International Journal of
Biodiversity and Conservation

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Biodivers. Conserv.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-243X
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJBC
  • Start Year: 2009

IJBC Articles in press

Response of Non-Timber Forest products (Garcinia Kola and Piper guineense) Seedlings To NPK and Urea Fertilizers

Article in Press

This study describes the effect of inorganic fertilizers (Urea and NPK 20:10:10) on Garcinia kola and Piper guineense seedlings in nursery for 28 weeks . The experiment involved 16 treatments, six replicates and 96 seedlings per species. Growth characters were assessed fortnightly. Fertilizer treatments significantly (P?0.05) affected mainly the height, leaf number and, leaf area of G. kola and P guineense seedlings....

Author(s): Egbe Enow Andrew, Kato Samuel Nanuene, Enow Elsie Ayamoh

Research on the ecology and impacts of invasive alien species on biodiversity: a systematic literature review

Article in Press

The spread of species worldwide, previously governed by natural processes, is now largely influenced by globalization, trade development, and human movement. Some species become invasive, causing major concerns due to their negative impacts on natural ecosystems and biodiversity. This study employs a methodological approach combining bibliometric analyses and the PRISMA protocol. Using VOSviewer and R, we analyzed...

Author(s):Gorgias AIKPON, , Jean Cossi GANGLO

The role of agriculture in deforestation and its implications for biodiversity conservation in the Kokofu community

Article in Press

As the global quest for sustainable land use intensifies, the nexus between agricultural practices and environmental conservation has garnered paramount attention. This study navigates this intricate terrain, focusing on the dynamic interplay between agricultural expansion, deforestation, and environmental sustainability within Kokofu, a community in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Grounded in a qualitative research paradigm,...

Author(s):Ameyaw Mabel

Wildlife face extinction threat amid dwindling wildlife corridors and dispersal areas in Kenya’s Amboseli ecosystem

Article in Press

Kenya is well-known for its diverse and abundant wildlife as well as its national parks. However, risks to wildlife in Kenya are increasing due to habitat fragmentation, land use change, and human population pressure in regions outside of parks. The goal of this study was to establish the implications of emerging land use dynamics on sustainable wildlife management in Kenya's Amboseli ecosystem. Secondary data was...

Author(s):Peter Naibei


Article in Press

A wetland is an area where the soil is covered with water either permanently or at least near the surface of the soil during certain seasons of the year, particularly the growing wet season. It is a critical component of Nigeria's watershed system, encompassing fresh and coastal waters. Wetlands are renowned for their biodiversity as they serve as home to many plant and animal species. They also play a crucial role as rest...

Author(s):Onadje, Festus Ovwighose

Diversity, Abundance and Population Structure of Mongoose Species (Family Herpestidae) in Nech Sar National Park, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study of the carnivore guild is the key to understanding the quantitative relationship between members of the carnivore community and establishing the influence of inter-specific competitions on species diversity. The study aimed to investigate species composition, abundance and population structure of the family herpastidae in the Nech Sar National Park (NSNP), Ethiopia. Ecological data collection on mongoose species...

Author(s):Matewos Masne and Serekebirhan Takele

Human disturbances on tree regeneration composition of Gidabwanaja Forest Reserve in Hanang’I District, Manyara region, Tanzania

Article in Press

Tropical forests are acknowledged for their significant wealth essential to the well-being of people of the world. The study was done at Gidabwanja Forest Reserve (GFR) in 2022 to assess the human disturbance on tree species regeneration diversity and dominance. The 10 m x 20 m were set to assess trees with DBH (cm) ? 5 cm; 2m x 5m nested plots for saplings and poles, and 1 m x 1 m for seedlings. The identified trees were...

Author(s):Canisius John Kayombo, Pamella Kessy

Global Review on Prosopis juliflora: Opportunities and Challenges

Article in Press

A global literature review of Prosopis juliflora reveals, it is a powerful invasive plant species throughout the tropical biome and provides abundance of opportunities with challenges. Invasion and growth performance of P. juliflora is reported. Seed production is a proxy measure for invasion and wood production is a proxy measure for growth. Global average seed production of P. juliflora is 7.8 tons per hectare per year....

