Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 23 March 2015; 10(6)

March 2015

The effective school: The role of the leaders in school effectiveness

This study focuses on investigating issues that are currently raising serious concerns in the education system in Saudi Arabia with regard to state school effectiveness. In order to understand the factors that prevent its efficiency and to enable reliable policy recommendations to enhance the quality of Saudi education and ensure greater efficiency, the researcher conducts this research on the effectiveness of the...

Author(s): Alammar Laila

March 2015

Analyzing the relationship of organizational trust and organizational culture with knowledge sharing behavior in teachers of second intermediate period

The present paper aims to study the relationship of organizational trust, organizational culture with knowledge sharing behavior among teachers of Second Intermediate Period in the City of Isfahan. Research method was correlation and statistical population included all teachers of Second Intermediate Period of Isfahan in academic year 2013-2014 (N=3016). Sample size was 340 people according to Krejcie and Morgan Table...

Author(s): Sakineh Shahhosseini and Mohammad Ali Nadi

March 2015

An analysis of the academic achievement of the students who listen to music while studying

This study’s aim is to examine the correlation between the study type, the type and quality of the music students listen to while studying as well as their educational level. The participants of the study are 481 students on a scale of different ages listening to music while studying. The data of the study were collected through a survey questionnaire. Frequency and percentage and  the chi-square tests were...

Author(s): Serpil UmuzdaÅŸ

March 2015

Efficacy of Montessori education in attention gathering skill of children

The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of Montessori education which is offered to upskill the attention gathering skill of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. In total fifteen pre-schooler participants, six girls and nine boys who are diagnosed with ADHD (7 of the children with ADHD, 8 with only AD), joined to this research. This is a research designed with pre-post test design study with...

Author(s): S. Sunay YILDIRIM DOÄžRU

March 2015

Relationship between spiritual intelligence and job satisfaction among female high school teachers

The present paper aims to study the relationship between spiritual intelligence and job satisfaction among female high school teachers in Isfahan. It was a descriptive-correlation research. Population included all female high school teachers of Isfahan (2015) in academic year 2013-2014. Sample size calculated was 320 teachers by Krejcie and Morgan’s table and using multi stage random sampling method. Pearson...

Author(s): Zamani, Mahmmood Reza and Karimi, Fariba

March 2015

Self-esteem in decision making and decision-making styles of teachers

The aim of the study was to examine the self-esteem in decision-making and decision-making styles of the teachers in various branches of Çat town of Erzurum Province, Turkey  in terms of some variables in 2014-2015 year. A total of 153 teachers (84 females and 69 males) (age (Χ = 1.6536±0.72837) from different departments participated in the study. The data collection tool was the Melbourne...

Author(s): Veysel TEMEL, Sefa Şahan BİROL, Kazım NAS, Selahattin AKPINAR, Murat TEKİN

March 2015

Teaching facts of addition to Brazilian children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Storage and/or automatic retrieval of the basic facts of addition from the long-term memory seems to be impaired in children with ADHD presenting arithmetical difficulties. The present study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention model designed to teach basic facts of addition as a means of advancing from counting procedures to memory-based processes in 7 children with ADHD, divided...

Author(s): Adriana Corrêa Costa, Luis Augusto Rohde and Beatriz Vargas Dorneles

March 2015

Primary school students of 1980s’ Turkey remembering their teachers

Primary school students of 1980s’ Turkey remember their teachers in various aspects. Uncovering their reminiscences lets researchers see what factors become decisive in recontructing primary school teachers in the memories of their students. The priority of this paper is to discover the reasons why the 1980s primary school students remember their teachers and find out if the place (center-periphery as a variable)...

Author(s): Mehmet SAÄžLAM

March 2015

An image study on the rich and poor perception

The aim of this study is to project people’s perceptions about the rich and poor. In this descriptive study, a questionnaire developed by the researcher and caricatures were used to collect data. The questionnaire composed of seven items including questions directed to adjectives related to the participants’ perceptions about the rich and poor as well as questions of gender, age, and socio-economic status....

Author(s): Recep KOÇAK