Journal of
Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels

  • Abbreviation: J. Pet. Technol. Altern. Fuels
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2360-8560
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPTAF
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 70

JPTAF Articles

Color spectrum of premium motor spirit sold in dispensing stations around Sapele metropolis

January 2025

This study aims to investigate the color spectrum of premium motor spirit (PMS) sold in dispensing stations around Sapele metropolis in comparison with the color scale (comparator) for petroleum products and to ascertain if PMS quality is determined by color hue in relation to octane rating. PMS, also known as petrol or gasoline, is a mixture of branched-chain aliphatic alongside a small proportion of aromatic...

Author(s): Odor Kingsley Ndubuisi and Jocelyn Okeroghene Emerho  

Fatty acid profile and quality parameters of Ceiba pentandra (L.) seed oil: A potential source of biodiesel

December 2018

The probable depletion of fossil energy resources has led the international scientific community to direct research towards biofuels, including vegetable oils. Benin has a rich biodiversity with multiple oilseed species, potential sources of biofuels. Among these, Ceiba pentandra was identified and selected for a detailed study of its unconventional vegetable oil. In this order of idea, the harvested seeds were dried in...

Author(s): Papin Sourou MONTCHO, Léopold TCHIAKPE, Guevara NONVIHO, Fifa Théomaine Diane BOTHON, Assou SIDOHOUNDE, Cokou Pascal AGBANGNAN DOSSA, David BESSIERES, Anna CHROSTOWSKA and Dominique Codjo Koko SOHOUNHLOUE  

Effect of some citrus juice concentrates on crude oil emulsion

August 2018

Crude oil emulsions constitute a major challenge in oil field operations. To resolve this challenge, many researchers have studied crude oil emulsion demulsification patterns in the presence of various demulsifiers. Research is ongoing for discovery of locally sourced biodegradable and inexpensive demulsifiers. The aim of this research is to demusify heavy crude oil emulsion, using locally sourced biodegradable citrus...

Author(s): Folashade Olatunbosun Oyedeji and Moses Callistus Nwode  

Biodiesel potentials of two phenotypes of Cyperus esculentus unconventional oils

May 2018

Two varieties of Cyperus esculentus, identified by their phenotype (black or yellow) were collected from Benin. To investigate their biodiesel profiles, the roots were extracted with hexane. Physicochemical properties and fuel profiles of obtained oils (YCE and BCE, respectively Yellow C. esculentus and Black C. esculentus) were determined by following standards methods. Although the major physicochemical properties...

Author(s): Assou Sidohounde, Cokou Pascal Agbangnan Dossa, Guevara Nonviho, Sourou Papin Montcho and Dominique Codjo Koko Sohounhloue

Field application of adding formate salts exertion on the water based drilling fluid properties enhancement: an experimental comparative analysis

May 2017

Due to the fact that there is a wide range of drilling fluids, it is difficult to discuss drilling fluid composition that is completely accurate for all mud types in all drilling situations. The approach taken here is description of drilling fluids as two-phase systems. Formate base fluids have been utilized in a wide variety of drilling operations in terms of its applicant and lower expenses rather other fluids. These...

Author(s): Afshin Davarpanah, M. Mehdi Nassabeh and Mojtaba Zarei

Removal of free fatty acids in neem oil using diphenylamine functionalized magnetic mesoporous silica SBA-15 for biodiesel production

May 2016

Biodiesel is produced from edible/non-edible plants oil. However, alkaline transesterification of these oils makes the process challenging due to the presence of large amount of free fatty acids (FFA), which forms soap on reaction with alkali. Hence, it is necessary to reduce FFA present so that alkaline catalyzed transesterification can be carried out. In this work, biodiesel fuel was produced using diphenylamine...

Author(s): M. Abdullahi, P. Panneerselvam, S. S. Imam, and L. S. Ahmad

Effects of biofuel production on selected local Communities in Nigeria

April 2016

Biofuel is gradually being adopted as alternative to fossil fuel in the use for automotive, thermal and power generation. The Nigerian Policy on biofuel introduced in 2007 expresses the national biofuel production programme. However, problems associated with production and uses arise from the effects on arable land and staple foods, which if diverted for production, have vast diverse effects, depending on the people,...