Author(s):Boggale Endaweke Wendim

Study of breeding behavior, nest and egg parameters, and predation risk in the ground nesting bird, red-wattled lapwing from Southern Punjab, Pakistan

Article in Press

This research examines the breeding habits of red-wattled lapwings (Vanellus indicus) at Zainab Hall, Bahauddin Zakariya University in Multan, Pakistan. Topics include the breeding season, nest construction, clutch size, incubation period, hatching, and fledgling success. During the breeding season, male lapwings establish territories in April through June. Both male and female lapwings build nests and care for their young...

Author(s):Fatime Laraib

Population assessment, and feeding ecology of Gelada (Theropithecus gelada) in Ethiopia: a review

Article in Press

Gelada is the only surviving Theropithecus species, having three subspecies: northern, southern and Arsi gelada that prefers afro-alpine cliffs of Tigray, Gondar, Wollo, Showa and Arsi at altitudes between 1,800 to 4,400m above sea level. It is an Old World monkey that looks comparable to true baboons in morphology and size, but differ by having shorter jaws, a longer face, a snub snout, and bulging cheek pouches. The red...

Author(s):Setie Ewnetu Bayih

Prosopis juliflora: Invasion and growth potential for desert greening and resolving the global climate change complex

Article in Press

Research reported here has been conducted to measure Prosopis juliflora for its invasion and growth potential, altitude and habitat preference, desert greening and amelioration of the global climate change complex. Results from global literature review were integrated with field survey data within the Ethiopian great rift valley. ANOVA results confirmed significance of altitude over habitat (P = 0.01) for seed production,...

Author(s):Endaweke Wendim Boggale


Article in Press

In the current context of sustainable and efficient management of natural resources, issues related to the well-being of local population depend on the good ecological status of its environment and the ecosystem services they provide. Forests are highly degraded because of anthropogenic factors. It is in this context that this study was conducted in “the reserve de faune de Douala-Edéa (RFDE”)”, to evaluate the ecosystem...

Author(s):Hyacinthe ANGONI, NNANGA MEBENGA R.L., Gordon AJONINA,

Contribution of the model green village to the livelihoods of people and ecosystem conservation. A Case study of Gakoro IDP model green village in Rwanda

Article in Press

The Integrated Development Program (IDP) model green model village project was introduced by the Government of Rwanda in 2009 to improve rural settlements. The program intended to rationalize land use and regroup the human settlements in rural areas on serviced sites equipped with the basic infrastructure and community amenities and contribute to their resilience to climate change impacts. The study is assessing the...

Author(s):Dany Muhayimana, Hamudu Rukangantambara, Jean Nduwamungu

Plant species composition and diversity in different agroforestry technologies of Moshi rural district, Northern Tanzania

Article in Press

Agroforestry technologies (AFTs) have the potential for improving productivity but little effort has been made to study their species composition and diversity in Tanzania. The study aims to determine the variations of useful plant species composition and diversity across five agroforestry technologies. A plot size of 10 x 10 m was used to assess plants from each agroforestry technology. The useful plant species were...

Author(s):G.A. Saria, P. K. T Munishi and J.J. Kashaigili

Human-Asiatic Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus) conflict in South Kashmir: causes, consequences and mitigation measures

Article in Press

Human-Bear conflict is one of the major issues faced by local community in South Kashmir and Wildlife Protection Department of Government of Jammu and Kashmir. Due to the habitat degradation, the natural prey species has declined, resulting into the high frequency of black bear visits in forest fringes, which in turn causes the tremendous conflict with human beings. This paper aims to study this conflict, its causes,...

Author(s):Masood Ahmad Dar, Rayees Afzal Mir

Diversity and spatial distribution of plants whose fruits are consumed by chimpanzees in the Mbam and Djerem National Park (MDNP), Cameroon

Article in Press

The importance of tropical forests in the conservation of biodiversity can not be underrated. The Mbam and Djerem National Park (MDNP) is located in the forest-savanna transition zone, which gives it an exceptional biological diversity characterised by a wide variety of plant formations, a diversity of habitats and threatened animal species such as the chimpanzee. The chimpanzee finds almost all the food resources it needs...

Author(s):Tchinmegni Felenou I

Biodiversity Loss and Conservation Challenges in Chimit Kolla, Gozamen District, East Gojam Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Article in Press

A field study in Chimit Kolla, Gozamen District, Ethiopia was conducted in November, 2020. The study aimed to evaluate the biodiversity loss and major conservation challenges in the area. Direct sighting of the animals in the field and indirect evidences like scats, prey leftover, and evidence from native key informants revealed higher wildlife potential of the area. However, intensive agricultural investment,...

