April 2014
The effect of misssing data handling methods on goodness of fit indices in confirmatory factor analysis
The primary objective of this study was to examine the effect of missing data on goodness of fit statistics in confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). For this aim, four missing data handling methods; listwise deletion, full information maximum likelihood, regression imputation and expectation maximization (EM) imputation were examined in terms of sample size and proportion of missing data. It is evident from the results...
April 2014
Developing interest in art scale and determining the relation between personality type of teacher candidates and their interest in art
The goal of this study is to develop a scale that measures individuals’ interest in art and to test if there is a relation between this scale and personality types. For this aim, in the first stage of the study, a scale that can measure university students’ interest in art is developed. Draft scale, which is made of 25 items, is conducted on 171 university students (98 female, 73 male) in 2013 to 2014...
April 2014
Analyzing the classroom teachers’ levels of creating a constructivist learning environments in terms of various variables: A Mersin case
In this research, it was aimed to analyze the classroom teachers’ level of creating a constructivist learning environment in terms of various variables. For that purpose, relational screening model was used in the research. Classroom teachers’ level of creating a constructivist learning environment was determined using the “constructivist learning environment inventory” developed by Tenenbaum et...
April 2014
Mathematics teacher candidates’ skills of using multiple representations for division of fractions
The aim of this study is to reveal teacher candidates’ preference regarding uses of verbal, symbolic, number line, and/or model representations of fraction divisions, and to investigate their skill of transferring from one representation type to the others. Case study was used as the research method in this study. The case that is examined within the scope of the study involves the performances of students in...