African Journal of
Marketing Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Mark. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2421
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJMM
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 160

Table of Content: November 2011; 3(11)

November 2011

Fostering and developing the industry cluster vigorously in China in order to improve the technology-innovative capability of enterprises

  As a form of an organization, enterprises play the fundamental role in the economic development around the world. Nowadays, many middle and small enterprises are with small market coverage, backwardness technology, low-level management, week innovative capability as well as the slow rate of innovation. All of the above seriously hinders the improvement of the innovative capability. Thus, it is a strategic...

Author(s): Wang Zhi-Xin, and Liang Cui

November 2011

Fostering and developing the industry cluster vigorously in China in order to improve the technology-innovative capability of enterprises

  As a form of an organization, enterprises play the fundamental role in the economic development around the world. Nowadays, many middle and small enterprises are with small market coverage, backwardness technology, low-level management, week innovative capability as well as the slow rate of innovation. All of the above seriously hinders the improvement of the innovative capability. Thus, it is a strategic...

Author(s): Wang Zhi-Xin, and Liang Cui

November 2011

An empirical competitive strategy on Taiwanese business

In this research, we take two different types of business areas as sample to investigate visitors’ demand with external environmental change. Through this research, we can re-arrange business areas’ service position, improve weakness, increase service quality, and adjust resource allotment. Therefore, first of all, we reduce difference between visitors’ pre-expectation and satisfaction perception as a...

Author(s): Tina C. Chiao and Chin-Chuan Chen

November 2011

The relationship between customer focused service and customer satisfaction in the Nigerian insurance industry

  The main objective of this study is to find out if there is any relationship between customer focused services and customer satisfaction in the Nigerian insurance industry. Relevant literature was reviewed and a model consisting of four variables was conceptualized and tested by means of empirical data collected through a questionnaire survey. A total of one hundred and eighty (180) copies of questionnaires...

Author(s): Olowokudejo F. F. and Adeleke I. A.