Author(s):YIHEW BIRU WOLDEGIORGIS and Amare Gibru Mekonnen


Article in Press

Africa as a tourism destination is seen as a wildlife tourism hotspot that contributes significantly to job creation, community upliftment, and conservation. Wildlife tourism is based on encounters with non-domestic animals that can occur in either the animal’s natural environment or in captivity. The interaction with the animals includes activities that are historically classified as consumptive and non-consumptive. This...

Author(s):PEET VAN DER MERWE, Elmarie Slabbert, Machiel Koch

Traditional uses of African rosewood (Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. Fabaceae) through the sociolinguistic groups and the pathways of conservation and sustainable management in Benin

Article in Press

Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir., a spontaneous species from Guinean savannahs of West Africa, plays as socio-economic and cultural livelihood in rural areas of Benin. This study improved the knowledge of people about the uses of Pterocarpus erinaceus organs connected to the sociolinguistic diversity in Benin, intending to enhance the pathways of conservation and sustainable management of the species. A total of 506 respondents...

Author(s):Christine Ouinsavi, Bienvenue Nawan Kuiga Sourou, Adigla Appolinaire Wédjangnon, Towanou Houêtchégnon, Yanik Akin , Justin Dossou

Estimation of carbon stock in Homegarden and Parkland Agroforestry Practices in Kola Shele Kebele, Arba Minch Zuria District, Gamo Zone, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Agroforestry practice play a crucial role for carbon regulation through carbon sequestration. Trees in agroforestry practice have received much attention recently due to their contribution for mitigate climate change . This study aimed at estimation of carbon stock in homegarden and parkland agroforestry practices. Accordingly, sixty plots (i.e. thirty 50m by 20 m plots were laid in parkland and thirty, 30 m by 30 m...

Author(s): Shashe Shita Ambaye, Simon Shibru Cheche

Adoption of integrated water resources management support system to combat the present and future problems of Rift Valley Lakes Basin, Ethiopia

Article in Press

This review examines the drastic changes of the Ethiopian Rift Valley Lakes Basin (ERVLB) that have sweeping environmental implications, and it attempts to show the new paradigm of integrated water resource management (IWRM) option focusing on a decision support system (DSS). The water bodies ERVLB are facing many threats. Also, there have been negligible efforts at ensuring the normal functioning of ecosystems....

Author(s):Yirga Enawgaw, Brook Lemma, Abinet Woldesenbet, Ayalew Sisay

Morphological features and taxonomic keys of four pill-millipedes of the genus Arthrosphaera in Kalakad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve of Southern Western Ghats of Tamilnadu, India

Article in Press

Millipedes have crucial role in environment especially in forest eco system, unfortunately we have very poor knowledge about it and we think its harmful invertebrate and venomous but it’s not, simultaneously we need to conserve this; therefore, it is important to understand about these are eco - friendly and best decomposer in forest eco system. The main objective of this work to update species descriptions and...

Author(s):Usha. B, Vasanthi. K & Chezhian. Y

An Integrated Assessment Using Water Quality Index and Biological Impact In Damietta Branch of the Nile River At Damietta Region, Egypt

Article in Press

The major goal of the current study was to evaluate the water quality at a part of the Damietta branch, Nile River of Egypt via water quality index (WQI) and biological indices. Selected 8 physicochemical parameters were measured in surface water to calculate WQI from 10 sampling sites monthly from January to December 2014. At the same time, bottom sediment collected to record benthos macro-invertebrates biodiversity in...

Author(s):Mohamed M. El-Komi, Abdel-Aziz A. Khidr, Mohamed H. Bahnsawy, Ibrahim H. Smysem


Article in Press

Colobus monkey (Colobus guereza) presently registered as Data Lacking Animal on the IUCN Red list does not get conservation care. With the current increasing habitat loss and degradation across its geographic range, data on the activity patterns are essential to design a management plan the data could be to evaluate the UNESCO program under the Man and Biosphere Reserve's objective with respect to colobus monkey...

Author(s):Temesgen Tafesse

Can conservation incentives promote willingness to coexist with large carnivores in the eastern Serengeti ecosystem?

