August 2016
Physical education teacher’s attitudes towards philosophy of education and technology
The current study was carried out to find out the attitudes of physical education teachers towards educational philosophy and technology, and to determine the relationship between the philosophy of education that they adopt and their attitudes toward technology. With this aim, the study was conducted on 22 female and 69 male physical education teachers. As a research method, scanning method was employed. In order to...
August 2016
A semiotic analysis on the utilization of historical thinking skills in pre-school period
This study was performed to determine how pre-school children fictionalize the past by using their imagination skills in the process of historical thinking. The participants were 14 children who attended pre-school. The data for the study were collected through the pictures drawn by the children and through the interviews made with them about these pictures. The obtained data were resolved in compliance with the...
August 2016
Using narrative to investigate language skills of children who are deaf and with hard of hearing
The study group consisted of 30 children with cochlear implants (CI) and 30 children with normal hearing (NH), whose ages were 4 years and 7 years 11 months. Turkish Test of Early Language Development (TEDIL) was used to assess the language skills of the children. Language samples were gathered by using Edmonton Narrative Norms Instrument (ENNI). The study results indicated that the sum of receptive, expressive and...
August 2016
The relationship among creative (Mis) fit, college culture, creative and academic self-efficacy
Although person-environment fit (PEF) has been extensively studied in organizational psychology and business literature, its application to educational context has been limited. The current study used PEF framework in terms of creativity within the context of higher education. The nature of relationship between person-environment fit, college culture, creative and academic self-efficacy has been investigated. Analyses...
August 2016
Effects of Sound painting applications on performance
Today, some of the important dilemmas of music education are that performers are too dependent on the notes in a written musical score and they are not being so able to improvise. Stage phobia, lack of motivation and problematic of perception regarding today’s modern music are additional problems facing musicians. This research aims at revealing the effects of performer’s works of Soundpainting, which is a...
August 2016
Vocabulary developing strategies applied to individuals with hearing impairments
The general purpose of this research was to investigate the strategies utilized for vocabulary development of ten individuals (first year college students) in Graphic Art Department, School for The Handicapped, Anadolu University with hearing impairment. The reflective and cyclical data were consisted of videotape recordings of the actual lessons, audiotape recordings of the meeting of the validity committee, lesson...
August 2016
The relation between prospective teachers’ and their parents’ learning styles
The aim of this study is to investigate the relation between the learning styles of teacher candidates and those of their parents. Relational survey method has been employed to conduct the study. The target group contains 211 novice teachers studying at different teacher training departments of a Turkish university. The Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Style Inventory and Kolb Learning Style Inventory have been...
August 2016
A multi-year study of teaching an online computer literacy course in a medical university: A lesson learnt
In this research, we aim to understand the effectiveness of adopting educational technologies in a computer literacy course to students in a medical university. The course was organized with three core components: Open Education Resources (OER) reading, a book club, and online game competition. These components were delivered by a learning management system (LMS). Participating records of LMS and survey results are...
August 2016
Investigating the primary school teachers’ perspectives on the use of education platforms in teaching
Technology plays an important role in educational activities in Turkey. This is largely because of the Faith Project, which was recently introduced into the country. The Fatih Project is a project of Turkish government which seeks to integrate computer technology into the country’s public education system. Education Informatics Network is one of the sub projects of the Faith Project which makes many free websites...
August 2016
Measurement equivalence of teachers’ sense of efficacy scale using latent growth methods
This study is based on the application of latent growth modeling, which is one of structural equation models on real data. Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES), which was previously adapted into Turkish was administered to 200 preservice teachers at different time intervals for three times and study data was collected. Measurement equivalence of TSES was analyzed over this data using second-order latent growth...
August 2016
The examination of the views of primary school teachers and pre-service primary teachers on European Union citizenship from the point of different variables
The aim of this study is to determine the view of primary school teachers and pre-service primary teachers on European Union citizenship. This study is a descriptive and quantitative research in survey methodology. The data of the research was collected from 207 primary school teachers teaching in 22 primary school in the city center of Kırşehir and 282 pre-service primary teachers studying in Department of Primary...