Author(s): B. O. Balogun and A. T. Salami

Physico-chemical characteristics of Pakistani used engine oils

March 2016

In this study, physicochemical characteristics of Pakistani fresh and used monograde (SAE-40, SAE-50) and multigrade (SAE-20W/50) engine oils have been studied. The samples were analyzed for specific gravity at 60/60°F, kinematic viscosity at 100 and 40°C, kinematic viscosity index, pour point, flash point, total base number, copper strip corrosion and sulphur contents following the ASTM (American Society of...

Author(s): Muhammad Qasim, Tariq Mahmood Ansari and Mazhar Hussain

Temperature programme reduction (TPR) studies of cobalt phases in γ-alumina supported cobalt catalysts

January 2016

Temperature programmed reduction (TPR) is one of the techniques for obtaining information about phases or bulk species in heterogeneous catalysts. Information from TPR analysis can give insights about phase-support interaction and extent of reduction of the phases at different temperatures. TPR technique is a common tool in the characterisation of cobalt based Fischer-Tropsch (FT) catalysts. However, interpretation of...

Author(s): Olusola O. James and Sudip Maity

The effects of the volatile oil-gas ratio on reserve estimation (GMBE versus CMBE) in undersaturated volumetric reservoirs

March 2015

This work presents a general, straight-line method to estimate the original oil and gas in-place in a reservoir without restrictions on fluid composition. All past efforts are applicable to only restricted ranges of reservoir fluids. The work supersedes these and it is applicable to the full range of reservoir fluids-including volatile-oils and gas-condensates. The work is based on the new generalized...

Author(s): Omoniyi, O. A. and Rodney, C.

A review of biodiesel generation from non edible seed oils crop using non conventional heterogeneous catalysts

February 2015

The focus of this review is on the use of non-conventional heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel synthesis. The review is based on published works that have utilized these non-conventional catalysts for biodiesel synthesis with very good biodiesel yield. The non-conventional catalysts under consideration in this review are those obtained majorly from egg shells. These materials are generally waste materials which...

Author(s): Omotoso, Mopelola Abeke and Akinsanoye, Olakunle Alex

Effect on naphtha and residue yield through different operating and design variables in atmospheric distillation column

December 2014

HYSYS process modeling software was used to analyze the effect of number of trays, feed tray position, and reflux ratio on naphtha and also on atmospheric residue yield. Analysis of data showed that liquid volume percentage yield of naphtha decreased with number of trays and reflux ratio increased. Whereas, in atmospheric residue, the yield increased with the number of trays and the reflux ratio decreased. In addition,...

Author(s): Dhallia Mamoun Beshir,  Sumaya A. Mohamed, and Ali A. Rabah

Simulation and characterization in the refining industry: A review

October 2014

Oil refining is one of the most complex chemical industries; the objective of refinery operations is to generate as much profit as possible by converting crude oils into valuable products. The current trend toward processing petroleum needs sufficient compositional information to understand the chemistry of reactions that are involved. The objective of the present paper is to review the simulation technologies and...

Author(s): Sumaya A. Mohamed, Dhallia Mamoun Beshir and Ali A. Rabah

Ultrasonication of H-MOR zeolite catalysts for dimethylether (DME) production as a clean fuel

August 2014

All important effective ultrasonication variables encountered during carrying out the dehydration of methanol on H-MOR zeolite catalysts to produce dimethylether are studied in the present communication. These variables include; (a) the type of ultrasonication media, (b) the ultrasonication period, and (c) the volume of the ultrasonication liquid media per a given weight of the solid zeolite catalyst. Scanning electron...

Author(s): Ahmed K. Aboul-Gheit, Sameh M. K. Aboul-Fotouh, Laila I. Ali and Mona A. Naghmash    

Optimization of Gossypium arboreum seed oil biodiesel production by central composite rotatable model of response surface methodology and evaluation of its fuel properties

February 2014

The need for green based technologies to provide both affordable and environmentally sustainable energy and the ever increasing energy demand of the nations across the globe has led the way for economy based energy research. In this research work, Gossypium arboreum seed oil biodiesel production was optimized using a five-level-three-factor central composite rotatable design model of response surface methodology to...

Author(s): Alhassan Y., , Kumar N., Bugaje I. M. and Mishra C.

Methanol and glyceride contents of Egunsi melon oil, its biodiesel and blends with diesel fuel

November 2013

Biodiesel is gradually being accepted worldwide as suitable alternative fuel for diesel engine. Rigorous purification is however required to meet the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and European Union (EU) standards for biodiesel because of unfavorable properties and the multitude of feed stocks with different properties that can be used. Two of such impurities that must be kept within limits are...

