Full Length Research Paper
For there to be sustainable revival of Kenya’s Cotton Industry, its cotton-value needs to be analyzed, there is need to identify its weak points and implement measures to ameliorate its key constraints. Various authors have developed and analyzed the value-chain of the Cotton Industry in Kenya. This paper reviews important components of the value-chain focusing on strengthening the supply of safe, adequate and quality seeds to smallholder farmers as first and immediate priority. The government of Kenya has portrayed a strong policy support to increase cotton production in cotton growing counties of Kenya. In December 2019, the government approved the first commercial release of improved biotech cotton. The government also enacted laws, regulations and policies to strengthen the cotton value-chain and instituted institutional reforms such establishment of Kenya National Biosafety Authority, the Fiber Directorate, the Cotton Development Authority and revitalization of Rivatex Textile Industry. These excellent efforts need to be synchronized and harmonized for effective and efficient performance of the cotton value-chain especially to enhance the supply of improved quality cotton seeds for smallholder farmers. Because of the introduction of county governments and devolution of agricultural functions from central to county governments, it is imperative that two arms of government synchronize activities in the Cotton Industry to ensure adequate support for smallholder farmers for key services such as extension services, supply of quality seeds and provision of credit.
Key words: Cotton industry, quality cotton seeds, policies, regulations, institutional reforms.
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