Article in Press

Communities living adjacent to protected areas tend to express more willingness to coexist with large carnivores in their areas when they receive tangible benefits. The aim of this study was to explore people’s willingness to coexist with large carnivores, including lions (Panthera leo), leopards (Panthera pardus), cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus), spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta), African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) and...

Author(s):Franco P. Mbise and Eivin Røskaft


Article in Press

Human modification of the land surface through the conversion of natural land into other land use types like agriculture and settlement has affected regional and global climate processes by changing the fluxes of mass and energy between an ecosystem and the atmosphere. This study was out to evaluate the effects of plantation agriculture on land use, land cover change in the Nguti sub division and to investigate resident’s...

Author(s):Clara, Enow Ayombe, Amahui George Amenhwi and Mbah Ignatius Ngala

Diversity and population status of large mammals in ensessa kotteh wildlife rescue, conservation center, welmera woreda oromia special zone, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Mammal inventories are essential tools for direct conservation strategies and management practices. Large mammals are often key stone species that maintain ecosystem stability and biodiversity. So, their inventories are very important to design planned conservation strategies and management practices. A study was carried out to assess population status and species diversity of wild large mammals in Ensessa kotteh wildlife...

Author(s):Dejene Furgasa and Tewodros Kumssa

Networks as Institutions: a biodiversity-based enterprises incubator

Article in Press

This paper presents the network architecture (Nelson, 2008) and institutional dynamics of a "biodiversity green incubator" for the Peruvian Amazonian and Andes mountains areas, the “PerúBioInnova.” It is a kind of livelihood initiative, business model and economic mechanism that facilitates the development of new forest ecosystem-based opportunities, in which a benefit-sharing model has been developed, as well as a format...

Author(s):Bueno Carolina da Silveira


Article in Press

This study was premeditated to provide data on plant diversity management, organizational and functional structure, use diversity and management practices in home garden agroforestry practices. Interview with owners, discussions with local people and botanical inventories were applied to collect primary data. Secondary data were collected form online and documented sources. Species diversity data were calculated using...



Article in Press

Secondary forests may act as buffer area and serve as reservoir for biotic components that are lost from primary forest due to anthropogenic disturbances. This study investigated the floristic composition, diversity and community structure of Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), Idi-Ayunre, Ibadan, Nigeria. Twenty-five main plots (each 50 m x 50 m) were randomly mapped out to enumerate tree species, five 10 m x 10 m...


Impact of fires on biomass in the Sudano-Guinean savannas of Mbam and Djerem National Park (PNMD), Cameroon

Article in Press

The Mbam and Djerem National Park (MDNP) is threatened by bush fires and particularly by uncontrolled late fires which compromise all of its biodiversity of the park. This study aims to assess the impact of fires on the plant diversity. To do this, plots were demarcated on the basis of the distribution of active fires, burned areas and ground measurements. A total of 56 herbaceous species have been identified. It also...

Author(s):Dadem Gueguim Christelle., Tchamba N. Martin. and FOTSO Roger Corneille

Population assessment of the black and white colobus monkey (Colobus guereza ssp. guereza) in Nech Sar National Park, Ethiopia

Article in Press

As of the IUCN and other existing reports, most of the Colobine monkeys are not yet globally endangered. Nevertheless, many species are locally threatened. Therefore, data on Colobine population abundance and ecological preferences are important prerequisites for successful local and global conservation efforts but these data are often lacking. To address this gap, we estimated the abundance of Colobus guereza ssp. guereza...

Author(s):Solomon Chanie Alemu, Francesco Rovero, Jacob Willie

Farmers Participation towards Forest Production and Protection in Dawuro Zone, Essera District, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was carried out in SNNPR in Dawuro zone in general Essera district in particular. The study was focused on the assessment of farmers’ participation towards forest production and protection in Essera district of Dawuro zone. In the study both primary and secondary data were used. Primary data was obtained from the respondents through semi- structured questionnaires and, interview schedule Sample size was...

Author(s):Bekele Tona Amenu

Geographic distribution, diversity and conservation status of giant millipedes in Cameroon

Article in Press

Giant millipedes are one of the major groups of arthropods involved in the breakdown of organic matter and confined to tropical biomes. A review of giant millipedes from historical reports and new field data was carried out to assess distribution and diversity patterns in Cameroonian rainforest, while conservation status of endemic species was evaluated for the first-time using IUCN red list criteria and categories....

