Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2017

Table of Content: 23 November, 2017; 12(22)

November 2017

The use of Orff-based music activities for educational and therapeutic purposes with disadvantaged group of Romani children

"Romani people" are a disadvantaged group of people due to their socio-cultural and socio-economic conditions. This situation makes them poor and thus cannot afford education. As Romani people have the tendency to love music, it is considered that music activities may encourage their children who generally have negative attitudes towards school to attend school systematically. Therefore, this work aims to...

Author(s): Bilgehan Eren and Gülnihal Gül

November 2017

Effectiveness of constructivist approach on academic achievement in science at secondary level

The present study investigated the effectiveness of constructivist approach on academic achievement in science at secondary level using pre-test, post-test, experimental and control group design, with 58 samples grouped as experimental group (29) and control group (29) on the basis of matching by intelligence test. The investigators conducted this experiment over three weeks by using both traditional and constructivist...

Author(s): Samaresh Adak

November 2017

Examining the behavior and thinking levels of secondary school students (6th-8th GRADES) towards the environment according to gender

The aim of this study is to examine the behavior and thinking levels of secondary school students towards the environment according to grade and gender. Relational screening model was used for the study. The sample includes a total of 958 (512 females and 446 males) secondary school students. Of the participants, 261 (27.2%) are in 6th grade, 461 (48.1%) are in 7th grade, and 236 (24.6%) are in 8th grade. The sample was...

Author(s): Nazmi Durkan

November 2017

Economics of quality education and paths leading into and out of quality education: Evidence from Debre Markos University, Ethiopia

The difference in economic development among nations entirely emanates from difference in human capital development as it is the priority pathway out of poverty, diverse socio-economic and environmental crises. Although, huge investment in human capital development has long been made, mere investment will never lead to quality labor force unless paths for quality education are well substantiated. This study identifies...

Author(s): Tsegaye Molla

November 2017

A comparison of pre-service, in-service and formation program for teachers’ perceptions of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in English language teaching (ELT)

In view of the rapid advancement of technology, technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) has been extensively studied. However, research on technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in teaching English appear to be scarce and addressed either pre-service or in-service teachers, but not their comparison. Additionally, although teacher-certificate programs are employed in many countries, none of the...

Author(s): Yıldız Turgut

November 2017

Emotional intelligence and self-esteem as predictors of teacher self-efficacy

Teacher self-efficacy is related to teachers or pre-service teachers feeling competent in their profession. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions and their emotional intelligence and self-esteem. The study group of the current research comprised a total of 212 pre-service teachers of whom 141 are females (66.5%) and 71 are males (33.5%)...

Author(s): Harun Åžahin