African Journal of
Food Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Food Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0794
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJFS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 984

Table of Content: May 2021; 15(5)

April 2021

Harvesting, postharvest handling, hygiene knowledge and practices of guava fruit farmers: A comparative study of two counties of Kenya

The guava (Psidium guajava) grows on farms or in the bush in many parts of Kenya, including Kitui and Taita Taveta, and remains virtually unattended. Guava fruit value chain is commercially disorganized and standard postharvest handling and storage procedures are not practiced as there is no bulk handling.  This study evaluated the harvesting and postharvest handling practices of the guava fruit in two counties of...

Author(s): Judith N. Katumbi, Jasper K. Imungi, George O. Abong, Charles K. Gachuiri, Agnes W. Mwang’ombe, Duke G. Omayio and Joshua O. Owade

April 2021

Effect of flour types and flour concentrations on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of an indigenous senescent plantain cake (ofam)

Ofam is a Ghanaian indigenous cakelike product made mainly from senescent plantain and local flours from cereal, grain and/or tuber sources. The effect of three flour types (steeped corn flour (SCF), roasted corn flour (RCF) and kokonte flour (KF)) and flour concentrations (20, 17.5, 15, 12.5 and 10%) on the physicochemical characteristics and sensory acceptability ofam was investigated. Parameters such as moisture, pH,...

Author(s): Doreen Dedo Adi, Ibok N. Oduro and Charles Tortoe

April 2021

Contribution of fish in improving micronutrients content in complementary foods for children aged 6 to 23 months in Lindi Rural District

Lindi region has high stunting prevalence of about 35%, and one of the factors that cause stunting is inadequate intake of micronutrients for children under 2 years old. This study aimed at assessing contribution of fish in improving micronutrients, specifically vitamin A, zinc and iron contents in complementary foods for children aged 6 to 23 months old children in Lindi Rural District. A cross-sectional study was...

Author(s): Hope Masanja, Theresia Jumbe and Renatha Pacific

April 2021

Evaluation of cooking time and organoleptic traits of improved Dolichos (Lablab purpureus (L.) sweet) genotypes

In Lablab bean, cooking time and organoleptic qualities are major factors that influence its adoption and consumption. Its production in Kenya has been constrained by low yielding varieties, pests, poor agronomy and varieties with non-preferred taste and flavor. This study was initiated to evaluate cooking time and organoleptic traits of six Dolichos genotypes, (G2, B1, M5, LG1, W7 and G2), that had been bred at the...

Author(s): David Ngure, Miriam Kinyua and Oliver Kiplagat  

April 2021

Quality assessment of Ugali blended with orange-fleshed sweet potato to alleviate vitamin A deficiency in Tanzania

Approximately 38% of Tanzanian children have vitamin A deficiency (VAD), and the majority of them do not have access to vitamin A-fortified foods. Orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP), a new crop in Tanzania, is rich in β-carotene, and could be a cheaper solution for VAD. The objectives of this study were to develop a type of Ugali (stiff maize porridge) fortified with OFSP, to correlate its β-carotene content...

Author(s): Roman M. Fortunatus, Amarat H. Simonne and Richard J. Mongi