African Journal of
Environmental Science and Technology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0786
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJEST
  • Start Year: 2007

AJEST Articles in press


Article in Press

The Niger Delta, Nigeria's oil-rich region, has been subject to environmental degradation and neglect despite being the country's largest oil producer. The Ogonis are a minority ethnic group within the Niger Delta region. Due to the abundance of crude deposits, their land has been a beehive of oil exploration since the discovery of crude oil in Nigeria in the late 1950s. This subregion is also the most affected by oil...

Author(s):Oluwatomilola Olunusi; Tope Emmanuel Adeboye

Analysis of pesticide use in farming practices in Northern Cameroon

Article in Press

This study aims to contribute to a reduction in the health and environmental risks associated with the use of chemical pesticides. 300 farmers, stockbreeders and agro-pastoralists were selected and surveyed in a reasoned manner, in the Departments of Benoue, Faro, Mayo Rey and Mayo Louti. The results show that herbicides are the most widely used pesticides. The majority of farmers surveyed had observed a change in the...

Author(s):Loabé Pahimi Alain, Tcheumi Hervé Leclerc, Loura Benoît

Farmers’ Vulnerability to Climate Variability and Extreme Climate Events in Selected Agro-Ecological Zones in Kitui County, Kenya

Article in Press

A field survey was conducted in Kitui County, Kenya, to assess farmers’ vulnerability to climate variability and extreme climate events in selected agro-ecological zones. Primary data was collected through the administration of questionnaires to 341 respondents. Rainfall data for the study was obtained from the Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) rainfall dataset while temperature data was...

Author(s):Charles K. Ndungu, Evelyn J. Mutunga, Moses Mwangi, and Patrick C. Kariuki

Growth Response of Anguillid Eels in Two Kenyan Rivers with Varying Levels of Habitat Integrity

Article in Press

Eels of the genus Anguilla have a unique life cycle that involves long migrations between freshwater and marine environments, making a significant contribution to biodiversity and fisheries. This study examined the growth and health of Anguillid eels in two Kenyan rivers with differing habitat integrity; the Ramisi and the Athi-Galana-Sabaki (AGS) Rivers. Four species; Anguilla bengalensis, A. bicolor, A. marmorata, and A....

Author(s):Catherine Wanjiru Kariuki, Japhet Kadzo Tembo, Oscar Omondi Donde, Charles Maina Kihia, and Gordon O’Brien

Systematic Review on Ethics of Landscape Design Practice in the Built Environment Research

Article in Press

This study explores the ethics of landscape design practice in the built environment, emphasizing the importance of creating spaces that are equitable, sustainable, and culturally sensitive. Ethical considerations in landscape architecture practice focus mostly on social justice, environmental stewardship, and cultural integration, which are essential for developing urban spaces that are not only visually appealing but...

Author(s):Adewale. O. Adegbola , Prof. Fadamiro. J. A and Aminat. O. Ajenifujah Abubakar

Analysis of Historical Rainy Days and Probability of Dry Spell in West Harerghe Zone, Oromia Region, Eastern Ethiopia

Article in Press

Changes in wet and dry patterns have an impact on rain-fed agriculture in Eastern Africa, mainly Ethiopia due to high venerability to climate variability. This study aimed to characterize number of rainy days and the probability of different dry spell length. The result showed high temporal and spatial variation of rainy days for all season. Moreover, belg (FMAM) and Kiremt(JJAS) rainy days exhibited inconsistent spatial...

Author(s):Gizaw Wasihun and Eshetu Mesfine

Calibration of the Hargreaves and Priestley-Taylor Equations for Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration in The Densu River Basin in Ghana

Article in Press

Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) define the maximum evapotranspiration that can occur in a basin. Its accurate estimation is therefore very important in accurately estimating how much water is available in any Basin for use, since the actual Evapotranspiration (AET) that occurs depends on the ETo estimated. AET is a parameter that is difficult to measure on the field and therefore are mostly estimated from ETo. Different...

Author(s):Frank O. Adjei, Kwaku A. Adjei and Emmanuel Obuobie

The Untold Stories of Mega-projects Environmental Impacts: The Case of the Cornubia Housing Development Project in Durban, South Africa

Article in Press

South Africa has embarked upon a complex mixture of large-scale spatial development projects including industrial, residential, transport networks, and other recreational infrastructure projects. This has triggered and increased environmental impacts in various forms of pollution, including noise, water, air, and land, as well as climate change and loss of biodiversity. Such environmental impacts have led to community...

