Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 10 November, 2017; 12(21)

November 2017

Teaching students with intellectual disabilities: Constructivism or behaviorism?

Many teaching strategies have been postulated over the past years by various scholars in an effort to enhance the education system among students with intellectual disabilities. There is much debate on the application of constructivist and behaviorist perspectives for teaching students with intellectual disabilities as addressed in this paper. Many scholars have advocated for exclusivity with regards to the use of the...

Author(s): Faris Algahtani

November 2017

Teacher perceptions of professional role and innovative teaching at elementary schools in Taiwan

The purpose of the study is to explore the association between primary school teachers’ perceptions of professional role and their innovative teaching in Central Taiwan. Quantitative research methods were employed, and data were collected from 554 Central Taiwanese teachers. The results of the present study indicated that elementary school teachers have highly perceived professional services and professional...

Author(s): Chih-Lun Hung and Feng-Chin Li

November 2017

Relationship level of individual value perceptions and competence beliefs of classroom teachers

The main aim of this study is to reveal classroom teachers’ personal value perceptions and the level of their efficiencies. The quantitative research method was used in the research. The target population of the research consisted of 335 classroom teachers in Kars. Multi stage sampling model was selected in order to determine the sampling in the research. First, Kars City Center and its boroughs were accepted as a...

Author(s): YaÅŸar Kop, Murat TaÅŸdan and Aytekin AlibeyoÄŸlu

November 2017

The effect of the pedagogical Formation Education process in Turkey on self-efficacy beliefs of students in teaching

In light of the recent ongoing debates in Turkey, the Formation Education, which is provided to students who graduated from faculties other than Educational Faculties, targets to make graduate students acquire the requirements and efficacy criteria of the teaching profession, which are defined in the Turkish National Education Basic Law 1739, Item 32? However, there have been a great deal of serious debates on several...

Author(s): Hasan AYDEMÄ°R