May 2010
Development and evaluation of colloidal gold immunochromatographic strip for detection of Escherichia coli O157
Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a serious and common human pathogen that can cause diarrhoea, haemorrhagic colitis, and haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS). In this study, the synthesis and identification of colloidal gold particles and antibody-colloidal gold conjugates probe specific to E. coli O157:H7 were performed, and the preparation of colloidal gold immunochromatographic strip based the...
May 2010
Efficiency of filtration technique for isolation of leptospires from surface waters: Role of different membranes with different pore size and materials
The objective of this research focused on evaluation of membrane filters application for isolation of Leptospira from surface water samples. The filter materials evaluated included nitrocellulose (0.22 and 0.45 µm pore diameters), polyvinylidene fluoride (Durapore 0.22 and 0.40 μm pore diameters), nylon mesh (37 μm), and glass fiber (1.0 µm). Millipore polyvinylidene fluoride...
May 2010
Antibiotic resistance, integrons and Salmonella genomic island 1 among Salmonella Schwarzengrund in broiler chicken and pig
Salmonella Schwarzengrund is an infrequent serovar isolated from humans in Taiwan. However, this serovar is which is highly invasive, is found in humans as report by two independent epidemiologic surveys. The present study delineated the widespread resistance to fluoroquinolone in S. Schwarzengrund isolated from both poultry and swine carcesses in Taiwan. We conducted the present study to...
May 2010
Effects of Rhizobium innoculation, lime and molybdenum on nitrogen fixation of nodulated Phaseolus vulgaris L.
A field and glass house experiment was conducted with the aim of evaluatingRhizobium inoculation, molybdenum (Mo) and lime supply on growth and nitrogen fixation of nodulated Phaseolus vulgaris. The experiment was laid in a split-split plot design. The experimental treatments consisted of 2 levels ofRhizobium inoculation (with rhizobia and without rhizobia) 3 levels of Mo (0, 6 and 12 g...
May 2010
The identification of the first isolate of influenza B virus using a duplex RT-PCR DNA sequencing in Saudi Arabia (B/Riyadh/01/2007)
Although Influenza virus infections threaten thousands of lives each year worldwide and bear the risk of been an epidemic, little is known about the circulating strains in Saudi Arabia. The availability of a rapid and accurate diagnostic approach is essential for effective treatment and disease control. In the current study, we optimized a duplex RT-PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of...
May 2010
Antibiotic sensitivity of human genital mycoplasmas
The therapeutic failure of antimycoplasma drugs, subject to resistance is vital for specific microbiological investigation to overcome urogenital diseases among women. The susceptibility of 5 Mycoplasma hominis strains and 11 strains ofUreaplasma urealyticum were studied against six antibiotics namely: minocycline, lincomycin, erythromycin, tetracycline, doxycycline and rosaramicin....
May 2010
Detection of adhesin genes and slime production among Staphylococci in orthopaedic surgical wounds
This study was aimed at investigating: (i) three adhesin genes (clf A, fnb A andcna) in Staphylococus aureus strains, (ii) the presence of slime (ica A and ica D genes) in both Staphylococus epidermidis and S. aureus strains isolated from surgical wounds. The slime and adhesin genes were detected by multiplex PCR. The ica A/ica D positivity rates...
May 2010
Determination of microbiological characteristics of Turkish Karin Kaymagi cheeses packaged in different materials
The aim of this study is to transport to dairy plants the making technique of Karin Kaymagi cheese and to make them hygienic cheese. Also, the effects of different packaging materials (artificial case, barrel and tripe) on microorganism counts in the cheese samples were determined. In this research, four different Karin Kaymagi cheese samples were prepared from white cheese, civil cheese, whey cheese,...
May 2010
Evaluation of salivary gland scintigraphy, magnetic resonance and diffusion-weighted imaging in clinical diagnosis of Sjögren’s Syndrome
To assess diagnostic effectiveness of Sjögren’s syndrome (SS), salivary gland scintigraphy (SGS), magnetic resonance (MR) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) were performed in 54 patients (primary SS, secondary SS and connective tissue disease (CTD) but without SS). Results showed that SGS and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provided high-resolution images of the...
