African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 23 November 2011; 10(74)

November 2011

DNA structure, genomic organization and expression patterns of visfatin in silver Prussian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio)

Visfatin was a newly identified adipocytokine, which was involved in various physiologic and pathologic processes of organisms. The cDNA structure, genomic organization and expression patterns of silver Prussian carp visfatin were described in this report. The silver Prussian carp visfatin cDNA cloned from the liver was ~2.0 Kb long and contained a 1482 bp open reading frame (ORF), which encoded a protein of 493 amino...

Author(s): Dong Xu, Zou Shiping, Wu Xiaoxiong, Dai Hanchuan, Zeng Cuiping, Wang Xu and Long Liangqi

November 2011

Population of bottleneck and microsatellite: An Analysis Based on genetic diversity of Wild Tiger Shrimp Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) in Malaysia

In the present study, six microsatellite markers, namely, CSCUPmo1, CSCUPmo2, CSCUPmo3, CSCUPmo4, CSCUPmo6 and CSCUPmo7 were used to monitor genetic variation in the wild tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius). The number of alleles examined by all the microsatellites yielded the monitoring ranges of 2 to 6 alleles. Moreover, the highest and lowest heterozygosity were found to be at a significant level of...

Author(s): Reza Nahavandi, Parivash Hafezamini, Hassan Moeini, Mohammad Zareian Jahromi and Mariana Nor Shamsudin

November 2011

A novel stepwise support vector machine (SVM) method based on optimal feature combination for predicting miRNA precursors

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of non-coding RNAs that are produced from miRNA precursors (pre-miRNAs) with stem-loop structure. At present, development of computational approach for pre-miRNA identification continues to be a challenging task, in which feature selection is greatly important. Here, we first extracted feature subsets by a hybrid algorithm of genetic algorithm (GA) and support vector machine...

Author(s): Limei Wang#, Jin Li#, Rongsheng Zhu, Liangde Xu, Ying He, Ruijie Zhang and Shaoqi Rao

November 2011

Human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER 2)/neu expression and gene amplification in colorectal cancer

To investigate the relationship between the expression/amplification of human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER 2)/neu and its clinical significance in colorectal cancer, in this study, clinicopathological data and paraffin-embedded specimen were collected on 192 consecutive patients who underwent colorectal resections from 2001 to 2005 at Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University. Using immunohistochemistry and...

Author(s): Wei Deng , Wei-Guo Dong, Na Zhan, Fei Liao and Hong-xue Wu

November 2011

Evaluation of essential oil composition and DNA diversity of mint resources from China

Eight Mentha spicata accessions collected from China were characterized by both molecular and volatile analysis. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) evaluation was performed to analyze the DNA polymorphism of the accessions. Essential oil from leaf was also detected by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The major components of the accessions...

Author(s): Chen Xiao Hua, G. R. Wang and Yao Lei

November 2011

Chemical fingerprint technique and its application in the classification and quality assessment of the Gastrodia tuber

The Gastrodia tuber and its active component, gastrodin, have many pharmacological effects. In this study, optimized high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) parameters were employed to determine the chemical fingerprints and gastrodin content of nine Gastrodia tuber populations. Based on the degree of similarity of the chemical fingerprints, the nine Gastrodia tuber populations were...

Author(s): Jun Tao, Chenqin Qian, Zhongqiu Tang, Ping Chen, Yan Wang and Yunrui Han

November 2011

The potential role of B-function gene involved in floral development for double flowers formation in Camellia changii Ye

Camellia changii Ye, a rare and endangered species, has a phenotype that sepals frequently transform into petals. We assumed that this change would cause single C. changii Ye turned double flowers and this was confirmed by the double flowers we found in grafted C. changii Ye. The microstructure of floral organs showed that: in perfect petals, the anthocyanin is distributed...

