Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 10 August 2015; 10(15)

August 2015

Effect of book reading method upon attitudes of students towards learning and reading habit

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of lessons trained through large group discussion method in a classroom environment during 10-15 min at the end of silent book reading activity for the first thirty minutes during a term upon attitudes of students towards learning and reading habit. The research was carried out with totally 89 students including 58 males and 31 females having Effective Communication...

Author(s): Ahmet KARA, Ali ÜNÄ°ÅžEN and Eyup Ä°ZCÄ°

August 2015

Investigation of students’ multiple intelligence domains in three different departments of the school of physical education and sports

The majority of the schools of physical education and sports in Turkey consist of three departments, which are physical education and sports teaching department, coaching education and sports management departments. All of these departments are applying similar entrance examinations, and mostly similar curriculum and learning styles to the students. The purpose of the present study was to determine multiple intelligence...

Author(s): Sabri ÜRGÜP, Cem Sinan ASLAN

August 2015

An investigation on revealing the learning modalities of undergraduate students

This study investigated learning modalities of undergraduate students in terms of their gender, departments, grades and academic achievements. The modalities/styles (visual, auditory and kinaesthetic) indicate learning preferences and help  students find ways to study effectively, reach new information and solve problems. The study was conducted with a sample group of randomly chosen 249 undergraduate students from...

Author(s): Menderes Ünal

August 2015

Khat use and its impact on academic performance: The case of Jimma University, Ethiopia

The use or misuse of addictive substances like khat has become widespread among the youths especially in countries where the substance is produced and/or consumed. In this paper, we examine whether khat use has any impact on the academic achievement of university students with particular reference to undergraduates in Jimma University, Ethiopia. Using data gathered from students between May to June 2011, the two-limit...

Author(s): Jemal Abafita, Badassa Wolteji Chala, Kasahun Eba, Kyung-Ryang Kim, and Chang-Soo Kim,

August 2015

Predominant teaching strategies in schools: Implications for curriculum implementation in mathematics, science and technology

This descriptive survey is hinged on predominant teaching strategies in schools, implications for curriculum implementation in Mathematics, Science and Technology. Target population consisted of teachers in primary, secondary and tertiary schools. However, purposive sample of 900 respondents was drawn from the six BRACED states namely Bayelsa, Rivers, Akwa-Ibom, Cross-River, Edo, Delta states in the South-south...

Author(s): ACHUONYE Keziah A.

August 2015

Prospective teachers’ values in Turkish context

Despite the widespread of democracy, the term has no unified meaning; and thus a lack of clarity which renders communication ineffective. Democracy is a political term which allows individuals the freedom of choice when electing government officials. It gives individuals the most involvement in government oversight, elections and changes, as opposed to other forms of governance.  However, this study focuses on the...

Author(s): Halil Ä°brahim KAYA

August 2015

Investigation of the relationship between psychological counselors’ job satisfaction and self-esteem

The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between psychological counselors’ job satisfaction and self-esteem. The sample of the research consists of 297 psychological counselors who are accessible and working at schools and the center for guidance research in different districts such as Kadıkoy, Kartal and Maltepe in Anatolian part of Istanbul. The data of the research were obtained by using...

Author(s): Ahmet ŞİRİN and Fahriye KADIOĞLU

August 2015

An analysis of futsal players’ self-esteem levels

The purpose of this study is to investigate the self-esteem levels of  futsal players according to certain variables. The samples of the study constituted 119 females and 96 males; a total of 215 players with an average age of 21.57± 2.20 years. The research was carried out with the end of “Rosenberg self-esteem Scale” developed by Rosenberg in 1965 and adapted to Turkish by ÇuhadaroÄŸlu....

