June 2017
Self-values of pre-school teachers working in Turkish public schools
This study aims at describing the self-values held by pre-school teachers working in public schools and at determining whether or not those values differ on the basis of seniority, marital status and having children. This research employs a descriptive method. The research population comprised 278 pre-school teachers working in public pre-school education institutions and in public primary education schools. The Rokeach...
June 2017
The mediating role of scientific attitudes in the relationship between teacher candidates’ scientific epistemological beliefs and approaches to scientific research
The study aims to analyze scientific attitudes’ effect on the relationship between teacher candidates’ scientific epistemological beliefs and their approach to scientific research. The research model of the study is relational survey, a type of descriptive model. The study group is comprised of 647 pre-service teachers from Balıkesir University Necatibey, Faculty of Education. “Scientific...
June 2017
The relations among musical instrument performance self-efficacy, self-esteem and music performance anxiety in pre-service music teachers
This study investigated the relations among pre-service music teachers' musical instrument performance self-efficacy, music performance anxiety and self-esteem. This study was designed as a correlative survey, and was conducted with a total of 527 pre-service music teachers. The data were collected by using the Musical Instrument Performance Self-Efficacy Scale, the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory and the Kenny...