Author(s):B.D. Nzimande, H. H. Magidimisha-Chipungu

Population Growth and its Impact on Environmental Degradation in Nepal

Article in Press

The aim of the study is to examines the complex interplay between population growth and environmental degradation in Nepal, emphasizing the perspectives of local communities and the environmental challenges amplified by increasing population density. Sustainable Development Goals sets by the United Nations underscore the importance of balancing human needs with environmental preservation, cautioning that unchecked...

Author(s):Shankar Bahadur Rawal, Ramesh Prasad Adhikary

Stakeholder perspectives of Integrated Catchment Management concept: A Case Study of Chiredzi sub catchment

Article in Press

This research assessed stakeholders’ perspectives of Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) concept in Ward 19 of Zaka district (within Chiredzi sub-catchment). The research utilized questionnaires, semi-structured interviews with key informants and a focus group discussion. Results showed that the ICM term was not a common term and its definition was not agreed to by the majority of the questionnaire respondents. The...

Author(s):K Nyoni, M. Mujuru, M. Chitakira

Climate Change and Its Impacts on the Environment

Article in Press

Climate change, primarily driven by human activities like fossil fuel combustion and deforestation, poses a global threat impacting ecosystems, biodiversity, and human societies. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) underscores the unprecedented changes in Earth's climate due to anthropogenic actions. Greenhouse gas emissions GHG, notably carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), are...

Author(s):Adams Emmanuel Ukeyima

Macro Watershed Management- Flood Forecasting for Rivers, Gumara and Megech Employing Flood Frequency Analysis, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Adverse Climate variations are adversely impacting the hydrological cycles which is causing abnormal flooding and drought conditions in the region, including Ethiopia. Severe environmental and socioeconomic consequences result from extreme weather occurrences like floods. Therefore, evidence-based hydrological data is essentially required for accurate estimations of extreme events (flood and drought) predictions for...

Author(s):Walelign Kassie Endalew

Gender Inclusion and Implications for Sustainable Management of Forest Resources in Yumbe District, Northwestern Uganda.

Article in Press

Numerous studies examining gender roles in sustainable management of forest resources (SMFR) have shown that women's engagement adds a new dimension to the equation. However, their effective participation is still low, largely due to gendered subordination. To ascertain women’s potential in sustainable forest management in Yumbe district, this study examined the conventional roles of both genders. Random sampling...

Author(s):Jimmy Rhombe Alule

Impact of solid wastes disposal around dumpsite areas in Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria

Article in Press

The study Investigated the impact of solid waste around dumpsites area in Ekpoma, Edo State. Soil samples used in this study were collected from four (4) dumpsites in different areas within the study area which had been in existence for very long time. The locations were Debowl road, Ujemen, St Dominic street, Idumebo; Afua quarters Emaudo and Ukhun road. The samples were collected using hand-held auger-boring instrument...

Author(s):Orire Progress

Evaluation of demand-side thermal coal quality assurance in a bituminous coal-fired power station and implications for greenhouse gas emissions

Article in Press

The paper demonstrates a set of rapid tests that can be easily conducted at coal-fired power stations (CFPSs) to ensure the quality of thermal coal, which is crucial for efficient power generation and emissions reduction. The researchers performed proximate and chemical analyses on coal samples obtained from a conventional CFPS that operates on bituminous coal. They also conducted similar chemical analyses on coal ash...

Author(s):Melvin Mununuri Mashingaidze and Eliaser Tuhadeleni Nghishiyeleke

Investigation of Heavy Metal Contamination in Bread Baked and Sold in Makurdi Metropolis, Benue State Nigeria

Article in Press

Heavy metals are pollutants that are of global significance due to their toxicological properties when their intake significantly exceeds recommended levels. They are persistent in the environment, and may be unintentionally present in raw materials used for production of bread; they may migrate from packaging into food, or find their way into finished food products due to anthropogenic activities. The present study...

Author(s):Ikwebe Joseph, Bando Christopher David


Article in Press

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a member of the group of greenhouse gases present in the Earth's atmosphere, contributing to the phenomenon of global warming. The process of photosynthesis enables trees to absorb carbon dioxide and act as carbon sinks, thus playing a role in mitigating the impacts of climate change. In this particular investigation, the focus lies on the estimation of the potential of carbon sequestration and...

