Full Length Research Paper
In recent years, artificial intelligence applications for understanding the human thinking process and transferring it to virtual environments come into prominence. The fuzzy logic which paves the way for modeling human behaviors and expressing even vague concepts mathematically, and is also regarded as an artificial intelligence technique has become one of the most preferred methods in the solution of decision problems. Numerous decision-making situations are faced in education as well. Particularly, it is rather challenging and requires experience to decide in a fair way and assessing students' performances without making any error in the process of assessment and evaluation. The purpose of the current study is to assess students' performance with the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP), one of the multi-criteria decision making methods based on the fuzzy logic approach. The formation of the proposed system on the basis of fuzzy set theory determines that it can provide benefits in modeling these ambiguities in human mental processes and also it can reach fairer, more sensitive and objective results. Being used especially in making important decisions in companies and in developing smart vehicles in engineering, FAHP methods have brought into question whether this method can be used in education or not. This study reveals that FAHP method can be used in the evaluation of students' projects in education.
Key words: Performance evaluation, fuzzy multi criteria decision making methods.
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