Article in Press
In order to be successful in business life, hard skills that characterise the profession and soft skills that characterise personal and interpersonal characteristics are needed to complement these technical skills. In the past, a degree, as proof of the acquisition of technical skills, was a very satisfactory confidence to get a job. A high value was attributed to having a degree, such as competence, honesty, sociability...
The 3 Gs in the Future of TVET: Go Green, Go Digital, and Go Entrepreneurial
Article in Press
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is critical for equipping the workforce with practical skills and knowledge across various industries. As the world faces rapid technological changes, environmental issues, and economic shifts, TVET systems must evolve to stay relevant. This article explores the integration of three essential strategies, termed the three Gs: Go Green, Go Digital, and Go...
Article in Press
The study examined the soft skills needed by Office Technology and Management (OTM) graduates for globalized employability in the 21st century office. One research question guided the study and one hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study consisted of 45 office executives and 45 secretaries from chosen organizations...
Article in Press
Technical and Vocational Education (TVET) plays a crucial role in societal and national development. In Nigeria, it spans across various educational levels, from secondary schools to higher institutions. However, over time, TVET in Nigeria has faced significant challenges, particularly related to the shortage of qualified teachers and skilled personnel. This paper focuses on the issues affecting TVET, specifically those...
Article in Press
Expost Facto design was adopted for the study. Agricultural industry is key to National Development. Emphasis should be more on how to impact salable skills to students to enable them acquire those skills that will carry them throughout their life. The study therefore is designed to determine the effects of vocational pedagogy on teaching and learning of agricultural production in processing and packaging of cereals...
Article in Press
Learners with Emotional and Behaviour disorders are included in the category of learners with Special Needs Education. However in Kenyan perspective, there is a challenge as to how these children are guided in achieving their best in life. This study assessed skills taught for behaviour change among learners with EBD in Juvenile rehabilitation schools in Kenya. The Social learning theory and cross sectional descriptive...
Article in Press
The study investigated electronics works competencies required by electronics teachers for effective teaching in technical colleges in Osun and Oyo states. A survey research design was used for the study. A 48-item questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection and three experts validated the instruments. A reliability coefficient of 0.879 was obtained and 49 electronics teachers were used. Three objectives were...
Article in Press
This study was designed to determine the skill needs of technical college students for effective processing of timber for building construction in Rivers State. Three research questions and three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A survey research designed was used for the study. The population was 81 which include 66 timber processors and 15 building teachers in technical in the colleges. The...
Article in Press
The study evaluated the factors affecting teachers’ readiness on ICT integration in business studies in public secondary schools in Abia state Nigeria. Two research questions were answered and two hypotheses tested. The population of the study consisted of 154 business studies teachers from Aba zone in Abia state Nigeria. The data used for this study were ICT competence (X1), the teachers’ personal characteristics...
Article in Press
Although metalwork is perceived as one of the subjects that imparts essential skills for post-secondary education survival, learners in secondary school shy away from learning the subject. The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors that influence the decisions made by secondary school learners to opt to study metalwork or not. One hundred and forty-four secondary school learners, both boys and girls, were...
Article in Press
This research aims to study the level of the technical and employability skills of mechanical engineering students of vocational high school (4 and 3 years VHS) in Indonesia. The study applies non experimental quantitative research design, Questionnaire was used to collect data. The population of the study is class XII student with expertise in Mechanical Engineering at VHS in Makassar and Surabaya cities. The total...
Article in Press
This paper focuses on the influence the acceptance of the National Business and Technical Education Board (NABTEB) certificate for admission into the Nigerian universities and polytechnics has on the supply of craftsmen labour to the construction industry market. The research quantitatively verified the extent to which the main mission of producing craftsmen for the industry is being pursued by the Technical Schools in...
Article in Press
This research investigated factors affecting the responsiveness of TVET to youth job-creation in Arsi Zone. Descriptive survey design was used in the research. Data were collected from randomly selected 120 TVET trainees in three TVET colleges. and three purposively selected officials of the respective colleges. Three purposively selected instructors (n=12) from each college and five deans (including one more from...
Article in Press
The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of agricultural science teachers in Edo State to undertake Supervised Agricultural Experience Program. The population included all agricultural science teachers (N=360) in Edo State from which a purposive sample of 275 were drawn. A total of 250 (92.60%) copies of a 50-item questionnaire distributed were correctly filled and used for this study. Data were analyzed...
Article in Press
The study was carried out to research into the vocational teachers perception of the challenges of effective vocational training implementation in the study area. Questionnaire was used to elicit data from 120 selected vocational teachers within Ibarapa central Local Government area. However, ranked with their mean, the research reveals that peoples attitude towards vocational training ranked 1st. problems of remuneration...
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