May 2010
Emulsifying bacteria in produce water from Niger-Delta, Nigeria
The study reports the diversity of emulsifying bacteria in produce water obtained from Bonny Oil Terminal, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Physico–chemical analysis of produce water showed a high chloride ion content of 650.0 mg/L. Total aerobic mesophilic bacterial count was 8.6 x 106 CFU/mL while the oil utilizing bacterial count was 1.32 x 106 CFU/mL. The predominant bacteria genera...
May 2010
Preliminary studies on Piliostigma thonningii Schum leaf extract: Phytochemical screening and in vitro antimalarial activity
Different parts of Piliostigma thonningii Scum (Caesalpinioideae) have been used medicinally. The roots and twigs have been used locally in the treatment of dysentery, fever, respiratory ailments, snake bites, hookworm and skin infections in eastern Nigeria. The leaf extracts has been used for various ethnomedicinal purposes including the treatment of malaria all over eastern Nigeria....
May 2010
Systematic position of Moesziomyces penicillariae among Ustilaginaceae
We revisited the systematic position of the fungus Moesziomyces penicillariae, the causal agent of smut of pearl millet, by using morphological characters, germination pattern of teliospores and molecular analysis of ribosomal sequences. Samples of smutted ears of pearl millet were harvested in Senegal (West Africa). Compared to the description of Moesziomyces genus sensus Vánky,our...
May 2010
Antimicrobial properties of chilli lipoxygenase products
Plant oxylipins, the metabolic products of polyunsaturated fatty acids have been variously implicated in control of microbial pathogens. To get a better insight into the biological activities of oxylipins, in vitro growth inhibition assays were used to investigate the direct antimicrobial activities of 9 and 13-lipoxygenase (LOX) products against a set of plant pathogenic bacteria and fungi. LOX...
May 2010
Cloning, expression, purification and characterization of the carboxylesterase Yeig from Escherichia coli k12
In this work, enzyme YeiG from Escherichia coli K12-MG1655 which has no definitely known biochemical function has been cloned, expressed, purified and characterized. Alignment studies show that YeiG has an alpha/beta-hydrolase fold with catalytic triad formed by Ser145, Asp223 and His256 at active sites and Ser145 is located in the conserved motif Gly–Xaa–Ser–Xaa–Gly....
May 2010
A survey on epidemiology of urinary tract infections and resistance pattern of uropathogens in an Iranian 1000-bed tertiary care hospital
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common infectious diseases diagnosed in communities and hospitalized patients. The aim of this study was to determine frequency of occurrence and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of uropathogens in Milad hospital of Tehran, Iran. In a prospective study from March to June 2009, a total of 11308 urine sample from patients admitted in Milad hospital of...
May 2010
Penicillium verruculosum RS7PF: A root fungal endophyte associated with an ethno-medicinal plant of the indigenous tribes of Eastern India
Potentilla fulgens L., an ethno-medicinal plant of the ethnic tribes of Meghalaya in the Eastern Himalayan range of India was screened for root fungal endophytes. This plant is distributed in the wild habitats and in the traditionally preserved ‘Sacred Groves’ of Meghalaya in Eastern India, which is of late getting over-exploited for its medicinal value. Isolation of endophytes in water agar...
May 2010
Comparison of PCR and BANA hydrolysis in detecting oral anaerobes in subgingival plaque
Culture has always been recognized as the gold standard for detecting oral anaerobes in dental plaque samples. However, many of the bacterial morphotypes observed by microscopy are difficult to culture, thus necessitating the need for alternative methods of detection. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of BANA (N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-B-naphthylamide) and PCR (Polymerase...
May 2010
Application of PCR-RFLP of gap gene method as a molecular typing tool for coagulase negative Staphylococci from bovine and human origin identified with VITEK 2
The aim of this study was to apply the Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) of Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase encoding gene (gap) for testing its performance as a molecular typing tool in coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS) isolates from bovine mastitis (n = 59) and human clinical cases (n = 13) identified with VITEK 2. According to the phenotypic identification results, bovine...
