Full Length Research Paper
The microbiological and biochemical changes and shelf life stability of Elaeis guineensisand Raphia hookeri brands of palm wine were determined. R. hookeri brands were found to habour more heterotrophic and coliform population than the E. guineensis, whereas the later haboured more yeast species. Identification tests revealed the isolation of Bacillus, Lactobacillus, Brevibacterium and Staphylococcus from E. guineensiswhile Escherichia coli and Micrococcus species with the exception ofBrevibacterium sp. was additionally isolated from R. hookeri. Furthermore heterotrophic count and pH were observed to decrease with increased fermentation days. The effect of the preservatives on the sensory properties of palm wine was dependent on the type of preservation used. The level of CO2 as well as the effect of extracts from the plant preservatives on the isolates from the palm wine samples was also carried out. Percentage loss of CO2 for each successive fermentation day was observed and there was significant difference in the effect of the plant preservatives used.
Key words: Microbiology, Biochemical changes, Shelf life, Palm wie, Nigeria.
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