Author(s): Emmanuel I. Bello, Otu F., Mohammed T. I. and Mogaji T.S.

Effect of hydrogen and gasoline fuel blend on the performance of SI engine

November 2013

This paper presents the effects of introducing hydrogen with gasoline on the engine performance like power, torque and efficiency of spark ignition (SI) engine. Hydrogen is found to be one of the important energy substitutes of the future era. Hydrogen as a renewable energy source provides the potential for a sustainable development, particularly in the automotive and energy storing sector. Hydrogen driven vehicles...

Author(s): R. K. Tyagi and Ravi Ranjan 

Numerical investigations on the use of waste animal fats as fuel on DI diesel engine

November 2013

Biodiesel is a promising alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuel because it is renewable and its extensive use in unmodified engines has proved to be very successful. However, its future use may be limited by the higher oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions that are typically generated relative to petroleum diesel. This paper deals with the numerical investigations on the use of Waste Animal Fat (WAF) as alternative...

Author(s): Hamza Bousbaa, Abdelkrim Liazid, Awad Sary and Mohand Tazerout

Performance test of palm fatty acid biodiesel on compression ignition engine

September 2013

  Vegetable oil causes problem when used as fuel in compression ignition engines. This problem is due to high viscosity and low volatility of vegetable oils, which can be minimized by the process of trans-esterification. The relatively high cost of refined vegetable oils render the resulting fuels unable to compete with petroleum derived fuel. To reduce the cost of biodiesel a relatively low cost palm...

Author(s):   Praveen K. S. Yadav, Onkar Singh and R. P. Singh        

Experimental and theoretical evaluation of the performance parameters and emission characteristics of bio diesel using C.I engine for various injection pressure

July 2013

  Cost and limited reserves of conventional fossil fuels have intensified the search for alternative fuels for use in internal combustion engines. A possible alternative engine fuel is vegetable oil because it is a clean burning, renewable, non-toxic, biodegradable and environmentally friendly transportation fuel. It can be used in a neat form without any modification of the engine. Vegetable oils are produced...

Author(s): S. Sundarapandian

Experimental investigation on compression ignition engine powered by preheated neat jatropha oil

July 2013

  In the present study, the high viscosity of the jatropha curcas oil was decreased by preheating. The effect of fuel inlet temperature on performance of diesel engine is evaluated. A single cylinder, four stroke, constant speed, air cooled, direct injection diesel engine developing a power output of 3.7 kW at 1500 rev/min  typically used in agricultural sector was tested using neat jatropha oil as fuel....

Author(s): M. Nematullah Nasim, Ravindra Babu Yarasu and R. H. Sarda

A miscible CO2 injection project and evaluation in Daqing, China

June 2013

  The paper introduces the entire process for a CO2 injection in the Fang-48 Group, Daiqng Oilfield. A study using experiment and full-field reservoir modeling investigated and optimized the design of a CO2 miscible flooding project for Fang-48 Group, Daqing. It began with extensive data gathering in the field and building a full-field three-dimensional geologic model. A full field simulation model...

Author(s): Renqing Liu

Improved efficiency of CNG using Hydrogen in Spark Ignition Engine

June 2013

  Experimental investigations carried out on a single-cylinder four-stroke motorcycle spark ignition engine operating on gasoline and natural gas are reported in the present paper when compressed natural gas (CNG) and hydrogen were used as fuel. The investigations were carried out by mixing a small percentage of hydrogen (5 to 30%) with CNG and supplied to the engine. Hydrogen and CNG were mixed in a developed...

Author(s): M.M. Gosal, L. M Das and  M.K. Gajendra Babu

Melothria maderaspatna seed oil: A low cost feedstock for biodiesel production using crystalline manganese carbonate, a green catalyst

May 2013

  This research focuses on the production of biodiesel from low cost feedstock such asMelothria madraspatana seed oil via MnCO3 catalyzed transesterification process at 60°C, investigating the effects of process parameters such as molar ratio of feedstock to methanol, catalyst quantity, and reaction time on biodiesel yield. The biodiesel was successfully produced via transesterification process...

Author(s): Y. Rajeshwer Rao, P. K. Zubaidha, J. Narender Reddy, D. D. Kondhare, S. Sushma Deshmukh, P. S. Santhoshi and Varala Ravi

Performance analysis of IC engines with bio-diesel jatropha methyl ester (JME) blends

May 2013

  Petroleum products resources are limited and their consumption rate is increasing very fast with technological development since the last two decades. The emissions from the usage of these petroleum products pollute the environment considerably. Jatropha oil is one of the renewable energy resources which are easily available in India. This study investigates the percentage substitution of jatropha methyl...