May 2010
Screening, identification and statistic optimization of a novel exopolysaccharide producing Lactobacillus paracasei HCT
The exopolysaccharides (EPS) producing ability was evaluated by phenol-sulphuric acid method and the Lactobacillus HCT was the highest yield EPS-producing strain, which was isolated from feces of Bama centenarian in Guangxi of China. It was identified as Lactobacillus paracasei HCT with carbohydrate assimilation profiling and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. L. paracasei HCT was found...
May 2010
Observation on the occurrence and transmission pattern of Salmonella gallinarum in commercial poultry farms in Ogun State, South Western Nigeria
Reports of heavy mortality in three commercial layer poultry farms and two meat-type turkey farms in Ogun State were received separately between March and December, 2008 at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH), University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. We investigated the cause of mortality, isolated and serotyped the aetiological agent, and carried out antimicrobial susceptibility testing. All five...
May 2010
The Copepod parasite of the gills of four teleost fishes caught from the gulf of Annaba (Algeria)
The examination of the gills of 960 fishes belonging to four species: Diplodus annularis, Pagellus erythrinus, Lithognatus mormyrus and Mullus barbatuscollected from the Gulf of Annaba, enabled us to identify 13 species of parasitic copepods: Caligus ligusticus, Caligus diaphanus, Clavellotis sp, Clavellotis sargi, Clavellotis pagri, Clavellotis...
May 2010
Comparison of extract bio-activities of in- situ and vitro grown selected bryophyte species
The antimicrobial activity of DMSO extracts of three bryophyte species, two mosses and a liverwort (Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P. Beauv., Marchantia polymorpha L. ssp. ruderalis Bischl. and Boisselier, Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) Bruch and Schimp.) grown in nature and in axenic culture was evaluated by microdilution method against eight bacterial species (Escherichia...
May 2010
Creation of alternative energy by bio-ethanol production from pineapple waste and the usage of its properties for engine
The world is facing problems of fossil fuels depletion. The problem of using fossil fuels can have an environmental impact due to the oxidation of CO2, SO2 and NOX emission. In order to overcome those problems, there is an alternative fuel that can replace fossil fuel such as bioethanol and biodiesel. Bioethanol can be derived from biomass with many different varieties of feedstocks such as...
May 2010
Isolation and molecular characterization of phosphate solubilizing Enterobacter and Exiguobacterium species from paddy fields of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India
Six phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) were isolated from paddy fields of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India harboring low available phosphorus. Taxonomic delineation employing morphological, biochemical, 16S rRNA gene sequences and phylogenetic affiliations suggests that they are members of Enterobacter andExiguobacterium genera. Of the six isolates, Enterobacter sp. LCR1 and...
May 2010
Mitochondrion activity and dispersal of Aspergillus fumigatus and Rhizopus oryzae
We investigated the effects of anti-inflammatory and anti-mitochondrial compounds on spore dispersal in the pathogens, Aspergillus fumigatus andRhizopus oryzae. When acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and other non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were added to bio-assays of A. fumigatus and R. oryzae, spore-releasing structures were targeted first at lower concentrations....
May 2010
The potential influence of high cholesterol diet-induced oxidative stress on composition and properties of red blood cells in rabbits
Atherosclerosis and heart diseases are major causes of morbidity and mortality in adults in industrialized nations. The aim of this study was to assess the potential influence of high-cholesterol diet-induced oxidative stress on composition and properties of red blood cells (RBCs) in rabbits. Thus, percentage of hematocrit, RBCs, white blood cells (WBCs) and platelets counts, total cholesterol (TC), low...
May 2010
Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) analysis and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates in a teaching hospital, Shantou, China
Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection has now become a major public health concern. The aim of this study is to determine the antibiotic resistance pattern and prevalence of different staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) types among the MRSA isolates from a teaching hospital in Shantou, China. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) ofseventeen antimicrobial...
