May 2009
A synthesis model of market orientation constructs toward building customer value: A theoretical perspective
This paper aims to develop a synthesis model for integrating the main perspectives of market orientation constructs. A critical review of the related literature was done. As a result, a synthesis model was proposed. A lack of empirical research exists in developing and less-developed countries. Future research need to address this research gap by examining the proposed synthesis model of market orientation in...
May 2009
Oscillation theory of international economic integration
An article provides a new insight to the modelling of the dynamics of international economic integration using qualitative properties of an oscillation theory. Proposed method of computing the GDP after economic integration enables to compute the benefits of economic integration for member states on the union: one needs to know the rates of domestic savings, amplitudes and frequencies of the cycles of the...
May 2009
Advertiser perception of the internet as a marketing communication vehicle: Case study
For most established businesses, the web's main role is either to reduce costs or to add value for existing customers, but it also has a potential role in customer acquisition and in the case of a web start up. It is a critical role. The aim of this research is to find out how the internet is impacting advertising. The study was carried out through a questionnaire of the top executives of 200 firms in the...
May 2009
Customer Retention Strategies Implemented by Fast-Food Outlets in the Gauteng, Western Cape and Kwazulu-Natal Provinces of South Africa - A Focus on Something Fishy, Nandos and Steers
Customers will always remain the primary focus of every business because without customers there will be no reason for a business to operate. Fast-food companies offer products which are perishable hence there is a need to retain existing customers who are loyal and frequent purchasers. The fast-food industry in South Africa is experiencing numerous market-related changes, which ranges from...