Author(s): Gaopu Zhu, Jiyuan Li, Sui Ni, Zhengqi Fan, Hengfu Yin, Xinlei Li and Xingwen Zhou

November 2011

Phenological and pomological properties of promising walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes from selected native population in Amasya Province

Walnut production in Turkey fluctuates quantitatively and qualitatively. The main problem is almost always early leafing. The environmental adaptations of Turkish national walnut cultivars are often poor due to early bud break and sensitivity to walnut blight and anthracnose. Therefore it is necessary to carry out a breeding programme for developing new cultivars in Turkey. This study was conducted out to determine...

Author(s): Hakan KaradaÄŸ and YaÅŸar Akça

November 2011

Efficient extraction of RNA from various Camellia species rich in secondary metabolites for deep transcriptome sequencing and gene expression analysis

Camellia species, an important economic plants widely distributed in Asia, are recalcitrant to RNA extraction. Here, we developed a method for high quality RNA isolation. Based on the RNA isolated from flower buds, deep transcriptome sequencing of Camellia oleifera, Camellia chekiangoleosa and Camellia brevistylawere successfully carried out. About 600,000 readings produced in a single 454...

Author(s): Cong Jiang#, Qiang Wen,#, Ying Chen, Li-an Xu and Min-ren Huang

November 2011

Species-specific detection of Dickeya sp. (Pectobacterium chrysanthemi) in infected banana tissues, soil and water

Dickeya sp. (Pectobacterium chrysanthemi) is a bacterial pathogen that can cause soft rot disease on banana pseudostem tissue. A species-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed for rapid and sensitive detection of the pathogenic bacteria in diseased plant tissues, soil and artificially infested irrigation water. Based on differences in internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences...

Author(s): Peiqian Li, Birun Lin Huifang Shen and Xiaoming Pu

November 2011

Growth and reproductive attributes of radionuclide phytoremediators in the Mediterranean coastal black sands

Growth and resource allocation of three black sand plants namely Cakile maritima, Senecio glaucus and Rumex pictus were investigated in a greenhouse experiment. The effect of absorbed radionuclides on the plant growth was monitored at different growth stages including seedling, juvenile, flowering, fruiting and senescing stages. The study reveals that growth attributes including relative growth...

Author(s): A. K. Hegazy, M. H. Emam and A. A. Alatar

November 2011

Influence of integrated phosphorus supply and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on growth, nodulation, yield and nutrient uptake in Phaseolus vulgaris

To guarantee a sufficient phosphorus supply for plants, a rapid and permanent mobilization of phosphorus from the labile phosphorus fractions is necessary, because phosphorus concentrations in soil solution are generally low. Several plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have shown potential to enhance phosphorus solublization and nodulation of legumes when co-inoculated withRhizobium. This investigation was...

Author(s): Mohsin Zafar, M. K. Abbasi,  Nasir Rahim, Abdul Khaliq, Aqila Shaheen, Muhammad Jamil and Muhammad Shahid

November 2011

A study of the influence of different rootstocks on the vegetative growth of almond cultivars

This study investigated different seed rootstocks (bitter almond, peach seedling andsweet almond seedling), the reactions of these rootstocks with three different almondcultivars (Shahrood cultivars of 15, 12 and 18) and their effect on vegetative growthas well as the effect of the rootstocks on nutrient...

Author(s): Tahereh Parvaneh, Hossein Afshari and Abdolghafar Ebadi

November 2011

Zinc, nitrogen and salinity interaction on agronomic traits and some qualitative characteristic of canola

A 2-year greenhouse experiment was carried out at the East Azerbaijan Agronomy and Natural Resources Research Center, Tabriz, Iran, during the two seasons of 2009 to 2010 and 2010 to 2011.The experimental design aimed to study the response of canola to different nitrogen and zinc fertilizer levels under two doses of salinity stress. The experimental design was randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three...