May 2010
Occurrence of tetracycline-resistant Aeromonas hydrophila infection in Korean cyprinid loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)
In this paper, we described a mass mortality of cyprinid loaches, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus from a private fish farm in Korea. Diffuse bleeding was observed on the skin around the anal orifice. Bacterial pathogens from kidneys samples of moribund fish were cultured, identified and confirmed to be Aeromonas hydrophila using morphological, biochemical test and genetical analysis. The...
May 2010
Isolation and characterization of Streptomyces species with antifungal activity from selected national parks in Kenya
Microorganisms and their natural products are potentially important for the biological control of crop diseases without detrimental effects to the environment. In this study, acetonitrile-methanol extracts of 361 actinobacterial isolates obtained from Aberdares, Arabuko Sokoke, Lake Bogoria, Mt Kenya, Kakamega, Ruma, Shimba Hills and Imenti forest national parks in Kenya were screened for antagonism...
May 2010
Demineralized bone matrix gelatin as scaffold for tissue engineering
The aim of the present study was to do a comparative light microscopical and histochemical analysis of bone regeneration processes in rabbits, with the use of demineralized bone matrix gelatin scaffolds. Our histological results showed that no gelatin scaffold was extruded, indicating that neither body fluid nor blood swept the gelatin scaffold from the implantation site, nor was the gelatin scaffold...
May 2010
Differentiation of Salmonella enterica based on PCR detection of selected somatic and flagellar antigens
Serotyping is the basis of Salmonella surveillance. However, the limitations of the traditional serotyping have stimulated rapid research and development in DNA-based serotyping. The aim of this study was to apply a combination of sequential multiplex PCRs targeting the O, H and Vi antigens to serotype a panel of 122 recently isolated human- and foodborne- Salmonella strains. The mPCR that...
May 2010
Effect of blood group and demographic characteristics on malaria infection, oxidative stress and haemoglobin levels in south western Nigeria
Malaria infection generates oxidative stress which has serious effect on the haemoglobin (Hb) level of the infected individuals. This work studied the effect of blood group, age and gender on prevalence of malaria, oxidative stress and Hb level. 5 ml of blood samples were collected into EDTA bottle from 120 volunteered adult males and non-pregnant females. The plasma was separated and used to quantify...
May 2010
Frequency of extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBLs) producing Escherichia coli and klebseilla pneumonia isolated from urine in an Iranian 1000-bed tertiary care hospital
Betal-lactam antibiotics are the most frequently prescribed antibiotics. Emerging resistance to these antibiotics among gram-negative bacilli limited their utility. This study was done to determine the frequency of extended spectrum beta-lactmase (ESBLs) producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from urine in Milad Hospital of Tehran. This study was done...
May 2010
Antimicrobial activity of the lichen Lecanora frustulosa and Parmeliopsis hyperopta and their divaricatic acid and zeorin constituents
Antibacterial and antifungal activity of the acetone, methanol and aqueous extracts of the lichen Lecanora frustulosa and Parmeliopsis hyperopta and their divaricatic acid and zeorin constituents has been screened in vitro against the following species of microorganisms: Bacillus mycoides, Bacillus subtilis,Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter...
May 2010
Isolation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from manure fertilized farms and raw vegetables grown on it, in Tabriz city in Iran
Concern for pathogens in vegetables has risen because of increasing number of outbreaks of foodborne illnesses caused by consumption of fresh and minimally processed vegetables. Using bovine feces as fertilizer, which is the common organic fertilizer on farmlands in Iran, can pose risk of spreading and transmission of enteric pathogens such as Escherichia coli O157:H7 both by direct contact and...
May 2010
Function analysis of the predicted protein-tyrosine phosphatases gene (DR2161) in Deinococcus radiodurans
Protein phosphorylation on tyrosine has been demonstrated to occur in a wide array of bacterial species and appears to be ubiquitous among prokaryotes. InDeinococcus radiodurans, after the predicted protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) gene DR2161 was deleted, the radiation resistance of the bacterium changed a little. The natural resistance-associated macrophage protein gene DR1709 was the possible target of...