Author(s):Zemba A. A., Adebayo A. A. and Asa P. S.

Major structures in Nigeria: implication for Earthquake mechanism

Article in Press

In recent times, both Nigeria and the neighboring country, Ghana have experienced some seismological disturbances that have generated some concern among the citizens, researchers and stakeholders. One of the major concerns is how to investigate the cause(s) and possible means of transmission of these tremors. This is essential to understand the underlying nucleation mechanisms that might lead to seismicity and earthquakes...

Author(s):Oluseyi Adunola Bamisaiye

Land Surface Temperature and Landuse/ Land Cover Change Variability Using Remotely Sensed Data for sub-urban settlements in Osun State, Nigeria

Article in Press

Land surface temperature (LST) is an indispensable factor in studying urban climate. Ground-based measurements have been used to measure LST and Landuse / Land Cover Change (LULC). However, due to advancements in space technology and extensive spatial coverage, remote sensing techniques are increasingly being used to measure the intensity of LST and LULC dynamics owing to the availability of enhanced satellite-based...

Author(s):S. K. Ojolowo, A. A. Audu, C. O. Olatubara, O. Ipingbemi, O. O. Odunola, O. J. Omirin, O. F. Kasim

Review on Role and Challenge Adoption Sustainable Land Management Practices in highland of Ethiopia

Article in Press

Land degradation is critical problem agriculture production in the Highlands of Ethiopia. The cause land degradation was resettlement, plough on steep slopes, deforestation, overgrazing and increase of demand of firewood. Therefore, these paper review on the on role and challenge adoption sustainable land management practices in highland of Ethiopia. To reduce negatively influence the land degradation the implementation...

Author(s):Assen Yesuf Ali

Exploring the Link Between Climate and Dengue in Senegal

Article in Press

Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Fever, headaches, muscle pain, and nausea are the most common symptoms. It has become a public health problem, highlighting the need to identify and understand the risk factors associated with this disease. Recent studies using cartography techniques in certain areas (South Asia, America, South Africa, and Australia) have shown that the...

Author(s):Amanatou Beye Gueye, Ibrahima Diouf, Mamadou Ndiaye, Diarra Diouf


Article in Press

This objective of this study was to evaluate the soil physicochemical properties of crude oil seep area in in Ugwueme community in Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. The study adopted stratified random sampling techniques. The soil samples were collected at 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm depths in the crude oil seep site during the dry and wet seasons of the study year. The soils were analyzed for their...

Author(s):Ojua Eugene, Abu, Ngozi E,


Article in Press

The Niger Delta region of Nigeria has a plethora of natural resources, but it is unable to achieve sustainable development, and its future is uncertain due to environmental degradation brought on by oil and gas exploration activities. The condition in the region has been exacerbated in recent times by the sporadic rise in illegal bunkering and illegal artisanal refineries. This paper reviews existing literature that...



Article in Press

Phyto remediation of soils in municipal garden used for production of vegetables was investigated in growing urban community of Makurdi Nigeria. Morphological effects of the metals on vegetable (pig weed) and concentration in garden soil were studied during the growth of the plant. 50kg was sampled between 0-60cm depth (crop root zone) using auger and preserved in polyethene bags to the laboratory and tested for presence...

Author(s):Enokela O.S.

Effectiveness of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum) in Turbidity Reduction of Contaminated Drinking Water

Article in Press

Background: Most of the rural populations in developing countries use surface water which is turbid and contaminated with human and animal faces. Water used for drinking purposes from these sources needs treatment to reduce the turbidity and pathogenic microorganisms and to protect the public health. Thus, this study aimed to determine the effectiveness of a natural coagulant, chickpea, in turbidity reduction of drinking...

Author(s):Dinku Mekbib Ayele, Mohammed Muzeyin, Dechasa Adare Mengistu, Negga Baraki

Relevance of Indigenous Knowledge in Sustainable Management of Forest Resources in the 21st Century Uganda

Article in Press

Sub Saharan Africa is endowed with both indigenous knowledge systems as well as natural forest resources critical to supporting several forms of development. However, the region has experienced rapid growth in population and changes in demographic characteristics which may lead to a decline in these resources. Indigenous knowledge provides an alternative approach to conserving forest resources. To ascertain the relevance...