Author(s): Ahmad Bybordi

November 2011

Effect of ammonium : nitrate ratio on fatty acid composition and proline accumulation of canola cultivars grown under salinity stress

The effects of NaCl salinity stress (100, 150 and 200 mM) and NH4:NO3 ratio (100:0, 25:75, 50:50 and 75:25) on fatty acid composition and proline accumulation of canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars SLM046, Licord and Okapi were studied when salinity stress and ammonium and nitrate ratio were applied together. The results show that there were significant differences among cultivars in response to salinity...

Author(s): Effect of ammonium : nitrate ratio on fatty acid composition and proline accumulation of canola cultivars grown under salinity stress

November 2011

The effect of sward type, cutting frequency and fertilizer-N application on tiller production, yield and proportions of crop fractions of Panicum maximum with or without Stylosanthes hamata

This experiment was a 3 × 3 × 2 factorial laid out in a randomized complete block design and was replicated three times. Treatments comprised three sward types (pure grass, pure legume and grass/legume mixed swards), three cutting regimes (4, 8 and 12 weeks) and two nitrogen fertilizer rates (0 and 300 kg N ha-1). Tiller density per m-2 was increased (P < 0.05) with increase in cutting frequency and...

Author(s): Onyeonagu, C. C. and Asiegbu, J. E.

November 2011

Accumulative capabilities of essential nutrient elements in organs of Monsonia burkeana

Monsonia burkeana is widely used as herbal tea in South Africa. However, the accumulative capabilities (ACs) of its organs for essential nutrient elements are not documented. A study was conducted to determine the ACs for nutrient elements in fruit, leaf, stem and root of M. burkeana. Ten plants per plot, with three replicates, were harvested whole, oven-dried separately into the four organs and quantified for...

Author(s): N. D. Mamphiswana, P. W. Mashela and L. K. Mdee

November 2011

Determination of combining abilities and heterotic patterns of fourteen medium to late maturing Iranian maize inbred lines using diallel mating design

Information about how elite maize (Zea mays L.) inbreds of different pedigree sources combine and perform in hybrid combinations will facilitate the selection of parents and breeding strategies for hybrid development. Fourteen medium to late maturing maize inbred lines, derived from the most commonly used source materials in maize breeding programs in Iran, were crossed in a diallel mating design. The 91...

Author(s): Mozhgan Ziaie Bidhendi, Rajab Choukan, Farokh Darvish, Khodadad Mostafavi, and Eslam Majidi Hervan

November 2011

Comparative study on the anatomy and palynology of the three variety of Vitis vinifera varity (family Vitaceae)

Morphological and anatomical evaluation on three varieties of Vitis vinifera (Trerash, Rash meri and Baidhaw) commonly known as grape vine was reported. The samples were prepared in a mixture containing 95% of alcohol and glacial acetic acid. The result revealed differences among the varieties ranging from morphological to aesthetic features of the leaf. Although, starch grains, druses and...

Author(s): Chnar Najmaddin, Khatijah Hussin and Haja Maideen

November 2011

Proteome analysis of in vitro and in vivo root tissue of Withania somnifera

Proteomic analysis offers a new approach to identify a broad spectrum of genes that are expressed in living system. We applied this technique to investigate the protein changes under in vitro and in vivo conditions, since in vitro cultures is considered to be an alternative approach to traditional agriculture in the industrial production of the biomolecules. To better understand the...

Author(s): Kalaiselvi Senthil, Nithya Karunanithi, Gon Sup Kim, Arulkumar Nagappan, Sendrayaperumal Sundareswaran, Senthil Natesan and Raveendran Muthurajan

November 2011

Changes in endogenous hormone contents of pear stock (Pyrus betulaefolia Bge. and Pyrus calleryana Dcne.) seeds during cold stratification

In this study, changes in endogenous hormone contents of pear stock seeds during cold stratification were investigated. Abscisic acid (ABA) content decreased with increase in the periods of stratification of pear stock seeds. However, gibberellic acid (GA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) contents of Pyrus betulaefolia and Pyrus calleryana gradually increased and then decreased, and the GA...