Author(s):Mbenoun Masse Paul Serge, Nzoko Fiemapong Armand Richard, Makon Samuel Didier, Tenyam Nkoh Pauline Blanche, Mwabvu Tarombera

Diversity of medium and large-sized mammals and their threats management in Fura-Faragosa Communal Forest, Gamo Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Article in Press

Survey was conducted from July to December 2019, aimed at assessing medium and large-sized mammals’ diversity, and their major threats management of the study area in Fura-Faragosa Communal Forest (FFCF) areas, Gamo zone, Southern Ethiopia. Systematic sampling design and Line transect field method using direct and indirect field observations were used to assess mammals and their threats, whereas key informant interview...

Author(s):Berhanu Gebo, Serekebirhan Takele

Vegetation Composition of Range Land and Its effect on Livestock and Socio-Economics Status of the Pastoralists in , Afar Regional State, Northern Ethiopia

Article in Press

Vegetation data were collected from 72 sample plots laid on the four transects. The size of the main plot was 20 mx20m for tree species. Socio-economic data were analyzed using SPSS version 21 software packages. A total of 75 species of vascular plants belonging to 60 genera and 26 Families were identified from 72 plots from the study area. Out of these plant species, 20% were trees, 30.7 were shrubs, 33.3% were herbs and...

Author(s):Mohammed Seid, Anteneh Belayneh Desta, Tessema Zewdu

Conservation status of Argo forest in Bena Tsemay district, South Omo, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples National regional state, Ethiopia

Article in Press

A study was conducted on conservation status of Argo forest, Bena Tsemay district, South Omo zone, Southern Nations, Nationalities and peoples National Regional State, Ethiopia. Four transects were taken from gravel road and individuals farmers land as a baseline. Physiographic data, DBH/DSH and height of all tree/shrub species were taken in all the 41 quadrates. The external pressure on the forest was also assessed using...

Author(s):Fikadu Kitaba Tola, Sisay Alemu, Tewodros Misganaw, Debissa Lemessa

Conservation challenges of the endemic Banded Wattle Eye and the Bannerman’s Turaco in the Njising -Tabenken forest, North Western Cameroon

Article in Press

This study was carried out from August 2018 to February 2019 to determine the conservation challenges of Banded Wattle Eye and Bannerman’s Turaco in the Njising-Tabenken Forest. The study used point transects. Point stations had radius of 50m and measured 100m apart. Transects were 500m long and randomly stratified. Semi-structured questionnaires were used to collect additional information on conservation challenges....

Author(s):Kari Jackson Bongnda,and Tamungang Awafor Simon


Article in Press

The effect of forest fire on the forest trees at Olokemeji Forest Reserve was established in this study. The fire experimental plot was selected at the reserve. The site was divided into three plots; Plot A was tested with late fire treatment, Plot B was tested with Early fire treatment and plot C (without fire treatment). The diameter at breast height (Dbh) and tree height (m) of the tree species in the plots were...

Author(s):A.J. Oloketuyi, A.F. Ibimilua, O.D. Akinyemi and O.J. Oyelowo

Threats and attitude of local community towards wildlife conservation in Menz Guassa community conservation area, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted in Menz Guassa Community Conservation Area, North Showa, Ethiopia to assess the threats of wildlife and local community attitude towards wildlife conservation. It also aimed at distinguishing the driving force that contributes for the threats Questionnaires, and key formant interview were used to collect data. A total of 376 respondents were selected by stratified random sampling method. Data were...



Article in Press

This study was conducted to explore species diversity and relative abundance of birds in Lake Hawassa and its adjoining areas from August to February 2018. Systematic random sampling techniques at an interval of 3km were used to select sampling grids. Data were analysed by using PAST Software version 2.17c in analysing biodiversity indices, Bray-Curtis cluster analysis and Individual Rarefaction analysis. The result showed...

Author(s):Amare Gibru and Girma Mengesha

Biomass and Carbon Sequestration Potential of Woody Vegetation within Kwara State University Malete, Nigeria

Article in Press

Ability to measure accurately and precisely the amount of carbon sequestered in African forests will go a long way in reducing global warming. Therefore, this study determines the Above Ground Biomass (AGB), Carbon Sequestration Potential (CSP) and variation in tree species present in the Kwara State University. Square plot sampling of 100 by 100 meters was selected randomly for assessment. Trees with diameter at breast...

