectedness and de-territorialization of government policies and programmes within the global village. Information communication technology is a necessary political tool set out to reconcile...
The changing global Public Administration and its theoretical and practical implications for Africa
October 2014
‘Classical’ public administration theories, principles and paradigms continually fascinate scholars given their relevance to government practices especially in Africa. As used here, ‘public administration’ (in lower case) denotes government activities whereas ‘Public Administration’, often associated with Woodrow Wilson’s renowned 1887 essay, refers to the subject matter....
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