Author(s): Jianping Bao and Shaoling Zhang

November 2011

Enhanced antioxidative responses of a salt-resistant wheat cultivar facilitate its adaptation to salt stress

Wheat cultivars capable of accumulating minerals under salt stress are of considerable interest for their potential to improve crop productivity and crop quality. This study addressed the role of antioxidative enzymes in the responses of a salt-resistant wheat cultivar Cang 6001 to high-salt stress compared to a salt-sensitive wheat cultivar Shi 4185. Under NaCl stress, oxidative damage was more severe...

Author(s): Lina Chen, Hengxia Yin, Jin Xu and Xiaojing Liu

November 2011

Spatial variation of bacterial community composition near the Luzon strait assessed by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) and multivariate analyses

Different water masses have distinct natural physical and chemical properties, which may influence the bacterial community structure. In the western pacific on both sides of the Luzon strait, which is covered with three water masses including the South China Sea (SCS) water mass, the Kuroshio water mass and the SCS-Kuroshio transition water mass, we selected 11 stations to estimate the spatial variation of surface water...

Author(s): Ling Juan,, Zhang Yanying, Dong Junde, Wang Youshao, Chen Lei,, Feng Jingbin, Sun Hongyan, Wang Dongxiao and Zhang Si

November 2011

Effects of electrolyte total dissolved solids (TDS) on performance and anodic microbes of microbial fuel cells

Effects of total dissolved solids (TDS) of electrolyte on performance and anodic microbes were studied in double-chamber microbial fuel cells (MFC) with batch operation. Results showed that the optimum voltage output (355 mV, 1000 Ω) and power generation (578 mW/m2) were achieved at TDS 20 g/L and 5 g/L, respectively. There were positive correlations between electrolyte TDS and voltage outputs at TDS 10 g/L and 20...

Author(s): Libin Zhang, Lili Ding, Chao Li, Ke Xu and Hongqiang Ren

November 2011

Production and characterization of the polysaccharide ‘’xanthan gum’’ by a local isolate of the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris

A local isolate of the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris was obtained from infected cabbage leaves. Microbiological and biochemical tests were made to confirm its identification. The isolate was coded as X. campestris MU1. Growth and xanthan production reached their highest levels (1.65 and 5.41 g/l) after 7 and 8 days of incubation, respectively, in a chemically defined medium. Sucrose was shown to...

Author(s): M. B. I. Kassim

November 2011

Effect of temperature on shelf life, chemical and microbial properties of cream cheese

Cream cheese samples were analyzed to find out the effect of recommended storage temperature (4±1°C) and ambient room temperature (21±1°C) on pH, titratable acidity (% lactic acid), moisture content and microbial growth. Percent reduction in moisture content and increase in titratable acidity of cheeses were found to be directly proportional to the increase in storage period. There was a...

Author(s): Kahkashan Perveen, Badriah Alabdulkarim and Shaista Arzoo

November 2011

Impact of packaging material and storage time on olive oil quality

Olive oil is very appreciated for its characteristic flavor and its biological and nutritional value which are strongly related to the quality. The effect of packaging materials (stainless, jar, clear polyethylenene terephthalate (PET), clear glass and dark glass bottles) on quality attributes of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) was studied as a function of storage time (0 to 12 months). The results made it possible to...

Author(s): Samia Dabbou, Ines Gharbi, Sihem Dabbou, Faten Brahmi, Amel Nakbi and Mohamed Hammami

November 2011

Chemical Composition, antioxidant activity, functional properties and inhibitory action of unripe plantain (M. Paradisiacae) flour

In this study, an evaluation of the chemical composition, antioxidant activity, functional properties and inhibitory action of the extract of unripe plantain flour on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical was carried out. Chemical analysis of the flour showed that it contained significant quantities of dry matter (48.00 ± 3.96%) and starch (31.10 ± 0.44%) but was low in phenol (1.42 ± 0.03%),...

