Full Length Research Paper
The study focused on alternative sources of funding secondary education in Enugu education zone. Two research questions and two hypotheses were stated to guide the study. The population for the study comprised all the 291 Principals (184 Urban 107 Rural) in public secondary school in Enugu education zone. A stratified random sampling technique was used in the selection of 61 urban principals and 55 rural principals (116 principals) in secondary schools in Enugu education zone that was used for the study. The instruments consist of 18 items used to elicit information relevant to the problem investigated. The data for the study was gathered with a questionnaire titled “Sources of Financing Secondary Education Questionnaire” (SFSEQ)”. The instrument was validated and their reliability co-efficient established at 0.74. A criterion mean of 2.50 was also established to analyze the questionnaire. The z-test statistics was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. It was observed that that the community fund schools in their place by erecting structures and development partners help in funding secondary schools. It was recommended among others that governments should provide the PPSMB with the necessary logistics in carrying out their roles in funding of secondary schools.
Keywords: Alternative, sources, funding, secondary, education.
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