Author(s):Jimmy Rhombe Alule, Expedito Nuwategeka, George Oriangi

Seasonal variations of water physico-chemistry, heavy metal concentrations and ecological abundance and biodiversity of fish from Lekki and Lagos Lagoon systems, Nigeria

Article in Press

The present study was carried out to estimate the influence of seasonal variations on the physico-chemical parameters, heavy metal concentration of water and biodiversity, and richness of fish from two lagoons with a view to ascertaining the significance of seasons on aquatic ecosystems and their resources. The sampling lasted 12 months (from December 2021 to November 2022), during which both dry and rainy seasons were...

Author(s):Toheeb Lekan Jolaosho, Lateef Akorede Badmos, Abraham Abimbola Olayeri, Ibrahim Olawale Oladipupo, Abbas Olayiwola Saba, Adejuwon Ayomide Mustapha, Faith Oseremi Alonge

Seasonal Variation and Sources of Ozone (O3): Insights from Campo Grande, Brazil

Article in Press

Ozone (O3) is a secondary pollutant, considered a relatively short-lived greenhouse gas, and high concentrations of O3 are a concern because of its harmful impacts on human health and ecosystem functioning. The main objective of the study was to determine the seasonality, weekly variation of O3; identify the main sources of ozone precursor emissions and study the relationships between meteorological variables. O3 was...

Author(s):Souza Amaury De, Dumka Umesh C, de Oliveira-Júnior José Francisco, Abreu Marcel Carvalho

Use of vitamin E in reducing effects of lead toxicity in fish

Article in Press

Water pollution has become a global problem. Human population and rapid industrialization generates high volume of toxic wastes in the aquatic environment with negative impacts on aquaculture production. Heavy metal contamination of aquatic ecosystems has been seen as a serious problem of aquatic pollution. Lead is a common non-biodegradable heavy metal which accumulates in fish tissues. The major sources of lead in the...

Author(s):Abraham OV and Davies OA

The Perspective of Farmers on Climate Change and Adaptation Strate-gies in Begi District, West Ethiopia

Article in Press

At present, climate change is one of the global issue and a major challenge for society and the economy, which also affecting Begi district, one of west wollega districts of Oromia re-gion. This study was conducted with the major goal of assessing perception of farmers on climate change and adaptation strategies in the study area. For the purpose of data collec-tion, four Kebeles and for interview a total of 127...

Author(s):Zelalem Telila Geleta, Yohannes Shifera Daka

Land-use Land-cover Change Detection in Zalingei, Central Darfur, Sudan

Article in Press

Using remote sensing for land use and land cover (LULC) is essential for systems that help people make decisions because it gives valuable information about space and time. A study was conducted in Zalingei, Sudan, to analyze the changes in LULC over 30 years from 1991 to 2021 using multi-temporal Landsat images. Thematic Mapper (TM) and Operational Land Imager (OLI) were classified using the supervised classification...

Author(s):Hussin Omer Ahmed, Manal Awad Kheiry, Emad H. E. Yasin

Evaluation of Domestic Solid Waste Disposal Practices by Mabopane Community- Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, Gauteng Province- South Africa

Article in Press

BACKGROUND. Waste disposal is approached differently in Mabopane residential area, commonly seen as an urban township due to the socio-economic circumstances of residents. Furthermore, few community members pay for waste removal services, whilst most residents illegally dump their household waste. The aim of this study was, therefore, to investigate household solid waste disposal methods deployed by the residents of...

Author(s):Dikeledi Matloa, Fannie Machete, Rodney Hart

Farmland encroachment and policy related constraints in the wetlands of Lake Abaya, southern Ethiopia

Article in Press

The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of farmland encroachment into the wetlands of Lake Abaya, Southern Ethiopia. The study used survey research design and mixed research approaches to conduct the research. To collect data for the research both primary and secondary data were used. For the questionnaire survey, 138 sample was selected using systematic sampling technique and 18 key informants from different...

Author(s):Teshome Yirgu Bayu


Article in Press

Background. Clupeidae, Nannothrissa stewarti (Poll & Roberts 1976) endemic to Lake Mai-Ndombe is one of most heavily fished fish groups using practices and nets not allowed by the country's legislation. Objective of this study was to determine some aspects of reproductive biology of N. stewarti in Lake Mai-Ndombe. Materials and methods. Fish were sampled monthly from November 2020 to October 2021 breeding parameters were...

