How to cite this article
Webi, E. N., Kariuki, D., Kinyua, J., Njoroge, A., Ghislain, M., & Magembe, E.
(2019). Extreme resistance to late blight disease by transferring 3 R genes from wild relatives into African farmer-preferred potato varieties. African Journal of Biotechnology , 18(29), 845-856.
Chicago /
Ethel N. Webi, Kariuki Daniel, Kinyua Johnson, Njoroge Anne, Ghislain Marc and Magembe Eric
. "Extreme resistance to late blight disease by transferring 3 R genes from wild relatives into African farmer-preferred potato varieties." African Journal of Biotechnology 18, no. 29 (2019): 845-856.
Ethel N. Webi, et al. "Extreme resistance to late blight disease by transferring 3 R genes from wild relatives into African farmer-preferred potato varieties." African Journal of Biotechnology 18.29 (2019): 845-856.