Author(s): Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, M. V. Mallikarjun and G. Lakshmi Narayana Rao

Wood fuel consumption in Nigeria and the energy ladder: A review of fuel wood use in Kaduna State

May 2013

  Rural areas of developing countries are very dependent on biomass fuels such as wood fuel and dried dung for their energy consumption. Wood fuel as a source of energy plays a vital role in household energy requirements, due to increasing economic hardship in the country, many people are finding it increasingly difficult to afford conventional fuels in Nigeria. Wood fuel in Kaduna State is the most highly...

Author(s): S. G. Zaku, A. Kabir, A. A. Tukur and Jimento I. G.

Application of re-refined used lubricating oil as base oil for the formulation of oil based drilling mud - A comparative study

April 2013

  The viability of using re-refined used lubricating oil (RULO) extracted with an aromatic selective normal methylpyrolidone (NMP) as base oil for the formulation of drilling mud was investigated. The rheological and other properties of this formulation were compared with formulations from three locally produced synthetic base oils. The synthetic base oils were Paradril® made from saturated linear ethylene...

Author(s): Oghenejoboh K. M., Ohimor E. O. and Olayebi O.

Epoxidation of Ximenia americana seed oil

April 2013

  Epoxidized Ximenia americana seed oil may be well suited in the partial replacement of petroleum products in synthesis of polyol. However, a process is needed to obtain this material from X. americana seed oil at sufficient conversion and scale to assess products. Therefore, X. americana seed oil was extracted using hot-water process and finally epoxidized in a solvent-free...

Author(s): M. H. Shagal, J. T. Barminas, B. A. Aliyu and S. A. Osemeahon

Influence of wood humidity of three species (Prosopis africana, Anogeissus leiocarpa and Tectona grandis) on the production of charcoal by the traditional wheel

April 2013

  Charcoal production is an increasing practice which however, remains traditional in Benin despite the introduction of new techniques of carbonization. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of species humidity on the production process, in the perspective of improving the yield in relation to farming practices. To achieve this, three wood species appearing in four humidity conditions were used...

Author(s): Akossou A. Y. J., Gbozo E., Darboux A. E. and Kokou K.

Quality and chemistry of crude oils

March 2013

  Physico-chemical characteristics such as API (American Petroleum Institute gravity) specific gravity, pour point, Calorific value, Kinematic viscosities, Reid vapour pressure, Copper corrosion, Water and sediments, Total Sulphur, Distillation range (I.B.P.F.B.P., Total recovery), residue and hydrocarbon contents (saturates, aromatics and polar) of crude oils collected from different oil fields of North...

Author(s): Ghulam Yasin, Muhammad Iqbal Bhanger, Tariq Mahmood Ansari, Syed Muhammad Sibtain Raza Naqvi, Muhammad Ashraf, Khizar Ahmad and Farah Naz Talpur

Development of a mathematical model for the esterification of Jatropha curcas seed oil

March 2013

  In this study, a mathematical model for the esterification reaction of Jatropha curcas seed oil was developed in terms of catalyst concentration, methanol to oil ratio and reaction time. Analysis of the crude Jatropha oil indicates that the free fatty acid (FFA) of the oil was 16.1% having composition of 37.24, 37.13, 15.85 and 9.76% of linoleic, euric, palmitic and stearic acids, respectively. FFA (%)...

Author(s):   K. Mu’azu, I. A. Mohammed-Dabo, S. M. Waziri, A. S. Ahmed, I. M. Bugaje and A. S. Ahmad

Waste oils as alternative fuel for diesel engine: A review

March 2013

  Increase in energy demand, stringent emission norms and depletion of oil resources have led the researchers to find alternative fuels for internal combustion engines. On the other hand, waste oils pose a very serious environment challenge because of their disposal problems all over the world. In this context, waste oils are currently receiving renewed interest. The properties of the oil derived from waste...

Author(s): K. Naima and A. Liazid

Performance and emission characteristics of compression ignition (CI) engine with dual fuel operation (diesel + compressed natural gas (CNG))

February 2013

  The main objective of this work is to study the performance and emission characteristics ofcompression ignition (CI) engine using compressed natural gas (CNG) for the following conditions. (i) At constant speed by varying injection pressure and load (ii) Dual fuel combustion phenomenon. The conventional fuels like petrol and diesel for internal combustion engines are getting exhausted at an...