Author(s): Mehmet Kocak

August 2015

Assessment of users information needs and satisfaction in selected seminary libraries IN Oyo State, Nigeria

The study assessed users’ information needs and satisfaction in selected seminary libraries in Oyo State, Nigeria. This paper employed the descriptive survey research design, whereby the expost-facto was employed with a sample size of three hundred (300) participants, selected from six seminaries located in Ibadan, Oyo and Ogbomoso, all in Oyo state of Nigeria. The  study used purposive sampling technique. A...

Author(s): Adekunjo, Olalekan Abraham, Adepoju, Samuel Olusegun and Adeola, Anuoluwapo Odebunmi

August 2015

Effectiveness of a solution-based counseling on students' self-perception

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of solution-based counseling to increase students` self-conception. Method of research was semi-experimental with pretest and posttest design with a control group. The study sample consisted of all high school students in Dashtestan city, Bushkan district for which 30 subjects were randomly selected and were replaced in the experimental and control­­...

Author(s): Habib Joker and Zahra Ghaderi

August 2015

Investigating the relationship between Internet addiction and strengthening students' social skills

The present study is about "Investigating the relationship between internet addictions and strengthening students' social skill reinforcement ". One of the social elements in all cultures is social skill or ability to communicate with others effectively. One of the factors that affect this skill is addiction to Internet which has recently attracted the attention of many researchers and scientists. The...

Author(s): Nazanin Karimzadeh

August 2015

Evaluation primary school students’ achievement of objectives in English lessons

The problem statement of this survey is ‘How far are the specific objectives of English courses achieved by the primary students (4-5 grades) recently in Istanbul?’ “Does the first stage state primary school students’ achievement level of the specific English courses differ according to students’ personal characteristics? Survey method was used in this study. Data collection instrument was...

Author(s): Senem Seda Åžahenk Erkan

August 2015

The effect of collaborative learning and self-assessment on self-regulation

In this study, the effects of teacher assistants’ collaborative learning and learners’ self-assessment on self-regulation and academic achievement at high levels have been investigated. Collaborative learning teaching method (Jigsaw and teacher assistant) is used for one group and the other group had also the same as well as learners’ self-assessment for eight 90-min-sessions. The study population...

Author(s): Ali Hatami

August 2015

A development of a collaborative blended learning model to enhance learning achievement and thinking ability of undergraduate students at the Institute of Physical Education

This research aimed to develop a model of a collaborative blended learning-CoBl- to develop learning achievement and thinking ability of undergraduate students in the Institute of Physical Education. The research is divided into three phases using the blended learning model via collaborative learning with thinking abilities approach as follows: Phase 1 consists of the development of the collaborative blended learning...

Author(s): Peerasak Kingpum Chaiyot Ruangsuwan and Sumalee Chaicharoen

August 2015

Co-educational tutorial classes and their significance on gendered test scores of Wollo University students: A before-after analyses

This action research is carried out in a practical class room setting to devise an innovative way of administering tutorial classes to improve students’ learning competence with particular reference to gendered test scores. A before-after test score analyses of mean and standard deviations along with t-statistical tests of hypotheses of second year Civics and Ethical Studies Students administering 18 hours...

Author(s): Mu’uz Gidey

August 2015

Tunalı Hilmi Bey’s views on education

At the beginning of the 20th century, Tunalı Hilmi Bey, who was not an educator, has played an important part among the harsh debates on education surrounding Turkey. The current study analyzes Tunalı Hilmi Bey’s views on education that is a central point in his life and his sophisticated thoughts. Tunalı Hilmi Bey launched big effort to have social and political reforms, which are crucial to sustain...

Author(s): Selman Tunay KAMER

August 2015

Relationships between psychological well-being, happiness, and educational satisfaction in a group of university music students

Few studies have been conducted on music students’ psychological well-being and happiness. The purpose was to assess the psychological well-being, happiness and educational satisfaction among a group of university music students. Students participated voluntarily and filled out a socio-demographic questionnaire, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21), Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ) and a questionnaire for...

Author(s): Rasim Erol DEMIRBATIR