A great diversity of species of microorganisms are present in the rumen environmental with specific functions in the degradation of carbohydrates, protein and lipids. However, the knowledge of the interactions between the different species of microorganisms in the rumen ecosystem and their specific substrates were used to improve nutritional management and can increase production of meat or milk. A balanced nutritional management is very important. When inappropriate feedstuffs are used on diet formulation for cattle, there is a decrease in the growth of microorganisms in the rumen. And the availability of the use of protein synthesized in rumen for all metabolisms of the animal.
Key words: Microorganism growth, microbial protein, proteolysis.
AA, Amino acids; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; CNE, non-structural carbohydrates; CP, crude protein; CH4, methane; DM, dry matter; GDH, glutamate dehydrogenase; GS, glutamine synthetase; HAB, hyper-ammonia-producing bacteria; N, nitrogen; NPN, non-protein nitrogen; PEP, peptides; RDP, protein degraded in the rumen; RUP, protein is not degraded in the rumen; VFA, volatile fatty acid.
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