Author(s):Henry Olawale Sawyerr, Romoke Monsurat Suleiman and Oyewole Kazeem Oyedele

The role of seasonal enclosures and Acacia tree species on soil seed bank flora in east Shoa zone, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Majority of Sub-Saharan Africa land mass is rangelands. However, rangelands are globally degrading rapidly, affecting the soil seed bank (SSB) of native plants, and, therewith, the long-term resilience towards environmental and human-induced pressure on the ecosystem. We investigated SSB in communally and seasonally enclosed (SE) grazing areas as influenced by sub-habitats of mature trees of Acacia tortilis and Acacia...

Author(s):Abule Ebro, Anna . TreydteB, Belete Shenkute, Getachew Haile, and Teshome Kebede

Utilization of indigenous tree and shrub species as animal feed resources in South Tigray, North Ethiopia

Article in Press

Indigenous browse species can make a large contribution to livestock nutrition as they depend on such species during the dry and wet season. Despite the wide use of the browse species, no studies have been undertaken so far in the Southern zone of Tigray on utilization of such feed resources. The objectives of this study were to identify these feed resources and their utilization. A total of 103 households from five...

Author(s):Tesfay Atsbha, Solomon Wayu, Nguse Gebretsadkan, Tesfay Gebremariam and Tsgehiwet Giday

Avian Diversity and Abundance from Lebu Natural Protected Forest, Southwest Showa, Ethiopia

Article in Press

This study was conducted to determine the species composition, diversity and habitat association of avian fauna from Lebu Natural Protected Forest, Southwest Showa, Ethiopia. The avian fauna survey was carried out from March to April 2019 during the dry season. A stratified sampling method was used to demarcate the study area into three habitat types, including natural forest, bushland and riverine forest. In each habitat...

Author(s):Chala Adugna, Bezawork Afework

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance for Agronomic Traits in Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Gene Pools

Article in Press

A total of 49 field pea genotypes were grown in 7 x 7 simple lattice design at two environments in south-eastern highlands of Ethiopia during 2018/19 main cropping season to study genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for grain yield and yield-related traits. The combined / pooled/ analysis of variance revealed that there was a significant difference (p< 0.001) among the 49 field pea genotypes for all the...

Author(s):Kedir Yimam

Effect of Eucalyptus globulus on germination and growth of Crotalaria exaltata Polhill Seeds

Article in Press

The studies on effects of Eucalyptus globulus on seed germination and growth potential of Crotalaria exaltataseedswere conducted in Gullele Botanic Garden. For the germination test, the stock solution was prepared from leaves of E. globulus that collected from the garden site and inserted in boiled water for 24 hours. By serial dilution 25%, 50%, 75% of treatments were prepared. Seeds were pre-treated with boiled water and...

Author(s):Wondye Kebede, Berhanu Belay, and Solomon Getahun

Urban Homegardens and Government Institution Tree-planted Compounds for Woody Species Conservation and Carbon Sequestration: The Case of Jimma City, Southwest Ethiopia

Article in Press

Urban homegardens are important refuges for native biodiversity and climate change mitigation. This study investigated the potential of homegardens and government institution tree-planted, compounds for conservation of woody species and carbon sequestration in Jimma City. A complete counting of woody species within 138 homegardens and 39 sample plots (each 10 m × 10 m) placed in government institutions were surveyed....

Author(s):Kassahun Mulatu Lemt

Impact of climatic variations on the distribution of the main plant species whose fruits are consumed by chimpanzees in the Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire

Article in Press

Global warming is now recognized as one of the major threats to the survival of species and the integrity of ecosystems worldwide. It modifies the geographical distributions of species, which in return affects the trends of climatic variations. This study was initiated to evaluate the impact of climatic variations on the distribution of the dominant plant species in the chimpanzee’s diet of Tai National Park. The...

Author(s):CONDE Aly, GONE BI ZORO Bertin, ADOU Yao Yves Constant

Biodiversity of Anurans from Three Cocoa farms in Ondo State, Nigeria

Article in Press

The research investigated the biodiversity of amphibians from cocoa farms in Ondo state. A total of 38 anurans were collected from three Cocoa farms, by handpicking under leaf litters, inside gullies, along river banks flowing through the farms and on trees. In all cases collection was done between 20:00 hrs and 05:00 hrs. Collected specimens were transported in sealed but ventilated containers to the Laboratory where...

Author(s):M.O Oniya and A.L Adeyekun

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