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The IPN Oaxaca CIIDIR has a mission to train human resources to postgraduate level that contribute to sustainable regional development in the South-East of Mexico. This is a vulnerable region that boasts an important source of natural resources and a great social, economic and technological backwardness that is directly related to the educational aspect. A master's degree has been designed with three lines of work, taking into account the strengths of the CIIDIR-Oaxaca: Design and sustainable technologies to the building, Security and food safety, and water resources. The aim is to encourage the transfer of knowledge and technology, with methodologies that allow promoting the work of collaborative multi and interdisciplinary and linking with the professional sector. The curriculum design responds to the educational model of the IPN, this model is characterized as facilitator of professional skills and too responds to the model of social integration. The curriculum of the master degree in “Project management for the solidary development” was designed with vocational guidance in response to the shortcomings detected in the region about social and environmental problems, through relevant diagnosis and analysis. This program is included in the PNPC-CONACYT . The starting point of this methodology is the social order and the context deals with the social, economic and environmental aspects. The training of graduate students has the focus of solidarity economy and sustainability as an alternative view and feature in the proposal of projects to manage.
Key words: Curriculum, graduate, sustainability, management and development in solidarity.
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