May 2014
Evaluation of reading fluency and reading errors of 9th grade students with a view to diagnosing the sources of reading difficulties
The purpose of this study is to identify the sources of reading difficulties and to evaluate reading fluency of 9th grade students which aims to improve students’ reading and their understanding of complex literary texts. The sample is composed of 120 students selected from 9th grade of 10 different high schools in central province of Ankara in Turkey. The schools are chosen with probability-based sampling...
May 2014
Determination of the needs of university students for psychological counseling and guidance services: The case of Kocaeli University, Turkey
The purpose of the study is to explain the needs of the students of Kocaeli University (KOU) for psychological counseling and guidance (PCG) services. KOU students constituted the population of the study and 6662 students chosen to represent minimum 10% of the total student number in all academic units from the same population constituted. A survey on the determination of the needs of university students for PCG...
May 2014
Making preservice teachers better: Examining the impact of a practicum in a teacher preparation program
Overwhelmingly, preservice teachers indicate a benefit of having a practicum in their teacher preparation program. Yet, with a shortage of highly effective special education teachers, there is limited research about the effectiveness of practicum experiences on preservice special education teacher’s preparation. The purpose of this study was to examine preservice special education teacher’s perception...
May 2014
Teacher perspectives on civic and human rights education
This study aims to obtain teacher perspectives on the civic and human rights education course included in the eighth grade curriculum in Turkish schools. The study group was selected with criterion sampling from among teachers who were teaching the eighth grade civic and human rights education at elementary schools in central Hatay. Using the qualitative research design, this study gathered its data through...