Author(s): E. Ramjee, K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy and J. Suresh Kumar

Case study in deducing pump discharge pressures with applied methods for maximizing throughput of a strategic crude oil pipeline

February 2013

  The aged crude oil pipeline; 16" x 166 km since November 1984, extends from Meleiha field at Western desert to El-Hamra terminal at coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Its original capacity was 100,000 BOPD using two pumping stations; one at Meleiha and the other is a boosting station, 83 km far from Meleiha. Planned pumped flow rate increased to 177,000 BOPD at the time that maximum allowable working...

Author(s): Hesham A. M. Abdou

Study of temperature effect on asphaltene precipitation by visual and quantitative methods

February 2013

  Asphaltene precipitation is one of conventional problem in crude oil production and refining process. Changes in temperature, pressure and composition are the main factors causing asphaltene instability. Pressure effect is studied in many literatures but temperature effect remains obscure yet. The onset pressure for asphaltene precipitation can be obtained by spectroscopy techniques such as transferring near...

Author(s): Mahdi Hassanvand, Behnam Shahsavani and Asma Anooshe

Fabrication and electrical study of PEM fuel cell based on nano crystalline PEO based conducting polymer electrolyte system

February 2013

  Solid conducting polymer electrolyte system, nano crystalline polyethylene oxide (PEO) complexed with sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) salt was prepared by sol gel-technique. Several experimental techniques such as IR, composition dependence conductivity and temperature dependence conductivity in the temperature range of 303 to 368 K and transport number measurements were employed to characterize this polymer...

Author(s): Kambila Vijay Kumar

Pig-fat (Lard) derivatives as alternative diesel fuel in compression ignition engines

January 2013

  Prime steam lard obtained from pig fat by rendering was characterized and refined. The lard was transesterified with methanol and sodium hydroxide (as catalyst) at 40, 50, 60, and 70°C. Fuel properties of the fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) or biodiesel were determined alongside that of petroleum derived diesel obtained commercially. Results obtained showed that the saponification and iodine values of the...

Author(s): Ejikeme, P. M., Anyaogu, I. D., Egbuonu, C. A. C. and Eze, V. C.

Evaluation of different algal species for the higher production of biodiesel

January 2013

  Algae are a potential resource for biodiesel production. Scandasmus algae displayed faster growth at a wide temperature range of 4 to 32°C compared to Chlorella vulgaris. As the Conventional fuels are depleting day by day, there is a need to find out an alternative fuels to fulfill the energy demand of the world. Biofuels is one of the best available resources that have come to the...

Author(s): Gulab Chand Shah, Mahavir Yadav and Archana Tiwari

Biodiesel production from marine microalgae Chlorella marina and Nannochloropsis salina

October 2012

  The aim of the study was to obtain high quality biodiesel from microalgae Chlorella marina and Nannochloropsis salina through transesterification. Growth studies revealed that maximum cell growth rate was obtained at 15th day of the culture. The flocculation activity result showed that pH 11 was optimum for cell flocculation at 37°C. In the present study, 60.26% of biodiesel yielded from 0.752 g L-1...

Author(s): A. Muthukumar, S. Elayaraja, T. T. Ajithkumar, S. Kumaresan and T. Balasubramanian

Cetane number of three vegetable oils, their biodiesels and blends with diesel fuel

October 2012

  One of the main advantages of biodiesel is the high cetane number that allows for more complete combustion and wider energy release spectrum. To investigate the variation of cetane number with fatty acids profile, transesterification and blending with diesel fuel, the cetane number of cashew nut, egusi melon and rubber seed oils, their biodiesels, 10% (B10) and 20% (B20) blends with diesel fuel were...

Author(s): E. I. Bello, F. Out and A. Osasona

Cosolvent transesterification of Jatropha curcas seed oil

April 2012

  This is paper aimed at characterizing Nigerian Jatropha curcas seed oil in terms of % free fatty acid (FFA), viscosity, calorific, acid, iodine and saponification values and cetane number which were found to conform to those in literature. The GC-MS analysis of the raw oil indicated that oil consisted principally of palmitic, oleic, linoleic and stearic acids. The established operating conditions...