Author(s):Norbert Lingopa Zanga,Victor Kianfu Pwema, Nseu Bekeli Mbomba, Shango Mutambwe, Musibono Eyul’Anki Dieudonné, John Tembeni Makiadi, Jean Claude Micha

Ground water quality assessment in urban areas of Malawi: A case of area 25 in Lilongwe

Article in Press

This study was conducted to assess the quality of ground water in Area 25, a typical urban residential area in Malawi. Samples were collected from wells and analyzed for physicochemical and bacteriological parameters following standard methods. Results were compared to the Malawi Standards (MS) and the World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water quality guidelines. The overall water quality index was computed to...

Author(s):Chisomo J. Mussa, Judith F.M. Kamoto

Assessment of opportunities and challenges to established community-based MRV in Bale REDD+ Project: Study in the Bale Eco-region, Southeastern Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted in Dallo Mana and Dodola districts, southeastern Ethiopia with the objectives to i) assess existing opportunities to establish Community-based MRV (CBMRV) and ii) examine factors that determine the participation of rural communities in CBMRV. A total of 154 sampled households had been interviewed and secondary data were obtained through a review of relevant literature. The study identified that...

Author(s):Abebe Tesfaye Tadele, Yoseph Melka, Feyera Abdi

Concentration and Health Exposure Risk Assessment of potentially toxic metal Pollution in Selected Food Crops in Western Kenya

Article in Press

Urbanization and industrialization has led to accumulation of potentially toxic metals in the environment. Toxic metal pollutants threatens life and ecosystems and results in problems to plants, animals and human as well as soil, water and air. Human exposure to these toxic metals has been a major concern since they effect human health. There is urgent need for researcher to unravel the potentially toxic metal levels in...

Author(s):Anthony M. Pembere, Julius Matsiko , Godfrey Muhwezi, Maina John Nyongesah, Dennis Magero

Evaluating the productivity and Bioremediation Potential of Two Tropical Marine Algae in Petroleum Hydrocarbon Polluted Water

Article in Press

Bioremediation is vital in environmental management and protection. This study examined the productivity and bioremediation potential of Nannochloropsis oculata and Porphyridium cruentum in Water Soluble Fraction (WSF) of petroleum fuels. Experiment was conducted by examining the growth of Nannochloropsis oculata and Porphyridium cruentum at 0%, 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 75% 100% of WSF of kerosene, diesel, and gasoline. Growth...

Author(s):Raymond Sunday EZENWEANI and Medina Omo KADIRI

Effects of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on Human Health: A systematic review in Africa

Article in Press

In Africa, water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is heavily colonizing many waterbodies. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) has a wide effect on biodiversity, ecosystem service and sustainability, socio-economic activities and the health of humans. The conditions created by water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) cause several public health problems. The ecological impacts of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) have...

Author(s):Bealemlay Abebe Melake, Salie Mulate Endalew, Tamagnu Sinte Alamerew, Belachew Getnet Enyew, Ayenew Gezie

Modeling the impact of land use and land cover change on soil erosion in Alto Molócuè Watershed-Mozambique

Article in Press

Soil erosion is a global environmental problem, which affects the sustainability and productivity of agriculture, the siltation of reservoirs, and the degradation of water quality. One of the main causes of soil erosion is the change of land use/cover (LULC) in a region. The impact of land use on soil erosion has been studied in many parts of Africa, but no published papers have been found to address this problem in...

Author(s):Cristêncio da Cruz Óscar

Heat Energy Recovery from Incineration of Healthcare Waste in Tanzanian Hospitals: Case of Tumbi Regional Referral Hospital

Article in Press

This paper presents findings on heat recovered from a batch-operated double-chamber healthcare waste incineration plant using two double-pipe heat exchangers (DPHEs) in series. The research was carried out at Tumbi Regional Referral Hospital (TRRH) located in Coast Region, Tanzania. The chambers were fitted with diesel burners (model Riello G20). The air blower (1.1 kW) was used to supply air in the chambers. The inlet and...

Author(s):Peter R. Mwaria, Mengiseny E. Kaseva, Samwel V. Manyele

Determining the quality of drinking wells in the villages of Robat Karim city with emphasis on water quality parameters

Article in Press

ABSTRACT: One of the problems of urban life is groundwater pollution. In this study, the water quality of wells in Robat Karim villages of Tehran for drinking and agricultural consumption was investigated. First, the quality of drinking water was assessed using the Schuler diagram. Then, with the help of Wilcox diagram and salinity and SAR parameters, water quality in terms of agriculture was studied. In the next step,...