Author(s): Eleazu, Chinedum. O., Okafor, Polycarp, N., Amajor, John, Awa, Ezinne., Ikpeama, Ahamefula. I. and Eleazu, Kate. C.

November 2011

Lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide production by free and immobilization cells of two Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis in a sugar molasses medium

Natural, solid and porous support named pouzzolane was used for two Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis immobilization and lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production by stains immobilization in batch fermentation process was investigated using a bioreactor with recycling. Lactic acid fermentation using syrup of molasses treated and diluted at 50% (MSTD 50%) was not supplemented by ingredients...

Author(s): Meziane M., Dilmi Bouras A., El Hameur H., Boukrabouza S. and Bensehaila S.

November 2011

A novel ensemble and composite approach for classifying proteins based on Chou’s pseudo amino acid composition

For the fact that the location of proteins gave some details about the function of a protein whose location was uncertain, protein classification was regarded as a very important task in the field of biological data mining. However, the success of a human genome project led to a protein sequence explosion. There is a great need to develop a computational method for fast and reliable prediction of the...

Author(s): Jie Lin, Yan Wang and Xu Xu

November 2011

Identification of bacterial strains in viili by molecular taxonomy and their synergistic effects on milk curd and exopolysaccharides production

Viili, also known as viilia, is a traditional fermented dairy product, which is popular in Finland. However, little research has been conducted on organisms’ isolation and their interaction during milk fermentation. In this study, culture-dependent and independent methods had been used to identify isolates. Also, their synergistic effects on milk curd and exopolysaccharides (EPSs) yield was evaluated....

Author(s): Tingtao Chen, Qianglai Tan, Mengjuan Wang, Shunqiang Xiong, Shuying Jiang, Qinglong Wu, Shengjie Li, Cheng Luo,  and Hua Wei

November 2011

The high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of ultraviolet (UV) irradiated chlorophyll a and secondary plant compounds

A large number of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory disease, neurodegenerative disorders and ageing are consequences of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS). Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage, lipid peroxidation and protein damage are biomarkers for damage in the cell caused by ROS and RNS. Various plant extracts have been tested for anti-oxidant properties. Due...

Author(s): Johanna C. Scheepers, Sarel F. Malan, Jan L. Du Preez and Sandra Van Dyk

November 2011

Effect of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) on in vitro oocyte maturation in freshwater cyprinid, Barilius vagra

In vitro exposure of Barilius vagra ovarian follicles to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) influenced the position of germinal vesicle and resulted in a maturation of oocyte, although the response was time dependent. There was slight but significant (P<0.05) increased in germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD, 12.42 vs. 2.94%) at 24 h, whereas there was significant (P<0.0001) decreased in oocyte having...

Author(s): Amina Zuberi, Muhammad Naeem and Samina Jalali

November 2011

Population structure and expansion of kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) in the adjacent waters of Taiwan inferred from intron sequences

Sequence analyses on the specific intron from the elongation factor-1α gene were conducted to examine the population genetic structure and expansion of kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) off Taiwan. Five populations including 119 individuals were separately sampled from the north of East China Sea (ECS), west of Taiwan Strait (WTS), east of Taiwan Strait (ETS), South China Sea (SCS) and adjacent waters of Kagoshima...

Author(s): Ta-Jen Chu, Hsien-Lu Haung, Chun-Han Shih, Feng-Jiau Lin and Tzong-Der Tzeng

November 2011

Population structure and expansion of kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) in the adjacent waters of Taiwan inferred from intron sequences

Sequence analyses on the specific intron from the elongation factor-1α gene were conducted to examine the population genetic structure and expansion of kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) off Taiwan. Five populations including 119 individuals were separately sampled from the north of East China Sea (ECS), west of Taiwan Strait (WTS), east of Taiwan Strait (ETS), South China Sea (SCS) and adjacent waters of Kagoshima...

