Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 10 November, 2015; 10(21)

November 2015

Leadership maintenance: Filling the gap for leadership competences

In this study, leadership maintenance employs psychological, sociological and physiological paradigms in creating a conducive environment for both leaders’ and followers’ well-being in educational settings. Leadership maintenance is an ongoing process, which entails the understanding of leader’s cognitive complexity, relational approaches towards motivating their followership for generating leadership...

Author(s): Mani Man Singh Rajbhandari and Smriti Rajbhandari

November 2015

The development of professional learning community in primary schools

The objectives of this research are: (1) To study the current situation and need for developing professional learning community in primary schools; (2) To develop the model for developing professional learning community, and (3) To study the findings of development for professional learning community based on developed model related to knowledge, comprehension, and competency in developing professional...

Author(s): Samoot Sompong, Prawit Erawan and Sudharm Dharm-tad-sa-na-non

November 2015

Perception of teaching as a profession and UB teacher trainees’ attitude towards training programme and teaching

Though the professionalism of teaching is still a debatable issue, teaching provides an indispensible service to every society and civilization. The service provided by teaching seems to be more indispensible to any society than services provided by any other profession. To those that teach, the way they perceive themselves and the value of their services tend to make a lot of difference. The study looked at the...

Author(s): Nenty, H. J., Moyo, Sello and Phuti, Fiji

November 2015

Development of web-based learning environment model to enhance cognitive skills for undergraduate students in the field of electrical engineering

This research aimed to develop a web-based learning environment model for enhancing cognitive skills of undergraduate students in the field of electrical engineering. The research is divided into 4 phases: 1) investigating the current status and requirements of web-based learning environment models. 2) developing a web-based learning environment model. 3) reporting the results of the web-based learning environment model...

Author(s): Thongmee Lakonpol, Chaiyot Ruangsuwan and Pradit Terdtoon

November 2015

A descriptive overview on expressional mistakes made by Turkic students in speaking Turkish: Kazakh case

In the study conducted using qualitative research methods, one of the purposeful samplings, typical case sampling was used. The date were collected from two sources. The students were asked to prepare any topic they wanted and then delivered it. The students were observed for one month in order to detect their mistakes as they speak, through participant observation. Expression mistakes were classified and interpreted...

Author(s): OÄŸuzhan YILMAZ  and Yasin Mahmut YAKAR

November 2015

A pilot study of students’ learning outcomes using didactic and Socratic instructional methods: An assessment based on Bloom’s taxonomy

This work is a pilot study on the learning outcomes of students, who were taught a research course for seven weeks, using didactic and Socratic instruction methods. The course was taught in two sessions concurrently. The students were divided into two groups (A and B) and both groups were taught either with Socratic instruction method or didactic instruction method. At the end of the 7 weeks, the students were tested....

Author(s): Oluwatoyin Adenike Akinde

November 2015

Frame-analysis of argumentation in court opinion texts: empirical research

The article focuses on practical experiment on perception of argumentative nature of court opinions by non-native speakers. Several argumentative frames most frequently used in the texts of court opinions are identified and described in the article. The article also aims at analyzing the distribution characteristics of the identified frames. Text of court opinion not only performs informative and performative functions,...

Author(s): Kamo Chilingaryan and Larisa Lutskovskaya