Full Length Research Paper
This study aims to explain the thinking process of students in solving combination problems considered from assimilation and accommodation frameworks. This research used a case study approach by classifying students into three categories of capabilities namely high, medium and low capabilities. From each of the ability categories, one student was chosen as a research subject. The results of this research showed that the student in high ability category, in understanding, planning, implementing and checking the problem solving used assimilation thinking process and they also used accommodation thinking process in solving a problem. The student in the category of medium ability, in understanding, planning, implementing and rechecking problem solving used assimilation thinking process. The student in the category of low ability, in understanding, planning and implementing problem solving used incomplete assimilation thinking process, and in rechecking the results of problem solving he was not able to do the thinking process of assimilation and accommodation.
Key words: Thinking process, combination, assimilation, accommodation.
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