Author(s): Ta-Jen Chu, Hsien-Lu Haung, Chun-Han Shih, Feng-Jiau Lin and Tzong-Der Tzeng

November 2011

High level expression human chemokine receptor CCR-5 in fission yeast

The human CCR5, a subfamily of G-protein-coupled, seven-transmembrane-domain cell-surface chemokine receptors that binds to β-chemokine, was heterologously expressed in fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, through CCR5-GST fusion protein. The CCR5-GST fusion protein was driven by the full-length nmt1 promoter (Pnmt1) derived from S. pombe. The transcription level of CCR5-GST fusion protein was...

Author(s): Xuqing Chen,#, Zongli Hu#, Yuxin Yang, Yu Pan, Ning Zhang and Guoping Chen

November 2011

Expression of recombinant interferon α-2a in tobacco chloroplasts using micro projectile bombardment

Chloroplast-based expression of pharmaceuticals provides cost-effective benefits to the consumer. In order to establish the transplastomic biopharmaceuticals, the interferon α-2a gene along with aadA gene was flanked by the tobacco chloroplast inverted repeat region for two events of homologous recombination. Chloroplast transformation was accomplished upon bombardment of fully expanded 4 to 6...

Author(s): Farwa Nurjis and Muhammad Sarwar Khan

November 2011

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis of different parts of Panax quinquefolius L. root

Effective identification of traditional medicine is essential for the development of medical industry. Identification in different parts (rhizome head, lateral root, main root and skin) of Panax quinquefolius L. root (American ginseng) is limited by the lack of efficient differentiation methods. In this study, proteomic technologies were used to establish an advanced protocol suitable for the...

Author(s): Liwei Sun, Xiujuan Lei, Rui Ma, Rui Jiang, Daqing Zhao and Yingping Wang

November 2011

Effects of rough handling on short chain fatty acid production and gastrointestinal pH in broilers and modulatory role of Lactobacilli

The influence of stress due to rough handling (RH) on gastrointestinal tract (GIT) environmental pH, concentration of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and modulatory roles of two Lactobacillus strains was investigated in broiler chickens. Equal number of chicks was randomly assigned to one of the following treatment groups; (i): no handling + basal diet (control), (ii): RH and + basal diet (RH-BD), (iii): RH + basal diet...

Author(s): A. Meimandipour, A.F. Soleimani, M. Houshmand, A. Kasim, M. Hair-Bejo,  M. Shuhaimi and A.M. Yazid

November 2011

Therapeutic efficacy of Achyranthes aspera saponin extract in high fat diet induced hyperlipidaemia in male wistar rats

Achyranthes aspera Linn belonging to the family Amaranthaceae is used in the treatment of lipid disorders in the Indian system of medicine. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the hypolipidemic activity of saponin extract of A. aspera(SAA) at 1200 mg/kg body weight in male wistar rats fed on high fat (HF) diet for 8 weeks. Significant reduction (p<0.05) in food efficiency ratio (FER),...

Author(s): B. Pushpa Latha, T. Vijaya, I. Rama Manohar Reddy, M. Ismail and S. Dattatreya Rao

November 2011

Copper deficiency in Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep on pasture in south west China karst mountain area

The Guizhou semi-fine sheep in the Weining County, Guizhou province, south west China karst mountain area were affected by an ailment characterized by pica, emaciation, dyskinesia, depressed appetites, unsteady gait and anemia. We found that concentrations of copper (Cu) in soil and forage from affected and unaffected areas were within the normal ranges, but concentrations of sulfur (S) and molybdenum (Mo) in soil and...

Author(s): Yuan-Rong , Li li-Juan, Wang Qi-Wen and Du Guo-Zhen

November 2011

Feasibility of wood pulping black liquor for treatment of soybean meal as a source of rumen protected protein

This study was carried out to determine the effects of neutral black liquor and moisture heating treatments of soybean meal (SBM) on in situ rumen degradability characteristics in cow and its proteins sub-units fractions by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) discontinuous system. SBM were treated with xylose, neutral black liquor and moisture heating. Neutral black...

Author(s): Ramin Salamat Doust Nobar