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The use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) remain a key forecaster of malaria among children under five years. Therefore, this study was designed to determine the effects of LLINs among children below five years of age, attending the Tubah district hospital. Data was collected within four months from February to May 2021. A pre-tested structured questionnaire and the Care Start™ Pf Malaria HRP2 qualitative rapid...
Article in Press
Background and objectives: Malaria remains a disease of major health concern in sub-Saharan African countries with tropical climate. The study was designed to determine the prevalence of malaria parasitemia among asymptomatic students of Kogi State University living off campus. Method: A cross sectional study was carried out among 250 students (105 males and 145 females) of Kogi State University living off campus, using...
Article in Press
A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2020 to March 2020 to estimate the seroprevalence of bovine trypanosomosis, identify associated risk factors and assess the density of Glossina species and other biting flies in the Tambaro district of Southwest Ethiopia. A total of 384 cattle were selected by systematic random sampling technique. Cotton dumped in 70% alcohol and disinfected the site on-ear and piercing...
Article in Press
Malaria remains a major vector borne diseases globally. In 2019, it was reported that Uganda accounts for 5 % of the total global cases of malaria related deaths after Nigeria and Democratic Republic of Congo.Various risk factors may be responsible for poor treatment outcomes which has neccessitated the current study Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in four selected health centers of Bushenyi...
Article in Press
Malaria is the world's leading parasitic endemic and the major cause of morbidity and mortality in Côte d'Ivoire. The aim of this study was to firstly analyse, the clinical aspects and secondly evaluate the kit’s performance (NovaLisa® Malaria) against a panel of antigens (AMA1, GLURP, CSP and Schizont Extract) in order to determine the antigen to be used in diagnosing malaria serology in our country. A retrospective study...
Article in Press
Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria during pregnancy with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP) is recommended to prevent maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes. This study aimed to assess IPTp-SP coverage in mothers delivering in six health facilities and factors associated with placental malaria and low birth weight. A multicenter, cross-sectional survey was conducted in Côte d’Ivoire from March to October 2017....
Article in Press
Malaria diagnosis in Nigeria was mostly relied on clinical manifestations until 2011, when the government issued a policy requiring parasitological confirmation of all suspected malaria cases prior to treatment. Poor usage of Malaria test results in health care delivery is one of the possible causes of over-diagnosis and over-treatment of malaria in Nigeria.. This study demonstrateds the influence of in-service training on...
Article in Press
The diagnosis of malaria in pregnancy remains a challenge due to the low parasite density and placental sequestration of Plasmodium falciparum. A field performance evaluation of a malaria diagnostic test was carried out in an intense transmission setting in Nanoro, Burkina Faso. Pregnant women with symptoms suggestive of malaria were recruited and their results compared with microscopy, the current gold standard for...
Article in Press
Glossina fuscipes fuscipes remains the main tsetse vectors of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, the cause of Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) in South Sudan. South Sudan HAT Control Strategy does not involve vector control component. Information on G.f.fuscipes apparent density/trap/day helps in identifying priority areas of priorities for vector control. Insecurity and logistic problem make it impossible for vector control...
Article in Press
Schistosomiasis a water-based disease caused by schistosomesi usually co-infect their hosts with soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) parasites due to overlapping poverty-related factors favoring their distribution. In Uganda, infestations of STHs and schistosomiasis commonest in primary school children are ranked 2nd and 3rd, respectively, among the top 10 causes of morbidity despite classified as NTDs in the HSSP aggravated...
Article in Press
A cross sectional study was conducted from November 2015 to April 2016, with the objectives; to determine the prevalence of hard ticks on cattle and the tick species distribution in Offa Woreda. Out of the total A total of 384 cattle were examined; out of the total 214 cattles were positive with one or more tick species. In the current study anThe overall prevalence of was 55.73% was recorded.There waswith a strong...
Article in Press
Comprehensive strategies to control and eradicate schistosomiasis emphasize application of mass drug administration (MDA) complementary with other intervention measures including public health education, access to clean water, improved sanitation, and interruption of parasite cycle at vector snail stage. The aim of this study was to determine Schistosomiasis mansoni transmission dynamics in Central Kenya’s highlands...
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Selected Localities of Sodo District of Gurage Zone
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Cutaneous leishmaniasis is endemic in the highlands of Ethiopia. In Ethiopia and Kenya highlands, L.aethopica is the known causative agent of the disease. The aim of this study was to prove the existence of active transmission of cutaneous leishamniasis in selected localities of Sodo district of Gurage zone and to document sand fly species which are potentially capable of transmitting the disease in the study area. Active...
Article in Press
African animal trypanosomosis is among the most serious livestock diseases constraining food sufficiency in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study aimed to generate base line data for implementing the trypanosomosis and tsetse fly control operations. The study was conducted from November 2014 to March 2015 in Asosa and Bambasi districts of Asosa Zone, Northwestern Ethiopia. Glossina morsitans submorsitans was the only tsetse fly...
