African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4199

Table of Content: March 2009; 3(3)

March 2009

The impact of marketing strategies on profitability of small grocery shops in South African townships

  The study argues that a complete “paradigm shift” in the grocery shop business sector is necessary. This will result in interventions which improve the quality of strategic marketing decisions and consequently profitability of the grocery shops. Due to the lack of a model available on how marketing strategy affects the profitability of grocery shops, a comprehensive literature search was done...

Author(s): N. Chiliya, G. Herbst and Mornay Roberts-Lombard

March 2009

Spinning off an entrepreneurship culture among Nigerian University Students: Prospects and challenges

  The re-engineering of the Nigerian economy in the presence of available resources and business  opportunities has attracted serious attention in recent times. The colonial mentality in the first  generation of graduates in Nigeria, which was deep-rooted in the Golden Fleece and certificate frenzy,  influenced the limited spirit of entrepreneurship. Among the dead and surviving...

Author(s):   Amuseghan Sunday Adejimola and Tayo-Olajubutu Olufunmilayo

March 2009

Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) as a communications tool in South African business

  Internationally many businesses have implemented Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) as an alternative to the traditional plain old telephone system (POTS). The increased functionality of VoIP offers many benefits, including the enhancement of a client’s shopping experience, effective utilisation of staff, and possible cost savings. Business management may be able to gain a competitive advantage by...

Author(s): Lydia Uys

March 2009

Macroeconomic determinants of Malaysian stock market

  This study explores the interactions between selected macroeconomic variables and stock prices for the case of Malaysia in a VAR framework. Some conventional econometric techniques are applied along with a battery of complementary tests to trace out both short and long run dynamics. Upon testing a vector error correction model, we show that changes in Malaysian stock market index do perform a co-integrating...

Author(s): Aisyah Abdul Rahman, Noor Zahirah Mohd Sidek and Fauziah Hanim Tafri

March 2009

A delphi examination of emerging issues for successful information technology transfer in North Africa a case of Libya

  Transfer of information technology (IT) is an increasingly important component for techno-economic development in the developing countries. It can play a major role in the process of technological development. Yet there have been very little studies in IT transfer in developing countries, particularly in Arab countries. The success of the IT transfer process depends upon a number of issues that must be...

Author(s): Khalid Al-Mabrouk and Jeffrey Soar

March 2009

The IMF and industrial relations dimension of instability in post-independent Nigeria

  This study argues that, based on the Nigerian experience, there is a connection between IMF-type  programmes and instability in some of the countries that adopted them. Structural supply- oriented  policies such as reducing the size of the public sector and the removal of state resources from that  sector to the private sector (privatization), creating financial intermediaries,...

Author(s):   Sola Fajana and Adejoke Ige