Author(s): Bita Arminnejhad, Amir Hessam Hassani, Mostafa Khezri


Article in Press

In Ethiopia, forest cover changes were registered at local level that adds up to the changes observed at the country wise. Like other part of the country the quick spread of deforestation over latest epochs has resulted in the translation of the majority of the Walmara district forest into isolated bits. Geographic information system (GIS) techniques and remote sensing (RS) from satellite platforms offer a way to identify...

Author(s):Tokuma Urgessa, Tadesse Hunduma and Marsha Gebrehiwot

Knowledge, awareness, and the practices of solid waste management in the Sunyani West Municipality of Ghana.

Article in Press

Solid waste management is one of the critical issues in most developing countries that deprive communities of a sustainable environment and access to public health. Yet, few efforts have been done to create awareness of communities about the possible dangers of inadequate waste management and mitigation measures. This study was conducted to obtain baseline information about the knowledge, awareness and practices of solid...

Author(s):Saeed Ibn Idris Kofi Yeboaha, Kamila Kabo-Bah, Amos T. Kabo-Bah, Amoah Theophilus, Ahmed Mustapha Opoku, Obeng Ayman Manu, Gyan Amoah Ronald, Tienaah Micheal,

Variability of the magnetospheric electric field due to high-speed solar wind convection from 1964 to 2009

Article in Press

Focusing on the classification of solar winds into three types of flux: (1) slow winds, (2) fluctuating winds and (3) high speed-solar winds HSSW (V ? 450 km / s on average day), the influence of the convection electric field (EM) via the flow of HSSWs during storms in the internal magnetosphere and on the stability of magnetospheric plasma at high latitudes was investigated. Our study involved 1964-2009 period, which...

Author(s):Zoundi Christian,

Phenology and mechanisms of the early upwelling formation In the southern coast of Senegal

Article in Press

Mechanisms of the interannual variability of upwelling onset dates on the Petite-Cote of Senegal are investigated using daily NEMO model data outputs and NOAA ocean surface temperature observations (OISST). We first determined the phenology (onset dates, end dates, duration and occupied area of the upwelling) over the Petite-Côte located in south of the Senegalese coast. Our results show that upwelling in the Petite-Côte...

Author(s):Malick Wade, Mamadou Thiam, Ibrahima Diba, Bouya Diop


Article in Press

The management of solid waste is recognised as a challenging activity with respect to the environment, particularly within rapidly growing urban centres in Lower Income Countries. This paper examines the issue of landfill-waste-generated fires and resultant pollution plumes sourced within the Chunga Landfill Site, Lusaka, Zambia. We present the results of a geospatial analysis research programme to map and assess risks...

Author(s):Muleya Milimo, Hinchliffe Graham, Petterson Michael

Characterizing groundwater vulnerability in developing urban settings using DRASTIC-LuPa approach – a case study of Aba City, Nigeria

Article in Press

The impact of certain unregulated land-use activities harms the quality of water resources and reduce the sufficiency of drinking water in many developing countries. This study aimed to capture the impact of such activities and evaluate the specific groundwater vulnerability using a modified DRASTIC approach. The DRASTIC-LuPa was proposed and implemented for Aba City, Nigeria by incorporating land-use and the impact of...

Author(s):Uche Dickson Ijioma, Frank Wendland, Rainer Herd

Analytical detection and quantification of Chlorpyrifos in soil, milk, dip wash, spray race residues using high performance liquid chromatography in Kenyan dairy farms

Article in Press

Organophosphate acaricides have extensive use in livestock to manage Ticks and Tick borne diseases, environmental pollution arise due intensive use. The study was aimed at detection and quantification of Chlorpyrifos in soil, dip wash, spray race residues, milk and milk products from Kilifi, Nakuru and Kajiado Counties. A baseline survey was conducted using questionnaire, formal interview and personal observation to...

Author(s):Atego Norbert

Spatio-temporal dynamics of land use on the expansion of coffee agroforestry systems in Cameroon’s production basins

Article in Press

Diachronic analysis of satellite images was used to assess the spatiotemporal dynamics of land use and land cover change in the coffee production basins of Cameroon, located in the forest agro-ecological zones (Moungo and Haut-Nyong) and the highland humid savannah (Noun). A survey of farmers was carried out to identify land use and changes in the area of coffee agroforests over time. While the period 1980 to 2001 was...


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