Article in Press
Azadiracta indica, Carica papaya, Morinda lucida and Alstonia boonei are common medicinal plants used widely in Nigeria for the treatment of malaria and other life threatening ailments. The research investigated the antiplasmodial effect of the four botanical extract in Plasmodium berghei infected mice. One hundred and fifty five healthy BALB/c mice of average weight 13.5g were divided into four main groups of thirty...
Article in Press
A cross-sectional study was conducted to estimate the prevalence, larval burden, associated risk factors and co-existence of both Coenurus cerebralis and Oestrus ovis in small ruminants slaughtered at ELFORA export abattoir which located in Bishoftu, Ethiopia from December 2016 to March 2017. A total of 384 heads of small ruminants (180 sheep and 204 goats) were examined for the presence of both C.cerebralis and O.ovis...
Article in Press
Animal African Trypanosomiasis is a major constraint to livestock health and production. The disease has for years continued to contribute towards economic and developmental setback in the sub-Saharan Africa. Tsetse flies, vectors for transmission, are attracted to livestock and wildlife where they feed on blood meal contaminated by trypanosomes, the disease causing parasites. Host ageing urine has been shown to be the...
Article in Press
This study was carried out with the aim of investigating the prevalence of intestinal protozoan infection in five selected primary schools in Maiyama Local Government Area ofKebbi State, Nigeria. Stool samples from 200 pupils were collected and examinedusing formol ether concentration technique for protozoan cyst out of which 49 (24.5%) were found to be infected with different species of intestinal protozoan parasite....
Article in Press
Malaria is one of the leading communicable diseases in Ethiopia affecting the health of people. About 75% of the total area of the country and more than 68% of the total population is at risk of infection. The aim of this study was to determine the five year trends of malaria (2012-2016) and to assess the prevalence and associated risk factors of malaria infection among patients visiting Goljota health center from...
Article in Press
Background: Intestinal parasitic infections are widely distributed throughout the world and constitute for the global health burden causing clinical morbidity and mortality mainly in developing countries including Ethiopia. WHO estimates that a minimum of 25% the world’s population is chronically infected with intestinal parasites and 1.5to 2.7 million deaths annually. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine...
Article in Press
Lymphatic filariasis(Lf) is an infection by filarial worms in lymphatic system. Its clinical effects causes serious health challenges to man. With regard to this, both Government and non-governmental organization had introduced many preventive and control measures to eliminate this disease. Hence the need to assess the impacts of these preventive and control measure in rural areas . This work was carried out in Ndieze and...
Article in Press
Toxoplasmosis is caused by the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii, and is one of the most common zoonosis affecting a wide range of warm-blooded mammals and birds worldwide. Ground-feeding birds are considered important in the epidemiology of the parasite because they serve as indicators of soil contamination by oocysts. In the present study, 120 blood samples were collected from domestic pigeons in three Local...
Article in Press
A total of 109 samples of Clarias gariepinus (n=15) and Oreochromis mortimeri (n=94) were caught in Mashoko Dam between November 2014 and March 2015 and were examined for Contracaecum spp. larvae. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence, mean intensity and mean abundance of Contracaecum spp. larvae in Clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis mortimeri from Mashoko Dam. 66.7% of C. gariepinus and 6.4% of O. mortimeri...
Article in Press
Abamectin (avermectin) is a natural fermentation product of Streptomyces avermitilis and is widely used as a pesticide. Recently, it has been used as a molluscicide and as an antiparasitic agent. This study aims at assess the impact on Abamectin on hamster infected with S. mansoni. Parasitological, histopathological parameters, liver function enzymes and cytokines were assessed in an infected hamster model. Five groups of...
Article in Press
Prevalence of falciparum malaria among patients attending University of Agriculture Makurdi Clinic, Nigeria, was determined on 318 patients from June to August, 2013. After informed consent of patients, blood samples were collected and examined for Plasmodium falciparum parasites using standard procedures. Patients’ biometric data were collected through Laboratory request forms and oral interviews. Results obtained...
Article in Press
The study was carried out from October 2013 to April 2014 on a total of 415 local breed bovine cattle slaughtered in Bishoftu Elfora export abattoir, south east of Addis Ababa with the aim of determining the prevalence of bovine fasciolosis, evaluation of judgment enforced on the infested livers and assessment of financial losses due to the condemned livers. Among 415 slaughtered cattle, 91 (21.9%) were found to be...
Bovine trypanosomiasis and vectors in the Lom and Djerem Division (East-Cameroon)
Article in Press
Bovine trypanosomiasis is a major threat to the livestock sector in Cameroon. A preliminary study of the disease and of its vectors was carried out between February and May 2017 in the SODEPA Ranch of Ndokayo, located in the Bétaré-Oya Sub Division of the Lom and Djerem Division in East Cameroon. The main objective of this work was to determine the parasitological prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis as well as to assess...
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