Author(s): I. A. Mohammed-Dabo, M. S. Ahmad, A. Hamza, K. Muazu and A. Aliyu

Performance and emission characteristics of karanja methyl esters: Diesel blends in a direct injection compression-ignition (CI) engine

April 2012

  Biodiesel is a fatty acid alkyl ester which is renewable, biodegradable and non toxic fuel which can be derived from any vegetable oil by transesterification process. One of the popularly used non edible biodiesel in India is karanja oil methyl ester (KOME). In the present investigation, karanja oil based methyl ester (biodiesel) blended with diesel were tested for their use as a substitute fuel for diesel...

Author(s): Nanthagopal K., Thundil Karuppa Raj R. and Vijayakumar T.  

Quality of commercial high speed diesel and its environmental impact

March 2012

  Physico-chemical characteristics such as  American Petroleum Institute (API) gravity, specific gravity, pour point, kinematic viscosity, flash point, copper corrosion, conradson carbon, water and sediments, total sulphur, residue and hydrocarbon contents (saturates, aromatics and polar) of high speed diesel (HSD) collected from Multan regions of Pakistan have been evaluated using standard...

Author(s): Ghulam Yasin, Muhammad Iqbal Bhanger, Tariq Mahmood Ansari, Syed Muhammad Sibtain Raza Naqvi and Farah Naz Talpur

New sources of feed stocks for biofuels production: Indian perspectives

March 2012

  Energy security looms as one of the most important challenges of this century for scientists and users in India. Resources alternative to fossil including fungi, grasses, algae, waste oils, food crops and non-food crops are being developed. Considering the current food insecurity in the country, food crops are to be excluded from the list of feed stocks. In future, biofuels should ideally create the...

Author(s): R. T. Gahukar

A new viscosity-temperature relationship for vegetable oil

February 2012

  This study proposes four relationships of dynamic viscosity temperature dependence forvegetable oils. The purpose of this study was to find a polynomial or exponentialdependence between temperature and dynamic viscosity of vegetable oil, using...

Author(s): Ioana Stanciu

Organisation of petroleum importing countries: An idea, whose time has come

January 2012

  The author has been advocating for Organization of Petroleum Importing Countries since almost a decade. The argument is simple – OPEC; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, forces up oil prices by restricting supply. It is intuitively obvious to a layperson as well as economists, that by restricting demand, oil prices should come down. It is especially important to remember that even a small...

Author(s): Prabhakar Deshpande

Potentials of microalgal biofuel production

January 2012

  Microalgae can potentially be employed for the production of biofuels in an economically effective and environmentally sustainable manner. The production of these biofuels can be coupled with fuel gas CO2 mitigation, wastewater treatment and the production of high-value chemicals. The efficiency is low but there is much room for improvement. The use of microalgae is seen as, at least, a partial solution...

Author(s): Fadhil M. Salih and Richard A. Haase

Evaluation of homogeneous catalysis and supercritical methodology for biodiesel production from Jatropha curcas, Azadirachta indica and Hevea brasiliensis oil seeds

October 2011

  The present study investigated the production of biodiesel from Jatropha curcas,Azadirachta indica, Hevea brasiliensis oil seed via transesterification methods: base catalysed and supercritical methanol, a catalyst-free process, as a cleaner alternative to conventional chemically catalyzed process. In biodiesel production using base catalyzed transesterification, temperature, methanol: oil molar...

Author(s): C. S. Ezeanayanso, E.M. Okonkwo, E. B. Agbaji, V. I. Ajibola and O. J. Okunola

Properties of fossil diesel oil blends with ethanol and FAME as fuels for diesel engines

October 2011

  Ethanol is an attractive oxygenate not only for gasolines but also for diesel fuels. The paper presents the results of the study of stability of blends fossil diesel oil-ethanol, at the temperature of -10°C. Low-temperature phase stability was significantly influenced by the presence of water in the blend. The stability of blend was increased by the addition of FAME. The ternary mixture fossil diesel oil...

Author(s): Andrea Kleinová and Ján Cvengroš

A comparative study of predicted and actual pore pressures in Tripura, India

September 2011

  Past well drilled data in Tripura Region confirmed the existence of super pressure regime below the Middle Bhuban formation. In most of the areas, Middle Bhuban is capped by the Tipam, Bokabil and Upper Bhuban formations. But on the top of the Atharamura anticline, it is exposed to the surface offering less sediment thickness and huge risk for drilling. Exposure of Middle Bhuban escalates the...

Author(s): Saran Babu and Anirbid Sircar

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